Our words have a way of echoing out into either war or peace....
Letters to the Editor
by Anne Selden Annab
****************************comment published online
Baltimore Sun
RE: Uri Dromi's Peace in Middle East a tall order for Blair
Dear Editor,
Israelis are very talented at spin pin spin! But sixty years and counting, seems to me that Zionist polices & propaganda have made all the world more and more insecure... so why not give Palestine and peace a real chance.
Start with full respect for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, including but not limited to the Palestinian refugees sacred and legal right of return.
Think about, dream about, invest in and defend secular rights and freedoms- true democracy with real justice for all.
Anne Selden Annab
comment published online Newsweek
Your Comments On
Grief Crosses All Boundaries
Posted By: Anne Selden Annab (7/28/2007 at 10:53:49 AM)
Comment: THANK YOU! Thank you for bringing attention to this crucial and compelling story concerning a beautiful young American poet and pacifist who had the background, the courage and the character to be a valuable witness to racist Israeli crimes- putting her own precious life literally on the line for Palestine...
I do hope that everyone realizes that more forced transfer is not true return for any refugee...and international law has made it abundantly clear time and time again that true return to original homes and lands is a basic human right to be respected.
Israel Uber Alis insisting on a truncated Palestine shaped as a series of contained prison camps for non-Jews is simply more of the same insanely cruel institutionalized bigotry, blatant injustice & racist thinking that created this impossible situation in the first place.
letter sent to my congress man via congress.org
Dear .......
Voluntary Jewish immigration to historic Palestine made the emergence of political Zionism as a powerful force and the subsequent political entity called Israel possible.
Zionist are very good at propaganda... Hasbara as well as Aliyah efforts continue to this day with Jews world wide encouraged and generously funded to 'settle' in what was historic Palestine, which now under full sovereign control of the "The Jewish State" as Israel is in control of all borders and airspace.
Jews have freedom- but Palestinian don't.
The process of creating 'The Jewish State" as defined by Zionist ideologues depended on eliminating and erasing the native non-Jewish population, the people known as Palestinians who had lived in the Holy Land since before recorded memory.
Zionists intentionally impoverished Palestinians, and Zionists terrorized Palestinians, eventually creating the largest longest running refugee crisis in the world today.... Zionists continue to pulverize Palestinian homes and communities, constantly pushing Palestinians into exile and despair while at the same time encouraging Jews from anywhere to come help defend and invest in "The Jewish State".
Israel today is institutionalized bigotry and injustice with privileged Jews thriving while indigenous Palestinian suffer and starve. Israel uses its power- and its bigotry- to make life miserable for the Palestinians. That simply is not right, just or fair.
Now, thanks to the internet the world at large is beginning to see the many racist crimes of the country called Israel. In response more and more people are crying out for a rights based solution to the Israel/Palestine conflict, a rights based solution based on the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights form 1948, the same year that Israel was officially created as a sovereign political entity. A rights
based solution that includes full respect for the Palestinian Refugees' sacred, natural, inalienable, legal, moral and ethical right to return to their original homes and lands as clearly spelled out by international law for ALL of modern Israel's existence.
Zionists, preferring to invest in Jewish privileges and pride have tried to demonize the Palestinian refugees Right of Return. They have failed- and rightly so.
In response Zionists are now disparate to once again push aside Palestinian rights by insisting that “explicit reference to Palestinian refugees be matched by a similar explicit reference to Jewish and other refugees, as a matter of law and equity.”
This new Zionist tactic is an obvious insult in light of Zionist violence towards the Palestinians, as Israel's immigrant bigots intentionally and systemically ethnically cleansed the Holy Land.
In 1921, Golda and her husband, Morris Myerson, emigrated to Palestine to help found a Jewish state: "Her rigid nationalism and blinkered view of the Arabs led her to say once: "There are no Palestinians." "
For years Israel has insisted it is the homeland for all Jews.. and now Israel's generously subsidized Jewish citizens want to pretend they are refugees!
This new Zionist tactic is an obvious insult as well as a clear infringement on free speech, it is a manipulative game and not a sincere plea for real justice... a sincere plea for real justice should have emerged long ago, with Jews worldwide refusing to empower political Zionism in any way shape or form.
Please be polite - but do not fall for yet another Zionist trick.
Anne Selden Annab
A July 19 hearing in Washington DC, under the heading “Jewish
Refugees from Arab Countries: Truth, Justice, and econciliation,”It
will be the first time that the US Congress will hear testimony on the issue of Jewish refugees from Arab countries.... The CHRC
hearing will also include a screening of The Forgotten Refugees, produced by the David Project. The film is a documentary about the mass exodus of almost one million Jews from Arab countries......According to the proposed legislation, the US president would be obligated to instruct all official representatives of the United States that “explicit reference to Palestinian refugees be matched by a similar explicit reference to Jewish and other refugees, as a matter of law and equity.” (See Senate Res 85 for the full text.) ( is to be hosted by the CHRC in conjunction with B’nai Brith International and Justice for Jews from Arab Countries.
US Congress to Hold
Hearing on Jewish Refugees From Arab States)
Remember refugees from Palestine, too
I am very grateful to see published mention of the Iraqi refugees and the huge humanitarian crisis created by war ("U.S. must do more for Iraqi refugees," Opinion • Commentary, June 20).
Yes, we can and must do more for the Iraqi refugees - but we also must honor and respect the millions of Palestinian refugees and those forced into exile and poverty by Israel.
Detroit Free Press
All the sides lost in Mideast's Six Day War
June 9, 2007
Mechanicsburg, Pa.
Newsweek - A Holy City Loses Faith - Newsweek Comments and Discussions
Posted By: Anne Selden Annab (5/30/2007 at 8:06:22 AM). Comment: Jerusalem's increasing poverty and problems under Israeli rule is primarily due to ...world.talk.newsweek.com/default.asp?item=610455 - 26k -
Your Comments On
A Holy City Loses Faith
Forty years later, the myth of Jerusalem is splintering.Posted By: Anne Selden Annab (5/30/2007 at 8:06:22 AM)
Comment: Jerusalem's increasing poverty and problems under Israeli rule is primarily due to political Zionism and the many blatantly racist laws, polices, charities and enterprises that encourage, subsidize and reward Jews only on both sides of that monstrous Israeli made Apartheid Wall while many an immigrant bigot from abroad freely persecutes, oppresses, insults and harms the native non-Jewish Palestinians..... Thanks to the Information Age with cell phones and The Internet kick starting our ability to see beyond tall walls of Zionist propaganda, forty years latter the myth that merely 40 years made this mess will also soon enough be brushed aside to reveal that this cruel fiasco has been sixty sovereign years of hell on earth for those who believe in the rule of fair and just laws and the inherent dignity of every child- regardless of supposed race or religion.
Christian Science Monitor
May 16, 2007 Letters to the EditorReaders debate pros and cons of a binational 'Isra-Pal' state.....
A binational Israel-Palestine: Good for all, or for none?
In response to Ali Abunimah's Opinion piece on resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, from May 14: What a joy and a pleasure to come across this excellent Opinion piece. Thanks for publishing a Palestinian perspective.
It really is quite reasonable and compassionate to call for one state for all its citizens – with full and equal rights for all, regardless of religion.
I agree with Mr. Abunimah's statement that, "The case of South Africa shows that a unity government can succeed."
Anne Selden AnnabMechanicsburg, Pa.
online comment form
TIME Blogs
April 24, 2007 1:18
Yarmouk Refugee Camp
Reader Comments
Posted by Anne Selden Annab | Thank you Time Magazine- for noticing and publicizing the plight of the Palestinian refugees and the Iraqi refugees. Zionists, many of them privileged immigrants with full and equal rights in more than one wealthy country, have been richly rewarded and praised by US for arming religion and encouraging injustice and extremists everywhere... and what a mess racist Israel has made, with disastrous consequences for millions of innocent and increasingly vulnerable people. With racist Israel refusing to respect the Palestinians' basic human rights- including but not limited to the Palestinian refugees inalienable right to return to original homes and lands- and the West basically oblivious about this huge problem, many in the Middle East have had lost both homes and hope that things will ever be better for anyone. |
online comment
Anne Selden AnnabApr 20th, 2007 -Bravo to King Abdullah of Jordan for doing all he can to try bring
peace to the Middle East. I was very impressed by his inspiring speech
before the joint session of Congress not long ago when he made it clear
that 'Sixty years of Palestinian dispossession, forty years under
occupation, a stop-and-go peace process, all this has left a bitter
legacy of disappointment and despair, on all sides. It is time to
create a new and different legacy, one that begins right now'.
Zionists worldwide are totally deluded to think that more bigotry, more
Israeli-made-apartheid and injustice, more forced transfer translates
into true return- much less a lasting peace & security for any one!
The Palestinian refugees right of return to original homes and lands is
an individual and collective right; an inalienable legal, moral and
ethical right; a sacred right clearly reaffirmed and spelled out by
international law since 1948.
Getting right to the point on the right to return... From Sabbah's blog
today, 'This issue is one of the most intractable barrier to a Middle
East peace settlement. Millions of Palestinian refugees will always
fight for their right to return to their occupied lands and property
that was occupied by Israel and now is called the State of Israel.'True return-not more forced transfer and racist segregation.
NOTES as links come up as spam: Sabbah's blog
Doha Debate: 82% Support Palestinian Right of Returnhttp://sabbah.biz/mt/archives/2007/04/20/doha-debate-82-support-palestinian-right-of-return/
Vermont Guardian
Giving voice to Palestinians
I was delighted to see published “Gaza reporter defends stories” (Vermont Guardian, April 19), the excellent and well-informed letter by Mohammed Omer.
He wisely, firmly confronts and refutes the slanderous as well as totally toxic Zionist propaganda that is so pervasive in U.S. newspapers. I have been hoping for years that (for everyone’s sake) more people would start sincerely challenging Israel’s manipulative public relations games that have created so much havoc (and planted hate) everywhere they can reach.
I have also been hoping that the people of Palestine would be given more chances to simply speak for themselves, although that is quite hard to do in a world where Palestinians are routinely demonized and dismissed.
I do hope that Omer’s letter is the beginning of a trend with more and more Palestinians everywhere speaking out to explain what they know to be true about our “friend” Israel. And, I do hope that soon everyone on Earth understands the vital importance of fully respecting the Palestinian refugees’ sacred right of return to original homes and lands as clearly spelled out by international law since Israel came to be a sovereign state in 1948.
Anne Selden Annab
Mechanicsburg, PA
4-30- 2007
comment published online
Few Iraqi refugees allowed into U.S.
anneseldenannab wrote:
Political Zionism has incited bigotry
Date published: 3/18/2007
Political Zionism has incited bigotry
Thank you for publishing "It's Israel that incites hate" by Caroline Borden [March 11]. It is crucial that the world wake up to the horrific injustices, large and small, wrought by political Zionism, not so that we can incite more bigotry, violence, terror, and cruelty by investing in even more of the same, but so that we can empower peace, true freedom, and relief for the many people trapped, tormented, and harmed by the misnamed "Jewish state."
Israel's blatantly racist war on the people of Palestine is a barbaric situation and a brutal reality that simply should not be.
Anne Selden Annab Mechanicsburg, Pa.

http://www.pennlive.com/letters/patriotnews/index.ssf?/base/news/1173738320194650.xml&coll=1Transition event
Loved the column by Cynthia Tucker, U.S. history, black history inseparable (Feb. 27). I have actually very much enjoyed the many edifying offerings on black history that have occurred over this past month.
I read this column with its very relevant facts and thought about pure poetry, both the meter and the meaning in Tucker's impassioned line, We are threads in the American fabric, without which the entire thing unravels. How can a single month convey that?
But on further reflection, I cannot help but think -- yeah, it should be every day and in every way, including all throughout every textbook, not just in special segregated boxes.
Perhaps Black History Month should be thought of as a transition now, a time to gather up resources and galvanize true freedom by celebrating simply America every day, with all our collective dignity and freedoms and all the many contributions of all Americans, a wondrous diversity that goes beyond all possible description.
We The People are one in simply being America -- and in building the dream, however we might be able, one day at a time -- right into a better future for all our children.
-- ANNE SELDEN ANNAB, Mechanicsburg
letter I just sent via congress.org
& to Rice http://contact-us.state.gov/cgi-bin/state.cfg/php/enduser/std_alp.php
Dear President Bush
Thanks to C-span, I had the honor of hearing King Abdullah's speech given before a joint meeting of Congress. It really was a great speech.
I thought is was beautiful and inspiring and very sensitive, especially in that he has his facts straight, rather than pretending this fiasco started recently the way many politicians do ( or thousands of years old the way many religious zealots do), his statement begins at the sovereign beginning of the mess we are in now with a clear reference to "Sixty years of Palestinian dispossession" :
"Sixty years of Palestinian dispossession, forty years under occupation, a stop-and-go peace process, all this has left a bitter legacy of disappointment and despair, on all sides. It is time to create a new and different legacy, one that begins right now"
"Sixty years of Palestinian dispossession" is a very important point to remember as the Palestinian refugee crisis is the largest and longest running refugee crisis in the world today. It is also important to be mindful of the fact that many Palestinians have no security anywhere-no real home- no job- no hope and no passport out of this stateless hell.
King Abdullah's speech had many good lines, well worth quoting such as "We must make our process serve our purpose"...
And he is right- We can wait no longer... "We must work together to restore Palestine, a nation in despair and without hope. We must work together to restore peace, hope and opportunity to the Palestinian people. And in so doing, we will begin a process of building peace, not only throughout the region, but throughout the world."
Please don't let bigots, hate mongers and the Zionist ideologues of AIPAC and the Israel lobby and that awful Israeli built Apartheid Wall keep ruining peace and that place so many call The Holy Land.
No matter where the borders might be it still has to be one land, one people, one peace, with everyone willing to work together to help make a better world for ALL our children.
Anne Selden Annab
comments published online
USA Today
Faith as a peacemaker
Faith that invests in institutionalized bigotry & injustice is misguided at best, but add in a full arsenal of lethal weaponry plus a concrete Apartheid Wall and what you have is an ongoing catastrophe where privileged Zionist immigrants to Israel as the so-called "Jewish State" have freedoms including multiple economic opportunities in more than one wealthy nation while the native non-Jewish Palestinians have no real rights, freedoms, opportunities or security anywhere.
Linguae: Clavis intelligentiae commūnī : Languages: The Key to Common Understanding ... Yes dialogue is key, and so is noticing the real key to peace in the Middle East which is full respect for real justice- specifically full respect for UN Resolution 194 from 1948- the Palestinian refugees inalienable legal, moral, ethical and sacred right of return to original homes and lands.
Jews lived as intrinsic part of the Middle East Community all through out the region until political Zionism invaded our world insisting that there had to be a separate "Jewish Sate"- encouraging bigotry, segregation, injustice- and a huge amount of violence with Judaism armed to "reclaim" the Holy Land...
If the problem during Europe's Nazi Holocaust was as you claim that "99% of the middle east wanted the jews dead" then it really is utterly insane (and cruel) that Jews worldwide have been encouraged to go live in historic Palestine!
Personally I do not think any religion should be armed with lethal weaponry... especially in that place so precious and sacred to all three of the Abrahamic faiths. I am a firm believer in secular freedoms and dignity- real democracy with FULL AND EQUAL RIGHTS for ALL.
And I am quite sure that there is nothing in the least bit moral about what Apartheid Israel has been doing all along to Palestinian men, women and children.
online comment Wash Post
Under Pressure, Palestinian Territories Pull Apart
- By Scott Wilson
Israel first formally fractured and severed Palestinians from their homes and schools and fields and lands in 1948 by refusing to respect the Palestinian Refugees Right of Return to original homes and lands. Its been divide, conquer, torment and destroy ever since, as political Zionism freely wrecks havoc in the Holy Land, destroying countless families and communities. Generously subsidized Jews worldwide get to go play God in the Holy Land, while the indigenous Palestinian men, women and children are horrifically oppressed and impoverished- and vilified because they dare object to such blatant injustice. The economic and social crime that is Israel today is barbaric and cruel... SHAME SHAME SHAME on anyone who funds, arms, and in any way encourages or excuses Israels blatantly racist war on the persecuted people of Palestine.
By annie.annab | Mar 10, 2007 6:06:04 AM | Request Removal
The original Palestinian refugees have little time left
http://www.congress.org/congressorg/bio/userletter/?id=20004&letter_id=1115977516Dear President Bush,
On PBS we can finally hear Palestinian poetry, as Palestine returns in spirit with a profusion of gifted artists and thinkers and dreamers who have preserved and elaborated on the true modern history of the Holy Land and a place known as home for millions of vulnerable men, women, and children cruelly denied their basic human rights including their inalienable right to return and live free in the land of their direct ancestor's birth.
Born in Palestine and denied full and equal rights and freedoms by sovereign Israel's insane quest to be the supposed "Jewish State" the original Palestinian refugees have little time left before their eye witness accounts, the timbre of their voices and the warmth of their stories are no more than a recorded memory passed down and around by all who sincerely care about real justice and a lasting peace.
And we the world have little time left before all trace of the living links to our own Christian heritage are erased from the land as the indigenous Palestinian Christian presence has been pushed into despair and painful exile. Few are left to carry on with the native traditions passed down for generations, both secular and religious, gestures and recipes reaching back to before recorded time. Our world is losing a valuable irreplaceable treasure in the people so oppressed and tortured by racist Israel's reign of terror.
All over the internet websites have sprung up celebrating Palestine in so many ways as the information age open hearts and minds in places not possible only a decade ago. The Palestinian cause is a noble cause... and the people of Palestine are suffering horrifically due to racist Israeli laws and walls.
Please, before all else- insist that Israel and all other powers that be fully respect The Universal Declaration of Human Rights including but not limited to the Palestinian refugees inalienable and sacred right of return.
True return with reparations- not more forced transfer, segregation, and punitive apartheid. True return for the real children of the land: True return for hope- and for healing... true return to preserve a precious heritage. True return, because it is the civilized thing to do.
Anne Selden Annab
RE: comment is free- A hostage to misfortune by Laila El-Haddad
Comment No. 492389
USALaila- I so admire you ! Another totally perfect column... so honest & right... My prayers are for both you and the BBC's Alan Johnston- and all the many other good and decent people who, despite huge restraints, have worked so tirelessly to do all they can to help gently, with grace and honor, tell the story to help free Palestine.
Political Zionism has incited bigotry
Date published: 3/18/2007
Political Zionism has incited bigotry
Thank you for publishing "It's Israel that incites hate" by Caroline Borden [March 11]. It is crucial that the world wake up to the horrific injustices, large and small, wrought by political Zionism, not so that we can incite more bigotry, violence, terror, and cruelty by investing in even more of the same, but so that we can empower peace, true freedom, and relief for the many people trapped, tormented, and harmed by the misnamed "Jewish state."
Israel's blatantly racist war on the people of Palestine is a barbaric situation and a brutal reality that simply should not be.
Anne Selden Annab Mechanicsburg, Pa.Date published: 3/18/2007
The rights and wrongs of return
http://commentisfree.guardian.co.uk/alex_stein/2007/03/links_1948_httpenwikipediaorgw.htmlComment No. 487594
USAYour Comments On...
For Gaza, a Question of Responsibility
- By Scott Wilson
It simply is not right, just or fair that Israel captures land, torments and impoverishes the people of that land, cuts them off from jobs and schools while subsidizing Jewish communities and Israeli only roads all over that land. Nor is it honest to call what Israel has been doing to Gaza withdraw!........ Israels quest for all its sovereign existence has been to empower Jews world wide with Palestinian land and resources. This situation is utterly insane and cruel- and transparent if you bother looking. Zionists have been both using and abusing any law they can to inflict horrific injustice and misery on millions of innocent and vulnerable people....... Kudos to the Washington Post for bothering to look- and for listening to Palestinian voices... and kudos too for your online comment section allowing even more perspectives and responses to be heard. I think the internet is freeing Palestine in many ways, allowing all the world to see beyond the tall walls of Zionist propaganda that once successfully hid Israeli crimes and the blatant bigotry that drives Israeli policy.
By annie.annab | Mar 21, 2007 6:43:48 AM | Request Removal
Mar 19, 2007
Your Comments On...
The Great Mideast Pretenders
- By Jackson Diehl
For true peace and prosperity in the region, racist Israeli injustice and apartheid must end and the quickest route to that is full respect for the Palestinians basic human rights, including but not limited to the Palestinian refugees inalienable legal and moral right to return to original homes and lands...... Pretending to make peace while still maintaining a totally toxic status quo where Palestinian land, rights and life continue to be usurped and destroyed by Israels sovereign war machine as one of the worlds most powerful miltaries intentionally torments one of the worlds most vulnerable people wont work any more- the Palestinians have caught on to that trick.
By annie.annab | Mar 19, 2007 5:42:36 AM | Request Removal
Of course Israel objects to the Palestinian Refugees Right of Return- Israel also objects to Palestinians having full and equal rights and freedoms here, there and everywhere!
Stop putting off the inevitable- do we really want a world where bigotry reigns supreme and religion is armed to terrorize and build concrete walls of hate where ever it can ! The misnamed 'Jewish State' has made a huge mess of the Holy Land for generations by systematically targeting, displacing, impoverishing, vilifying and torturing Palestinians in every way it can.
Israel, racist Israel- a generously subsidized world wide war on the people of Palestine has literally gotten away with murder for decades. Israel as is has been both a social and an economic crime. Enough with maintaining a totally toxic status quo and a very sick situation: Israel- it is time to pay the piper.... time for true return for the Palestinians and an end to the largest and longest running refugee crisis in the world today- not more forced transfer. TRUE RETURN to original homes and lands as clearly spelled out by international law for ALL of modern man made Israel's existence!
It is time for real justice for historic Palestine. Time to invest in fair and just laws and expectations- including the expectation that all children should be cherished and nurtured and given every opportunity to thrive so that they can disclose and discover their own innate gifts and talents so that they may grow up to become productive citizens of the world no matter where they might be.
It is time to start the process of investing in hope and creating a chance for peace all through out the Middle East and beyond.... It is time to take the Universal Declaration of Human Rights from 1948 seriously.... It is time to FULLY respect the Palestinian Refugees inalienable legal and moral Right to Return ASAP.
Washington Post online comments
RE: A Shared History, a Different Conclusion
Dear Editor,
I am glad to hear that Ilan Pappe has realized the folly of remaining in racist Israel. I do hope his new neighbors receive him with the warmth, compassion and respect he deserves for daring to speak out with honor and honesty about the plight of the Palestinians. I have often wondered how Israelis can feel comfortable in their own skins as they are living within a country and a ideological system that can only be by usurping Palestinian land, rights and peace.
Anne Selden Annab
Your Comments On...
Under Pressure, Palestinian Territories Pull Apart
- By Scott Wilson
Israel first formally fractured and severed Palestinians from their homes and schools and fields and lands in 1948 by refusing to respect the Palestinian Refugees Right of Return to original homes and lands. Its been divide, conquer, torment and destroy ever since, as political Zionism freely wrecks havoc in the Holy Land, destroying countless families and communities. Generously subsidized Jews worldwide get to go play God in the Holy Land, while the indigenous Palestinian men, women and children are horrifically oppressed and impoverished- and vilified because they dare object to such blatant injustice. The economic and social crime that is Israel today is barbaric and cruel... SHAME SHAME SHAME on anyone who funds, arms, and in any way encourages or excuses Israels blatantly racist war on the persecuted people of Palestine.
By annie.annab | Mar 10, 2007 6:06:04 AM | Request Removal
Dear Newsday,
Thrilled to see an Arab voice in your pages, and "Mideast unraveling makes strange allies" by Rami G. Khouri really was an intriguing article, an interesting perspective ...but what a shame that only a Zionist has bothered to respond in your comment section.
I think America sending a clear message that we do not think it is a good idea to use tax payers money to fund religion (any religion- even Judaism) would make a huge difference to what is happening in the region right now... and so would a firm condemnation of arming religion (any religion- even Judaism) with lethal weaponry. We should be empowering real freedom with the rule of fair and just laws- real democracy with FULL and EQUAL rights for all. Israel as is is the antithesis of that!
And any way I look at it Israel as is is a very bad investment .. a very very bad investment indeed.
Monsters and Critics.com - Glasgow,UK
RE: Israel pushing for change in Saudi peace initiative: report
online comment i just left...
Thrilled to see Marcus Hadden's excellent comment... I think that as as time goes by it becomes increasingly obvious to ALL that (racist) Israel never has wanted peace- Israel simply wants all of historic Palestine minus the Palestinians.
And don't think this situation will bet better if we can only calm it down now to a dull roar rather than the loud mess it is right now... the system is rigged to favor increasing Israeli bigotry and cruelty in both war and 'peace' as more Palestinians are pushed into poverty and exile.
Zionists (regardless of religion) have been empowered by political Zionism's economic and social crimes against humanity, specifically racist Israel's refusal to respect the Palestinian refugees right of return as clearly spelled out in 1948 by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as well as by UN Resolution 194 and multiple resolutions through out the years.
Israel's eagerness to demonize and dismiss this basic human right, and to vilify and torture the people of Palestine no matter what they say or don't say, no matter where they are, is proof enough to me that there is something very rotten to the core about political Zionism and the ongoing Hasbara efforts on the part of many idiots and fools who think arming any religion with lethal weaponry is a good idea.
Palestine: Peace not Apartheid: Dear Jimmy Carter .... becoming part of the solution
Thank you for using Congress.org Mail System***************************************************
Message sent to the following recipients:
Senator Casey
Senator Specter
Representative Platts
Mr. President
Message text follows:
March 1, 2007
[recipient address was inserted here]
[recipient name was inserted here],
And I am sending a copy of this letter to my Congressmen and my current
President, because I very much believe in American ideals- and I believe
for everyone's sake, in order to end this war on and of terror, we all
need to be saying firmly, with compassion- Palestine: Peace not Apartheid.
Dear Jimmy Carter,
I must thank you for standing up to, as Paul Findley might say, Dare Speak Out... about Palestine !
I know how horrible the hate mongers are on every side of this issue and I applaud you for standing up to do the right thing. I know it is hard-
and I know it hurts when people say cruel and thoughtless things, because you dare speak out for Palestine.
Right now it seems that every one I know is busy busy busy being angrily 'anti-war' ...
but not really building peace... not really Building the Dream (I lift that phrase from the new memorial to be built on the National Mall in
Washington DC in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. & America's battle for civil rights).
Right now there seems to be a whole huge and sophisticated EMPIRE of "peace
groups" condemning "American Imperialism" with slick campaigns. And in everyone's rush to complain about war and "American Imperialism", every
one seems to be forgetting basic human rights and dignity- real democracy... and most importantly- dear to my heart- Palestine...
specifically the vital importance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights from 1948;
including but not limited to the refugees inalienable legal, moral and sacred individual and collective right to leave- and the right to
The people of Palestine are in danger- and they are in pain. As I am sure your are aware religious hate arming violence &
terror is everywhere in Israel on both sides of that awful apartheid wall and it is in Iraq with Iraqis right now killing each other as well
as harassing and killing Palestinian refugees.
In addition Jordan and Syria and Lebanon are very much overwhelmed with refugees in
a humanitarian crisis that began 60 years ago when Israel foolishly refused to respect the native non-Jewish Palestinians as the rightful
owners of their ancestral homes, land and property. Israel still refuses to grant the token Palestinians known as "Israeli Arabs"
remaining in "Israeli-proper" full and equal rights, refuses to respect the Palestinians as citizens entitled to peace and security, entitled
to respect, entitled to true dignity... There are now over 5 million Palestinian refugees, with Israel making more and more every day. Plus
the Lebanese refugees internally displaced by last summer's war. Plus all the refugees trying to escape from the violence and chaos in Iraq.
I don't think any religion should make families homeless. I don't think any religion should be armed with lethal weaponry and the will to kill
"others" however that "other" might be defined. And I don't think any one religion should own the Holy Land- or righteous indignation... I
think Palestine needs to be free in every possible way, including free to celebrate all of historic Palestine past, present and future...
We just got our tax refund back this week before it all gets spent I made a donation to BuildtheDream.org that is creating
an amazing and beautiful and totally inspiring Memorial on the National Mall in Washington DC to honor Martin Luther King Jr. I like that it is
not honoring war or death or politicians- but it is honoring life and a civil rights victory.... and a noble man of peace and justice- a man of
words... a man with a deep love for all of humanity: Let Freedom Ring!
And now I am making a donation to your The Carter Center which is according to the website "committed
to advancing human rights and alleviating unnecessary human suffering. Join us in creating a world in which every man, woman, and child has
the opportunity to enjoy good health and live in peace."
I make my donation in honor of Palestine: Peace not Apartheid ... and in honor of all those who dare speak out with courage and
honesty to do what they can to help build a better future for all our children.
And I am sending a copy of this letter to my Congressmen and my current President, because I very much believe in
American ideals- and I believe for everyone's sake, in order to end this war on and of terror, we all need to be saying firmly, with
compassion- Palestine: Peace not Apartheid.
Anne Selden Annab
Sacramento Bee
online comment
Pro-Israeli lobby is silencing dissent
By George Bisharat -
Published 12:00 am PST Sunday, February 25, 2007
anneselden at 6:34 PM PST Sunday, February 25, 2007 wrote:
Delighted to see the articulate and compassionate George Bisharet in your pages!
Delighted to see the articulate and compassionate George Bisharet in you pages, speaking up for Palestine and real freedom... He explains the situation quite well I think, and I am glad that he brought up the Zionist organizations that are dedicated to harassing America's fourth estate into mimicking an apparent 'pro-Israel' perspective. While Zionist ideologues do have every right to say what they want, the rest of us must also have every right to disagree, and the right to explain that we the people really don't think these 'pro-Israel' lunatics are helping shape a reasonable perspective, much less a just and lasting peace for any one anywhere.
Wash Post2-23-2007
comment I left online....
Carter Says Book's Critics Should See Territories
Bless Jimmy Carter for doing the right thing- speaking out with compassion, honor and honesty about a very cruel and dangerous Israeli imposed situation.
Anne Selden Annab
Badger Herald
online comments in responce tohttp://badgerherald.com/oped/2007/02/21/jimmy_carter_confron.php
Jimmy Carter confronts fallacies of pro-Israel lobby
Anonymous (February 21, 2007 @ 6:45am):
Jimmy Carter did what needed to be done. He provided a compassionate glance at Palestine and some (but not all) of racist Israel's ongoing crimes & Kyle Szarzynski writes a great op-ed explaining that. However I do not agree with Szarzynski 's conclusion that "Carter paints a bleak picture for the Palestinians, but then strips them of their only method of resistance armed struggle."
Armed resistance is not at all the only method of of Palestinian resistance! Heavens many many MANY non-violent ways to resist have been used all along. Ignoring or diminishing that fact insults all the many gentle, non-violent Palestinians who do not like violence of any type, state sponsored or otherwise. It also belittles and dismisses the many talented artists and poets and painters and academics and letter writers who have devoted their lives to freeing Palestine in peaceful ways.
Anne Selden Annab
2-20- 2007
ON TREATMENT OF PALESTINIANSAS I SEE IT: Israel wages a policy of deliberate destruction
Special to The Star
THANK YOU ! Thank you Andrea Whitmore for speaking out and thank you Kansas City Star for letting her voice be heard. "Deliberate Destruction" is if anything an understatement, a meek but noble attempt to describe the horrors wrought by the institutionalized bigotry, blatant injustice, and inherent cruelty of political Zionism. The Palestinians are bearing the brunt of the pain and suffering incurred by Apartheid Israel's ongoing crimes against humanity, but this situation is not healthy for any one. | |
The Emory Wheel
Three Steps Emory Can Take to End Israel's 'Occupation' of the Palestinian People
By: Claude Sitton
Anne Selden Annab
posted 2/21/07 @ 6:37 AM EST
I am not surprised at all to see the crazy ones that did! Heavens political Zionism has inspired many a lunatic and bigot- and many a twisted truth...and a whole bunch of misery for the native non-Jewish population of the Holy Land: In 1948 such a very warped and bigoted ideology was easily sold to a world that barely had telephones. Times have changed. We have cellphones and emails and images from around the world. Zionist story lines now scramble to blame Palestinians for everything... kinda ironic since early Israeli leaders insisted there was no such thing as a Palestinian.
Three Steps Emory Can Take to End Israel's 'Occupation' of the Palestinian People http://media.www.emorywheel.com/media/storage/paper919/news/2007/02/20/Editorials/Three.Steps.Emory.Can.Take.To.End.Israels.occupation.Of.The.Palestinian.People-2729697.shtml
Anne Selden Annab
posted 2/21/07 @ 6:37 AM EST
I am not surprised at all to see the crazy ones that did! Heavens political Zionism has inspired many a lunatic and bigot- and many a twisted truth...and a whole bunch of misery for the native non-Jewish population of the Holy Land: In 1948 such a very warped and bigoted ideology was easily sold to a world that barely had telephones. Times have changed. We have cellphones and emails and images from around the world. Zionist story lines now scramble to blame Palestinians for everything... kinda ironic since early Israeli leaders insisted there was no such thing as a Palestinian.
- Displaying 1 - 3 of 3
Worldstage: Bush has left it far too late to broker peace in Israel
By Con Coughlin
comment I left online...
When really has Israel been anything but a war on all of Palestine ? For all the talk of peace and plans, the core problem of political Zionism remains locked into place and that core problem simply is not compatible with shaping a just and lasting peace... Political Zionism is primarily an investment in institutionalized bigotry and apartheid- plus a whole bunch of polished propaganda that tries to hid that fact. Piece by piece historic Palestine has been intentionally and methodically pulled apart and scattered or squashed. And as time passes it becomes more and more obvious that the people of Palestine really don't want to be defined by Israeli lies and contained bully tactics. Nor should they be. Why should any rational reasonable human being make peace with blatant injustice and an ongoing crime and insult ? Was there every really a good time or a good way to make peace with Israel ? I think if Israel wanted peace it would have happened long ago, way before Bush. And it would have started with a full focus on basic human rights, specifically UN Resolution 194 from 1948- the Palestinian refugees inalienable and sacred right of return.
Posted by Anne Selden Annab on February 21, 2007 1:21 AM
TIME Magazine Blog
RE:The Palestinian Solution: One State, or Two? Posted by Scott MacLeod
WOW - these Time Magazine blogs just keep getting better and better!
One State, or Two?
There is nothing at all right now- no viable state, no freedom- no future- no security anywhere and millions of Palestinians are suffering untold misery with no hope in view. So perhaps what is most important is quick chose one and somehow make this horrible situation better as soon as possible!
Personally I tend to like the one land- one people- one peace idea- with full and equal rights for all. A secular democracy.
Looks to me like it already is one state by default, an Apartheid State with Israel in full control of all borders and air space for most of its history. It's been that way for as long as I can remember and I have kids who will soon be on their way to college.
But I can understand why many might want two states with the remnant left of historic Palestine proudly bearing the name and the flag to honor all the many Palestinians who have dedicated themselves to "The Cause"... to real freedom, justice and equality
But in any case, as there is nothing, no sanctuary anywhere, one state or two does not matter as much as basic human rights and for everyone's sake the highest priority should be take the bull by the horns and start fully respecting the Palestinian refugees inalienable and sacred right to return.
If that dissolves the political entity that we call Israel then so be it. Might not be such a bad thing after all- I don't think any religion should be armed with lethal weaponry to 'defend' itself .
Anne Selden Annab
RE: The Unwanted Refugees Of The Iraq War :Palestinian-Born Iraqis Lived Well Under Saddam, Now Many Are Homeless, And Politically Untouchable http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/02/16/iraq/main2485467.shtml
Comments [ + Post Your Own ]
I think this is a difficult situation for everyone. 60 years of being pawns pushed around by any one with an agenda has helped make life hell for many vulnerable Palestinian families and children... our highest priority should be to make sure the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is fully respected by every nation on earth- with the highest priority being to making sure the Palestinian refugees who want to return can return to their original homes and lands all through out historic Palestine.
Israel started this problem and Israel needs to take full responsibility for its sovereign actions. Instead Israel, has been rewarded for pushing millions of Palestinians into abject poverty and despair. Adding insult to original injury, Apartheid Israel has blithely continued to create Palestinian refugees, with many Palestinians forced into 'voluntary' exile.
Palestinians, like all people on earth, should be free to leave- and free to return... free to live with full and equal rights no matter where they might be. I applaud Jordan for being " the only country to ever offer them citizenship" - and I can certainly understand why after 60 years Jordan has been forced to now say no more : This mess of massive homelessness started with political Zionism and the country called Israel- that is where it needs to stop.
The Nazi Holocaust was an evil ugly bigoted crime against all of humanity... we know better now and it is crucial for everyone's sake that when any one says NEVER AGAIN it applies to ALL!
Jews have been legally free to make their homes in many places, and they do. The fact that many Israeli Jews have freedoms and rights and opportunities in both America and in Israel while millions of impoverished Palestinians are stuck in statelessness in concentration camps is abhorrent.
Time Magazine
February 16, 2007 7:23
Dennis Ross's Mythology (4)
comment I left onlineReader Comments
Posted by Dr. Khalil Zahr | Unfortunately, it is officials like Mr. Dennis Ross, who had substantial influence on American Middle East policy, who caused irrepairable damage to US influence in the region, and put all democratic and moderate people in the Arab World on the defensive. |
Posted by Anne Selden Annab | BRAVO Dr. Khalil Zahr - thrilled to see your comment- Thank you for speaking out in response to this Ross piece ! I totally agree with you. Personally I am quite convinced that the highest priority and first order of business should be FULL respect for the the Universal Declaration of Human Rights from 1948 in general and specifically full respect (plus reparations) for the millions of impoverished Palestinian Refugees whose inalienable right to leave and return has been ignored for far too long. |
The Guardian: Comment is Free
The seamy side of solidarity
Supporters of the Palestinian cause should have no truck with anti-semitism.
Comment No. 438758
USApersonally I think "anti-Semitism" is an extremely racist term- an ugly left over from the Nazi era.... would really like to see that word put on a shelf and only trotted out to display how once upon a time narrow minds and privative thinkers empowered a word that totally contradicted its own definition on multiple levels.
Palestine should be the priority.... for any one who supports Palestine !
Christian Science Monitor
from the February 16, 2007 edition - http://www.csmonitor.com/2007/0216/p08s01-cole.htmlLetters
Even Mideast pessimists find hope in the Abraham peace plan
Regarding the Feb. 13 article, "Tracing Abraham's path to Mideast peace": Most of the time I am wary and weary of insincere peace efforts undertaken by trapped Israelis and Palestinians seeking to merely tweak a very toxic status quo.
But this project sounds sincere and good. It is humble yet amazing, relying on one path to peace, going simply step by step, in honor of one shared heritage; walking, not bickering about who is best – or who is the biggest victim.
I can't think of a better way to honor a patriarch and all of humanity's history.
Anne Selden Annab
Mechanicsburg, Pa.
USA Today
2-16-2006 Encourage Middle East negotiations
online comment i just left...
And the Zionist propagandists rise up to defend their precious "Israel" , eagerly bashing the Palestinians- and Arabs and Islam because the Palestinians- and Arabs and Islam dare object to the blatant and brutal injustice that is Israel today.
A shame really for everyone, that more Americans do not realize that political Zionism is an ideological war on us all, an investment in institutionalized bigotry and yes apartheid. The Palestinians bear the brunt of the pain but we are all diminished and endangered by the hate mongering and misinformation inspired by the misnamed "Jewish State".
Anne Selden Annab
TIME Magazine Blogs
Reader Comments
Posted by Anne Selden Annab | Wow !!! I was surprised to see this on Time Magazine's online page- I am just so used to America's mainstream ignoring the truth about modern man made racist Israel thanks Time & thanks Tim for blogging - and explaining the situation so well... America needs to know! |
February 14, 2007 9:04
Hebron Blues
comment I left regarding A mother's resistance
20. | The pen is mightier than the sword | 13:40 | | | Anne Selden Annab | 14/02/07 |
Delighted to see this article "A mother's resistance" on Laila El-Haddad's blog ... I am a big believer in using words- not violence. Communication and compassion is key to resolving conflict- and all injustice. And gosh Laila is such a very talented writer. And that little boy of hers is totally adorable! It's been fun watching him growing from baby to child and her blog evolve with him always in her heart, as the center of her world. But it is hard to read some of her observations on the situation in Gaze- hard to fathom how so many Palestinians have managed to survive such a brutally unjust and catastrophically cruel situation. May many more Palestinian pens arise as swords to help free Palestine!
Anne Selden Annab
A mother's resistance | ||
By Ofri Ilani | ||
Laila El-Haddad's blog took shape in a very unusual way. Her son, Yousuf, was less than a year old when she returned to her Gaza home from a visit to the United States, where her husband, Yassine, lives. The blog, "Raising Yousuf" (a-mother-from-gaza.blogspot.com), had just begun, and it dealt with common child-raising experiences, mainly first syllables and words. |
Washington Post online comment forum
RE: A Good Place to Have Aided Democracy By Anne Applebaum
Dear Editor,
Tunisian democracy being stifled by various forces "back before radical Islam became chic among the blue-jeaned teenagers" is an excellent example of how we have been investing our time, energy and money in all the wrong places...
Another good place to have aided real democracy would have been the very country that has consumed so much of our Congress's time, energy and taxpayers money: Rather than arming Judaism and empowering Israeli apartheid (plus the rise of armed Islamic resistance), we should have been advocating secular freedoms with full and equal rights for all by firmly and clearly insisting on full respect for the Palestinian refugees' (inalienable, legal and sacred) right to leave- and right to return to their original homes and lands as clearly affirmed and spelled out by the Universal Declaration of Human rights in general and more specifically in UN Resolution 194 from 1948.
Democracy depends on we the people being free to speak out. But it also depends on everyone ( including US) realizing that not all people world wide are free to speak out. The very instrument that enables America to be on a constant course of self correction is used against us by people who want to hate- for what ever reason. America is bashed and blamed for everything as 'others' unaccustomed to full disclosure foolishly do not realize that the evidence in the case against America mainly obscures other crimes and corruptions world wide.
Anne Selden Annab
A Good Place to Have Aided Democracy
- By Anne Applebaum
USA Today
online comment forumThe danger of a 'chosen' nation
By Oliver "Buzz" Thomas : Israel holds a sacred place in the words of the Old Testament. But does Christian doctrine give that country a free pass at the expense of peace in the Middle East?
comment i just left...Thank you USA Today, and thank you Oliver "Buzz" Thomas for opening up a more honest and compassionate conversation about Israel/Palestine.
Daily Iowan
comment I left on online form
Anne Selden Annab
posted 2/12/07 @ 4:04 PM EST
60 years of statelessness and the economic, religious, and social crime that myopic Zionist ideologues and organizations inflicted on the people of Israel/Palestine has been compounded by many insults, including the barbed reality of a concrete Apartheid wall dividing and destroying historic Palestine... It is time to stop the hate. Time to work towards real reconciliation with real justice for all. And time to start thinking not only of true return but also reparations for the many persecuted, oppressed, and impoverished Palestinian families and children so cruelly denied freedom and equality and a future in their ancestral homeland.
Things will never be as they were- but we can and should work towards a better future.
Chicago Trib Newsblog
online comment section
Thank you for publishing Paul Findley's "Carter enters lions’ den; Despite criticism, his book is work of a true patriot" (Commentary, Feb. 7) and then following up with the letters basically in response on Carter’s book "Palestine: Peace not Apartheid,"
I am very grateful to all the many intrepid Americans bothering to listen to and compassionately understand the people of Palestine, for everyone's sake, with more and more concerned citizens noticing the stateless Palestinian refugees and the largest, longest running refugee crisis in the world today:
It is not always easy as our 'friend' Zionist Israel has a way of inspiring hate and division and religious extremism everywhere.
Seems to me that modern man made Israel as the supposed "Jewish State", has been investing heavily in bigotry, segregation, and war with Judaism armed and empowered by heavy weaponry and a whole bunch of angst; shaping a clash of civilizations to both hide and justify political Zionism's many crimes against the people of Palestine... and an Israeli made clash of civilizations is becoming more and more true.
Swapping armed Judaism for armed Islam in the Holy Land is not going to make the world a better place for anyone. I think all Israel/Palestine should be demilitarized and secularized for everyone's sake. One state or two does not matter as much as disarm the conflict. Stop the violence, stop the hate.
One child at a time, one home at a time, one country at a time- start with ourselves and what we can personally change to rebuild a decent world where all our children are safe and able to realize their own unique individual preciousness and potential as respected citizens of one world united for justice, peace and prosperity.
Posted by: Anne Selden Annab | Feb 12, 2007 8:57:13 AM********************************************
Newsday online comments
RE: Doubts about Palestinian pact
For secular and democratic reasons, I have a real problem with Israel's "right to exist" because Israel today is an investment in institutionalized bigotry and injustice- a concrete wall of hate and a continued war on the Palestinians basic human rights, including but not limited to the Palestinian refugees inalienable legal and sacred right to return to original homes and lands.. Why are we asking the harshly oppressed, vilified, divided, impoverished and imprisoned Palestinians to endorse that?!!
Why not start peace in the region by disarming all religion and radical extremists, including Jewish 'settlers'. Why not encourage the rule of far and just laws and policies allowing true freedom and real democracy to shape a just and lasting peace with prosperity and security for all on secular grounds.
Washington Post
online comments forum
comment I just left
Political Zionism has made a huge mess of historic Palestine (& Judaism & Christianity & Islam)... I totally agree with the first comment posted: Shame on all of us for allowing this [Israeli made] apartheid to flourish...
annie annab
Jewish Inroads in Muslim Quarter
- By Scott Wilson
USA Today
Refugees are an overlooked casualty of Iraq war
Thank you for noticing the refugees, the hidden victims of all wars.
And in particular thank you for pointing out that "Now, the United States and its allies again have caused a refugee crisis in Iraq — "the largest population movement in the Middle East since Palestinians were displaced following the creation of the state of Israel in 1948" ...and that "the camera's are missing"
It is crucial that we do all we can to help the many innocent victims including countless children, whose lives have been ravaged by war. We must also start noticing that forced migration on such a massive scale causes a huge economic and social burden on the countries kind enough to host refugees. And this has been going on a very very long time in the Middle East, long before we invaded Iraq.
I do not understand why Israel itself which is right there, is not being called upon to respect international law and the Palestinian refugees right of return. Many religious bigots and Zionist extremists demonize or simply dismiss Palestinian refugees, but I do not understand why the rest of the civilized world does not rise up to simply say firmly and clearly that such bigotry is wrong. Both politics and religion should be all about helping the homeless, not making more families destitute.
online comment
February 5 th
The Palestinian territories
SIR —Regarding "The Gazafication of the West Bank": The point I think, of this Israeli made mess, is simply to demoralize Palestine in every way possible. Segregate and divide and demoralize and impoverish in every way possible and then let them destroy themselves. Zionists approach from every side, wrap every argument in barbed wire and then twist it like a tourniquet. Every "talk" is more torture... When please will Palestine simply be free... and when will all our children be able to grow up in and of promise, in a civilized world that sincerely cares about nurturing peace and true community.
Anne Selden Annab
TrackBack URL for this entry: http://debate.economist.com/cgi-bin/mt-tb.cgi/4150
Iraq War Sets Off Flow of Refugees
- By Sudarsan Raghavan
Dear President Bush: Trusting Israel's Promises
sent via congress.orghttp://www.congress.org/congressorg/bio/userletter/?id=20004&letter_id=1048305046
and to Rice via the State Department's website http://contact-us.state.gov/cgi-bin/state.cfg/php/enduser/std_alp.php
Dear President Bush,
Do not make deals with the devil- and the devil of which I speak of today is armed Judaism AKA modern man made "Israel" ... the scourge of the Middle East.
Panicking alerts and righteous indignation are rising on two fronts; the crisis of the Palestinian refugees whose plight grows worse every day, and the second is Israel intentionally instigating trouble in Jerusalem and all through out the region by starting an "archaeological excavation" that seriously threatens to harm the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount compound in Jerusalem .... that sacred spot which has for centuries been the home of the beloved Dome of the Rock.
Because of Israel, the Palestinians are barred from full and equal rights in the land of their birth, they are barred from economic opportunities, and they are barred from the chance to protect their own precious heritage. The Dome of the Rock can be seen for miles, its golden glimmer caught by the sun and it is both from a distance and up close one of humankind's most exquisite works of art.
As I wrote the Philadelphia Inquirer earlier today in response to their news on this subject...
Anyone else find it odd that Israel would decide to embark on this obviously contentious adventure, ostentatiously an "archaeological excavation" which just happens to be perilously close to the very precious and quite beautiful Dome of the Rock, while imprisoned and tortured Palestine itself is imploding, self destructing with Israeli imposed poverty, division and strife.
And as far as trusting Israel's official disclaimers and promises that no harm will be done- gosh just recollect Lord Balfour's endorsement of political Zionism in 1917 Balfour Declaration which succinctly states "it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine". How many more Palestinian families, homes, farms, communities, hard work, hopes and dreams will be pulverized by armed Judaism and Israel's itch to exasperate bigotry and hate everywhere it can ?
Fool me once, shame on you- fool me twice shame on me.
Please stop Israeli Apartheid and this insane Zionist quest to make trouble for everyone.
.. Start with a full focus on full respect for the Palestinian refugees' legal, moral, ethical and sacred Right of Return. Help Palestine return in full, regardless of actual borders, with full freedom for ALL God's children, regardless of religious affiliation.
Please act now, before even more damage is done, so that the people of Israel/Palestine and beyond can work towards reconciliation and true peace with real justice- including reparations for all the many wronged by political Zionism.
Anne Selden Annab
World must help Jordan, Syria assist Iraqi refugees: UN
online letters
RE: The Gazafication of the West Bank
Dear Editor,
Regarding The Gazafication of the West Bank : The point I think, of this Israeli made mess, is simply demoralize Palestine in every way possible. Segregate and divide and demoralize and impoverish in every way possible and then let them destroy themselves. Zionists approach from every side, wrap every argument in barbed wire and then twist it like a tourniquet. Every "talk" is more torture... When please will Palestine simply be free... and when will all our children be able to grow up in and of promise, in a civilized world that sincerely cares about nurturing peace and true community.
Anne Selden Annab
Michigan Daily
Pastor: Israel, blacks are allies
online comment i left in responceAnne Selden Annab
posted 2/08/07 @ 8:28 AM EST
It is good that various religious leaders worldwide seek alliances with "others"- but such good is quickly poisoned and tainted because they are clearly doing it for nefarious political reasons (investing in Apartheid and a concrete wall of Israeli built hate) rather than spiritual purposes- and the good of all humankind.
Trusting Israel's Promise
Dear President Bush,
Do not make deals with the devil- and the devil of which I speak of today is armed Judaism AKA modern man made "Israel" ... the scourge of the Middle East.
Panicking alerts and righteous indignation are rising on two fronts; the crisis of the Palestinian refugees whose plight grows worse every day, and the second is Israel intentionally instigating trouble in Jerusalem and all through out the region by starting an "archaeological excavation" that seriously threatens to harm the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount compound in Jerusalem .... that sacred spot which has for centuries been the home of the beloved Dome of the Rock.
Because of Israel, the Palestinians are barred from full and equal rights in the land of their birth, they are barred from economic opportunities, and they are barred from the chance to protect their own precious heritage. The Dome of the Rock can be seen for miles, its golden glimmer caught by the sun and it is both from a distance and up close one of humankind's most exquisite works of art.
As I wrote the Philadelphia Inquirer earlier today in response to their news on this subject...
Anyone else find it odd that Israel would decide to embark on this obviously contentious adventure, ostentatiously an "archaeological excavation" which just happens to be perilously close to the very precious and quite beautiful Dome of the Rock, while imprisoned and tortured Palestine itself is imploding, self destructing with Israeli imposed poverty, division and strife.
And as far as trusting Israel's official disclaimers and promises that no harm will be done- gosh just recollect Lord Balfour's endorsement of political Zionism in 1917 Balfour Declaration which succinctly states "it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine". How many more Palestinian families, homes, farms, communities, hard work, hopes and dreams will be pulverized by armed Judaism and Israel's itch to exasperate bigotry and hate everywhere it can ?
Fool me once, shame on you- fool me twice shame on me.
Please stop Israeli Apartheid and this insane Zionist quest to make trouble for everyone.
.. Start with a full focus on full respect for the Palestinian refugees' legal, moral, ethical and sacred Right of Return. Help Palestine return in full, regardless of actual borders, with full freedom for ALL God's children, regardless of religious affiliation.
Please act now, before even more damage is done, so that the people of Israel/Palestine and beyond can work towards reconciliation and true peace with real justice- including reparations for all the many wronged by political Zionism.
Anne Selden Annab
World must help Jordan, Syria assist Iraqi refugees: UN
Duke Chronicle
Anne Selden Annab
posted 2/05/07 @ 10:06 AM EST
Learning the Lessons of Lacrosse... and making this all look like it is about football teams behaving badly rather than American society being corrupted by bigotry.Rape does not have witnesses, making the possibility of false charges part of the complexity of dealing with the crime.
And golly gee nothing like tossing in "sex" to distract everyone. Rape and racist slurs can happen together I guess, but rape is about violating an individual, whereas bigotry is about instigating and exasperating escalating hate against a targeted ethnic or religious group.
Rape does not inspire war- bigotry does.
Rape, while it does traumatize the individual victim, does not impact economically on strangers, inspiring idiots to deny targeted "others" hours or jobs or the freedom to simply be.
There are a whole lot of people looking to change the subject, to veer it all away from the simple fact- 3 Palestinian students were attacked and savagely beaten up by a large angry group of educated and trained American athletes who clearly articulated multiple racist slurs while inflicting pain on their victims.
And now a whole bunch of people are making a whole bunch of excuses as to why it wasn't really a hate crime... pleading please hush hush everyone- don't rush to judgment- all the facts are not in... giving well meaning but misguided idiots loads of time to shift the blame everywhere but where it belongs.
It was clearly a hate crime when it happened and it continues on as a hate crime with every voice that refuses to condemn it as such.
Washington Post
online comment
Thank you AGAIN Washington Post for noticing the refugee crisis- and mentioning the Palestinian refugees displaced since 1948 by Israel- Apartheid Israel which has been displacing and deporting Palestinians for all its modern man made existence.
In 1917 Lord Balfour's now infamous albeit brief letter said quite clearly ..."" it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country"".... My we have come a long long way from that haven't we!
And it has had horrible ramifications everywhere.
The Middle East is a huge mess right now, with everything only going from bad to worse. We obviously believe that Islam should not be armed, so why is it we arm, aid and abet the so-called 'Jewish State'.
Please remember full respect....
letter just sent via congress.orghttp://www.congress.org/congressorg/bio/userletter/?id=20004&letter_id=1043036161
Dear President Bush.
Please remember full respect for the Universal Declaration of Human rights, multiple UN Declarations and affirmations, plus endless stories and poems and pictures and millions if not billions of people, all firmly and completely respecting the Palestinian refugees inalienable legal and sacred right to return to original homes and lands.
Years and years pass by and this year will mark 60 sovereign years of an Israeli made genocide decimating the people of Palestine.... should we really make peace with that?
Israeli made hate spreads even here in America with three Palestinian students attacked and badly beaten up by a large muscled mob of trained athletes muttering racist slurs at a Quaker college, as reported by many many witnesses.
I can not help but wonder how many more Palestinians in American are targeted, insulted even beaten up but no one will speak up for them ....
Stop this Israeli made "clash of Civilizations" right where it starts- in Palestine, with all the many persecuted impoverished and displaced Palestinians denied full and equal rights in the land of their birth.
The news reports today that "US presents new Mideast peace initiative to Quartet partners".
Again and again and again everyone talks "peace" while racist Israel just keeps on making Palestinian refugees, freely vilifying and destroying all who dare object to the blatant injustice and brutality of political Zionism.
How many more peace proposals and processes will simply help fund and advertise political Zionism and give racist Israel more time and more ways to torment and destroy the native non-Jewish population of the Holy Land ?
For everyone's sake, we should not be arming Judaism and this insane Zionist quest to empower and prolong institutionalized bigotry and apartheid in the Holy Land.
Bless all the children, including our own, with hope and the opportunity to lead decent rewarding lives. The chance to make good choices. The freedom to love and laugh and grow up a respected member of a community - a true community that honors everyone's past, present and future- regardless of religious affiliation.
Anne Selden Annab
BBS News
http://bbsnews.net/index.php?topic=mideast Reader Letter: Iraq's Palestinian Refugees | | ||
online comments
Detriot Free Press
College players charged with attacking Palestinian |
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New York Times
http://www.nytimes.com/2007/01/27/opinion/l27carter.htmlTouching a Nerve: Carter at Brandeis
Published: January 27, 2007
To the Editor:
Jimmy Carter just proved that one can challenge Israel and speak out for the oppressed because one dares care about a whole nation of people who have been wrongly evicted from full and equal rights in the land of their birth.
Any variation of “Free Palestine” is simply a plea for real justice and a lasting peace, as is the reminder that the Palestinian refugees have always had the inalienable, legal and sacred right to return to their original homes and lands.
Anne Selden AnnabMechanicsburg, Pa., Jan. 25, 2007
online comments
Detriot Free Press
on line comments
Comment on article: “Students pray, debate as attack leaves cloud”
I agree with Suzanne P.
Students speak out about attack
sorry Bubba
Anne Selden Annab Joined: 25 Jan 2007 04:04 pm Posts: 1 |
Baltimore Sun
Letters to the Editor
The letter "Israel isn't serious about making peace" (Jan. 22) might shock and offend many, but it is old news to some of us. Now that we have the Internet, we can step beyond the many myths, lies and insults generated by Zionist propagandists.
Apartheid Israel receives the lion's share of America's foreign aid, plus many a private donation and investment by American individuals, businesses, charities and religious organizations that have all been played by the agents for a foreign country and ideology. Thus, ironically, our money and resources have been used to stifle free speech and undermine real democracy, justice and peace both here and abroad.
Anne Selden Annab
Mechanicsburg, Pa.
online comments
Controversy Dogs Carter To Brandeis
Pre-Selected Questions Cause Students To Question Open Dialogue
http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/01/23/print/main2387919.shtml#ccmmJan. 23, 2007
I think it is insane, dangerous and wrong that we arm the Jewish religion with both excuses and weaponry- so that Zionist ideologues and investors can snatch up some very prime real estate and precious resources from the true heirs to the Holy Land...the Palestinians......
Clever Zionist trick, to be giving a certain notorious Zionist lots of media attention by insisting that Carter should debate him. Lots of free publicity for that other guy's books that make the"case for Israel, torture and collective punishments.......
A true debate (considering Carter's position that everyone should make peace with Israel) should be an academic who believes Palestine should return in full for ALL the people- with full and equal rights...and reparations for the many Palestinian refugees who have every right to return to their original homes and lands.
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online comments
Palestinian refugees in Lebanon hope for better life By Weedah HamzahGood to see news coverage on the fact that 'Palestinian refugees in Lebanon hope for better life'.
In accordance with international law, and UN Resolution 194 from 1948, I think full respect for full Palestinian return to original homes and lands - plus reparations- should be the highest priority. But in the meantime please don't persecute and insult and impoverish Palestinians anywhere.
When Palestine returns in full- and it will, it is only a matter of time, all the many people who have been forced into exile for whatever reason will bring back with them all the many gifts and values of the many cultures and countries they have been living in during the interim. The Palestinians can not help but use what they know to rebuild Palestine. Surely opening up gainful employment for them now will help shape a better - and more realistic future for us all, no matter where we might live.
online comments
Courageous' book should spur objective discussion
Former President Jimmy Carter has been taking heat over his courageous new book, "Palestine -- Peace Not Apartheid." I shouldn't need to use the adjective "courageous" for someone writing a thoughtful book ...
'Courageous' book should spur objective discussion
http://www.topix.net/forum/source/indianapolis-star/T8VGK87LC205NF7MHHowever, just as Jimmy Carter only goes so far with his book Palestine: Peace not Apartheid so does anyone who only sees Israel's lobby today. Yeah it is great that political Zionism is FINALLY being noticed and questioned in part... but lets do this right and seriously look at the whole history of how modern Israel has been pushed into place right on top of Palestine.
An Israeli made apartheid is on BOTH sides of that monstrous land and rights grabbing wall and Israeli crimes against the people of Palestine are not confined to the illegally occupied territories.
Wake up and notice that one very racist Israel continues to destroy Palestinian homes and communities- continues to push more and more Palestinians into exile and despair. Israel also continues to ignore UN Resolution 194 from 1948 specifically spelling out the importance of respecting the Palestinian refugees right of return.
As Martin Luther King Jr once said " The time is always right to do what is right": Let us seriously work on bringing real justice and true return to the many Palestinians who want to return to their original homes and lands to live in peace and hopeful prosperity.
We talk about the importance of dialogue now- but what about dialogue then. Isn't a huge part of the problem today simply the fact that Zionists used terror and bully tactics before, during and after the emergence of the (misnamed) Jewish State. And in fact they still use terror and bully tactics. Nothing has changed, so why must the conversation stop with the apartheid wall ?
Shouldn't we be questioning the wisdom of investing in "Israel" period !
online commetns
Should the U.S. step up efforts to make room for Iraq refugees?
1-16-2007my 2 cents
A shame really that when glancing at the Refugee Crisis Exploding nary a word was spoken about the Palestinians- the largest longest running refugee crisis in the world. And please note that our "friend" Israel continues to attack and destroy Palestinian homes and communities- and refugee camps through out the illegally occupied territories.
Countless Palestinians are already in exile all around the world. Many, but certainly not all, are official refugees. Jordan right now is sheltering at least 700,000 Iraq refugees, however let us not forget Jordan is already (temporary) home to 1,780,701 Palestinian refugees.
Perhaps rather than shuffling people from camp to camp if we simply allowed ALL Palestinians world wide, a voice and a vote in American policies they could help steer more sane and reasonable conversations so that all of America - and Palestine- can in turn both be freed from the many perils of political Zionism.
Posted By: anneselden | January 16 2007 at 04:50 AM
online comments
Mon. 01/15/07 08:36 AM
Reading Kassem Dakhlallah's excellent Editorial Rebuttal "Keep pro-Israeli outsiders out of college hiring", I truly felt like I was finally celebrating today- in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. and his inspiring dream for a more real American democracy.
The content of character really is more important than the color of skin, and as King once said succinctly: "It may be true that the law cannot make a man love me, but it can keep him from lynching me, and I think that's pretty important. " Martin Luther King, Jr. http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/m/martin_luther_king_jr.html
Israeli laws and policies regularly lynch and impoverish Palestinians. Millions of Palestinian refugees have every right to return to their original homes and lands but rather than respect his basic human right racist Israel demonizes the Palestinians and bombs Palestinian refugee camps- this situation is absolutely insane and wrong!
I believe that all advocates of Israel are in fact outsiders, focused on promoting a very foreign country and toxic ideology that is the antithesis of true democracy with full and equal rights for all. The content of Israel's character is not very nice. Political Zionism methodically empowers and arms a chosen few at the expense of a harshly persecuted many... Israel today is a total fusion of "church and state" arming religion, imposing injustice, encouraging bigotry, state sponsored terror and inspiring anger and violence on both sides of that monstrously ugly Israeli built apartheid wall.
That in and of itself is bad enough, but to make it even worse Israeli outsiders corrupt American institutions and organizations and every conversation they can with aggressive albeit polished propaganda campaigns meant to stifle any real examination of Israel's many ongoing crimes against the people of Palestine.
Anne Selden Annab, Mechanicsburg, PA
1-9-2007 online commentshttp://www.topix.net/forum/source/newsday/TB94S6UM7MCFSB69Q
Investing in institutionalized bigotry and injustice is simply and completely a crime against all of humanity in general- and a crime against the Palestinians in particular, as the Palestinians continue to bear the brunt of the pain and the many insults made by the misnamed Jewish State.
Dear President Bush,
CNN is reporting that the U.N. estimates 3.7 million Iraqis have been displaced.
The crisis of ongoing war continues to ruin the lives of countless innocent and vulnerable families throughout the Middle East.
CNN points out that " In a nation of about 26 million, "the current exodus is the largest long-term population movement in the Middle East since the displacement of Palestinians following the creation of Israel in 1948," according to the UNHCR Web site. "
I sincerely believe that we must take the bull by the horns and start peace in the one place we can make a difference- in the Holy Land: Start peace by firmly and clearly insisting on full respect for the Palestinian refugees inalienable legal and sacred right to return to original homes and lands.
• The Right to Return has a solid legal basis:
- The Universal Declaration of Human Rights article 13 affirms: "Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and return to his country."
- The International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination [Article 5 (d)(ii)], states: "State parties undertake to prohibit and to eliminate racial discrimination on all its forms and to guarantee the right of everyone, without distinction as to race, color, or national or ethnic origin, to equality before the law, notably in the enjoyment of ... the right to leave any country, including one's own, and to return to one's country."
- The International Convention on Civil and Political Rights [Article 12(4)], states: "No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of the right to enter his own country."
Please for everyone's sake- make full respect for the Palestine and the Palestinian refugees right of return the first priority and a show of good faith- positive proof that we really do believe in true democracy with full and equal rights for ALL. True return, not more forced transfer.
Anne Selden Annab
USA Today
RE: Iraq's refugee crisis offers problem, opportunity for U.S.
Interesting that you mention the Palestinians to illustrate the tragedy and danger of Iraq's growing refugee crisis. But what a shame you did not advocate that we kick start peace by demanding that Israel respect international and moral law by fully respecting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and UN Resolution 194, both from 1948 and both clearly spelling out the Palestinian refugees inalienable right to return to original homes and lands.... Not more forced transfer or terror tactics to push targeted ethnic and religious groups into exile, detention camps and despair but true return with true respect for the rule of fair and just laws.....
According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and other relief agencies, several hundred Palestinians who were forced to leave their homes in Iraq are now stranded in desolate areas on the Syrian and Jordanian borders. And every day in the illegally occupied territories Israel continues to attack Palestinian homes and communities- and refugee camps. This situation is absolutely insane and wrong!
.....Rather than shuffling these victims of multiple wars and bigotry from one bleak camp to another our highest priority should be to make sure that the children of Palestine are safe and respected in their country of origin no matter what it is named. Personally I think it should be called Palestine for ALL the people as the past 60 years of sovereign "Israel" have been nothing but an investment in institutionalized bigotry, injustice, escalating violence and punitive apartheid all along.
Lincoln Journal Star
Anne Selden Annab wrote on January 04, 2007 1:51 PM:
Thank you for publishing "Hope flickers still in gloom of Bethlehem".
It flickers here too as long as people are willing to publish such truths remembering what really matters...and in many ways what really matters are ALL our children, including the Palestinians.
We need to take care that our words and our actions do not harm the past, the present and the future of human kind.
And I find great hope in your conclusion pointing out the story of Bethlehem today with the two Bethlehem residents stringing "more than two miles of Christmas lights despite the gloom and tension and despite the possibility they would not be paid.Samaan Shaheen is a Christian. His coworker, Kahlil, is a Muslim. But they were still able to work together, day after day."
Yes indeed, their example really does inspire...as true goodness and decency always does.
Israel's Apartheid is a despicable crime: My thoughts and prayers are for Palestine, and all the many oppressed and impoverished people who refuse to succumb to hate and despair... for all the many who have kept the beauty of Palestine alive simply be being. They are the living links to many precious and beloved symbols and stories embraced by the Abrahamic faiths. "
Israel did not just make a few refugees in 1948 and again in 1967- Israel created the largest and longest running refugee crisis in the world today... AND Israel as a sovereign nation with one of the most powerful miltaries on earth continues to pulverize Palestinian homes and impoverish the Palestinian individually and collectively. The way that Zionist immigration and investments and propaganda works is that the game is now very much rigged so that one very racist Israel, what ever promise it might have had in 1948, will only become more and more monstrous towards the native non-Jewish population of the region.
The only way to forward toward real justice and a lasting peace is by fully respecting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights from 1948 in general - and specially the INALIENABLE right to leave- and return. People world wide do it every day when we leave for work or school. It is reasonable and right to expect that you can leave and return to your home. It is also reasonable and right to expect full and equal rights ( and economic opportunities) in the the land of your birth.