Friday, December 20, 2013

Published letters & online comments 2013


US hypocrisy on Israel

Thank you for Katrina Lantos Swett's Nov. 18 commentary, "JFK was right about religious freedom's promise." True religious freedom would indeed curb sectarian strife and extremism. And yes, American diplomats and forward thinkers should be advocating for such freedom worldwide. But how will countries in the Middle East be able to hear, much less understand, that message when so many American religious, political, and business leaders praise and protect Israel as "The Jewish State" while turning a blind eye to its persecution of Palestinians and other Arabs?
Calls for US support of religious freedom will be sanctimonious hypocrisy as long as we fail to insist on real democracy and a fully secular end to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in line with international law and human rights.
Anne Selden Annab
Mechanicsburg, Pa.


New York Times

Parsing an Academic Boycott of Israel

Re “Boycott by Academic Group Is a Symbolic Sting to Israel” (front page, Dec. 16):
To the Editor:
You report that “the American Studies Association resolution bars official collaboration with Israeli institutions but not with Israeli scholars.” Sounds more like a partial boycott and, yes, a “symbolic sting,” as your headline has it. Israel’s ambassador to the United States claims that Israel is “the sole democracy in the Middle East.” But there is very little freedom or justice for the native non-Jewish people of historic Palestine. 

A secular two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict would go a long way toward eliminating the religious extremism, bigotry, injustice and refugee crises created by the conflict. 

Mechanicsburg, Pa., Dec. 17, 2013


RE: UN secretary-general: JFK left indelible imprint on me

comment left on website

Delighted to see UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon's inspiring op-ed "JFK left indelible imprint on me"...  In giving sincere thanks, and telling such a charming story, UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon helps elevate an important person, but more importantly he promotes magnificent ideas and ideals. 
Annie Annab

UN secretary-general: JFK left indelible imprint on me

Meeting the president as a youth led to my decision to choose a life of public service.


The Patriot News

Editorial retraction about the Gettysburg address shows no one is perfect: PennLive letters

By Letters to the Editor
on November 16, 2013 at 12:18 PM 

Loved your editorial "Retraction for our 1863 editorial calling Gettysburg Address 'silly remarks'!
Hindsight certainly is 20/20. It really is totally impossible to know beyond an educated guess what speeches and stances will stand the tests of time, as well as what ideas and projects are a worthwhile investment. However we can try our best to be educated and compassionate, as well as humble, knowing that, as my brother was fond of saying when we were little: "No one is perfect."
In light of that fact, I cannot help but wish the Patriot News the best of luck, and hope that you have many, many more years ahead of publishing good, bad, and atrocious news and opinions.

ANNE SELDEN ANNAB, Mechanicsburg

comment I left online RE New Yorker "Thinking Outside the Two-State Box" by Yousef Munayyer

September 20, 2013

Thinking Outside the Two-State Box

The one state scenario is what already has been for decades... and tempting albeit short sighted one state  rhetoric (both Israeli & Palestinian) builds the box and the trap that keeps Israel and Palestine in an escalating conflict.

Now is the time for negotiations and negotiations need clear, easy to understand assessments of the situation:

Two fully secular, fully independent and secure sovereign nation states- both FULLY respecting universal basic human rights and the rule of fair and just laws, allow for a transition away from the nefarious bigotry and injustice and intransigence and grandiose delusions that have been galvanizing religious extremism and violence on both sides.

Two states, with Palestinian refugees able to return to original homes and lands in Israel, or resettle in the New Palestine, or move on and away. 

Two states, as a gateway to a future where tourists, teachers, students, workers, family members, friends, artists, poets, filmmakers, researchers, archeologists,(...etc...) will be able to travel back and forth knowing that their home and their garden and their loved ones, who ever and wherever they might be, are safe from destruction.

Two states with every citizen free to find ways to make diplomacy and compassion an every day endowment for everyone's sake.



Monday, August 19, 2013

My letter PUBLISHED CSM August 19, 2013... Strengthening reasonable voices on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a good idea – but only if those voices respect universal human rights. A fully secular two-state solution is the best way forward.


Way forward for Israelis, Palestinians

Regarding Nadine Epstein's July 22 commentary, "Israelis, Palestinians need help for two-state solution": The one-state situation is what already is and has been for decades, with Israel easily able to find more excuses (and ways) to usurp more Palestinian land, liberty, and life. Making a cruel situation even worse, Islamists have been thriving on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, ensuring that Israel too often perceives Palestinians as terrorist threats rather than as real people.

Noticing and hopefully strengthening reasonable voices, as Ms. Epstein suggests is needed, is a good idea – but only if those reasonable voices firmly respect universal basic human rights. The goal must be a just and lasting peace. A fully secular two-state solution is the best way forward.

Anne Selden Annab
Mechanicsburg, Pa.
The New York Times
To end the Israel-Palestine conflict
Regarding “The two-state imperative” (Globalist, July 23) by Roger Cohen: My heart sinks when columnists toy with the topic of Israel-Palestine by insisting that Israel needs a two-state solution in order to remain Jewish. There is a much better argument, a more civilized imperative and a much more righteous as well as sensible way to build a just and lasting peace: Both Israel and Palestine need a two-state solution in order to actually end the Israel-Palestine conflict. A fully secular end to the conflict would be based on respect for international law and universal basic human rights. 

Religion should be a personal private choice as well as a cherished inheritance, not a state-sponsored project. Taxpayers here and there should not be forced to fund and empower religious scholars and schemes. 

Anne Selden Annab, Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Published letters & online comments & a poem 2011+ 2012 +

Gifts of Glass ... a poem by Anne Selden Annab
Annie's New Letters & Notes

April 4, 2013
comment I posted online 4-5-2013

RE America's challenge in the Arab world: The United States must counter the anti-American 'political correctness' that is dominating public discourse in the Middle East by Ziad J. Asali of The American Task Force on Palestine,0,5734988.story

Good to see Ziad J. Asali's probing op-ed "America's challenge in the Arab world: The United States must counter the anti-American 'political correctness' that is dominating public discourse in the Middle East "

Asali calls on all Americans to be better diplomats for our country and for our basic ideals of democracy, secularism and the balance between the rights and responsibilities of individual citizens, to name just a few important concepts that contribute to America's long term stability and success. 

Building a case for peace and progress in the Middle East that is respectful of the diversity and sensibilities of all involved is certainly quite a challenge, but it really is the best option- for everyone's sake.

Anne Selden Annab


Washington Post 2-23-2013

Letter to the Editor

Don’t let go of an ombudsman

Regarding Patrick Pexton’s Feb. 17 Sunday Opinion column, “The Post’s last ombudsman?”
The ombudsman’s column is one of my favorites: It is relevant, reasonable and revealing. The ombudsman has a broad overview of what has been published in the newspaper, as well as readers’ comments and complaints, and outside critics lack the resources, motivation and diplomatic grace to compare. You’ve got a good ombudsman; you should keep him.

At the arrival of modern media technology, the information age appeared to be a great gift to democracy. That landscape is rapidly changing.

Take away good content and accountability, and our smartphones and tablets and computers become very expensive gizmos with apps for everything except reliable news and noble Fourth Estate efforts to keep our government and big business honest.

Anne Selden Annab, Mechanicsburg, Pa.


Washington Post 12-3- 2012

Letter to the Editor

Understanding the media war

Kudos to the Post for not only covering the news regarding Israel and Palestine, but for also providing revealing information about the media war being waged by both sides.  Paul Farhi’s Nov. 23 Style story, “Gaza photos draw bias accusations,” offered good quotes and summaries, especially this: “Complaints about bias flare with each spike in the struggle, but Hussein Ibish, a senior fellow at the Washington-based American Task Force on Palestine, isn’t convinced that either side dominates the media spin (‘the dishonesty is pretty damn even, really,’ he said), although he believes Israelis have the advantage of ‘cultural affinities’ with Western journalists — that is, ‘they speak American’ better than Palestinians.”

Anne Selden Annab, Mechanicsburg, Pa.


My letter to Obama: Ending the Israel-Palestine conflict

Dear President Obama,

I know that supporting Palestine destroys careers here in America, and I know that with the upcoming election you are would rather not sabotage your own chances of re-election. But please support Palestine anyway.

Let your presidency and America stand for respecting the rule of fair and just laws and policies- and fully honoring the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Palestinian Refugees (1948-NOW) are refused their right to return... and their right to live in peace free from religious bigotry and injustice.

Let your presidency and America stand for honor and dignity and decency.... let your presidency and America help end the Israel-Palestine conflict with a fully secular two state solution shaping two sovereign separate nation-states, one Israel and one Palestine.

Let your presidency and America be about electing to be real leadership setting a good example in thought, word and deed, shaping a civilized and compassionate and honest earnest conversation focused in on empowering real justice and peace for everyone's sake.

Let your presidency and America be about giving every child, regardless of supposed race or religion, the tools and the chance to achieve as much as you have achieved, so that they in turn can become good role models and mentors for coming generations: Let real democracy with real freedom, justice and equality be the foundation not only of our domestic polices but of our foreign policies too.

Anne Selden Annab 

CSM letters
February 27, 2012

Readers Write: Islamists still dangerous

Islamists still pose a risk

I very much appreciated the Feb. 20 editorial "Islamists come in from the cold." Kudos to the Arab Spring and to all the many heroic and forward-thinking Arabs who seek self-governance and dignity through peaceful means. Empowering nonviolence is crucial.

Hussein Ibish, senior research fellow at the American Task Force on Palestine, a firm advocate of a fair and just negotiated settlement to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, understands Islamists better than most, and he wisely points out the importance of "introducing inviolable constitutional principles protecting the rights of individuals, women, and minorities."

Even with that sage advice, I am quite wary about pushing the all-inclusive message too hard. Extremists and hatemongers (in addition to radical Islamists) often piggyback on real struggles for freedom, happily usurping momentum for a just cause in order to gain positive publicity, popularity, and funds for their own self-absorbed aims.

Even moderate Islamists might be a very risky investment because the potential for religious tyranny is always a very real danger, no matter which religion. Both Israel's and the Palestinians' best chance for peace is to let religion be a private matter, not a state-funded project.

Anne Selden Annab
Mechanicsburg, Pa.


comment posted online CSM 10-28-2011

This story about preconditions on Middle East peace was
misleading- and misguided.  Israel is the one aggressively usurping
Palestinian land, demolishing Palestinian homes, uprooting Palestinian
trees and pushing more and more Palestinians into forced exile and
despair- and/or the arms of Islamists.

Furthermore Israel has been insisting that Palestinians formally and
officially dub it "Jewish", so that Israel can more easily continue to
ignore the Palestinian refugees very real right to return to original
homes and lands as  promised by the precedent set by refugee return and
reparations after the Nazi Holocaust.

Peace must be based on full respect for international law and universal
basic human rights-  a fully secular two state solution to once and for
all end the Israel/Palestine conflict is the best way forward for
everyone's sake- regardless of supposed race or religion. 


Anne Selden Annab

American homemaker & poet


Help Build A Golden Rule Peace for the Holy Land


Growing Gardens for Palestine


comment posted online Washington Post 10-7-2011

RE: Young Palestinian activists represent a potential new political and social force

Kudos to the Washington Post for noticing and highlighting valiant efforts by Palestinians who understand that citizens have to build a strong society from the inside: Volunteer work is not tallied up as part of any country's GDP (Gross Domestic Product), but it certainly does play a large part in how successful, stable and pleasant a community, and a country might be. 

Anne Selden Annab


celebrating April- National Poetry Month & America's Smithsonian

Your Ode to the Big Blue


One ocean
with a billion shores
in zillions of ways...

I walk firmly on one
wet beach
following tide lines
salt air in my curling hair

- poem by Anne Selden Annab

Darwish & Dickinson ... a poem by Anne Selden Annab

 published version
January 7, 2011

Darwish & Dickinson

Mahmoud Darwish
& Emily Dickinson
side by side
on my shelves
aesthetically matched
loner by loner
into a happily ever after of commingling
Poet to poet
meeting in me
Anne Selden Annab

original version 

sent to Christian Science Monitor 6-16-2010

  Darwish & Dickinson
By Anne Selden Annab

Mahmoud Darwish
& Emily Dickinson
side by side
on my shelves
aesthetically matched
loner by loner
 into a happily ever after
of commingling

Poet to poet
meeting in me

in turn in time
book by book
and page by page

libraries build character

                                                                                                    poem & photo copyright © Anne Selden Annab