Please Support the Palestinian Refugees INALIENABLE Right of Return
Dear President Bush,
Israel's latest ploy for piece (can you really call it peace) is expressed by the Livni plan which seeks "establishment of a real Palestinian state, while ensuring Israel's security needs and receiving international guarantees that Israel will be recognized as a Jewish state and will not be asked to absorb Palestinian refugees."
This after 60 solid years of making more and more Palestinian refugees like there is no tomorrow- no day of reckoning... no justice and no consequences to such a cruel campaign of obvious Zionist bigotry and violence.
Please don't make peace with a crime against humanity... Unrepentant Israel simply wants to maintain a very toxic status quo whereby even more Palestinians can continue to lose their homes, land and rights so that Israel can call itself "The Jewish State".
UN Resolution 194 from 1948 clearly spells out Israel' s duty to respect the Palestinians and the Palestinian refugees inalienable right of return. But rather than respect this basic human right which has been reaffirmed countless times, racist Israel refuses- preferring to pretend that democracy can be rigged to favor immigrant bigots and thieves.
Meanwhile in Iraq, persecuted & impoverished & vulnerable Palestinian refugees are on the run again and no one is standing up to say AIRLIFT THEM IMMEDIATELY TO ISRAEL- let them return to their original homes and lands!
Help the Palestinians find hope and a warm welcome and jobs in the land of their birth: Insist that that place so many call the Holy Land embrace its true Arab Muslim and Christian heritage with real justice based on full and equal rights for ALL.. and full reparations to the many Palestinians refugees who should return ASAP !!!
Anne Selden Annab, homemaker
Mechanicsburg PA USA
Washington Post online comments
Christians AND Palestinian refugees both Muslim and Christian are the most targeted people in Iraq. They are also targeted by our friend Israel........ The Archbishop of Canterbury, writing from Bethlehem, where the number of Christians has plummeted to a quarter of what they were, condemns the British Government for failing to put in place a strategy to help Christians....... Israel as the so-called Jewish State has created and exasperated the largest longest running refugee crisis in the world, impoverishing and tormenting millions of innocent and vulnerable people- both Muslim and Christian. This state sponsored terror and bigotry has had many negative ramifications through out the whole region........ The key to peace- a just and lasting peace - remains full respect for basic human rights and dignity, including but not limited to reparations and full respect for the Palestinian refugees inalienable natural, legal and historical individual and collective right of return. Real return to original homes and lands, not more forced transfer and segregation........ Stop the clash of civilizations right where it starts- free us all from the many perils of political Zionism.
By annie.annab | Dec 24, 2006 10:32:27 AM******************************************************************************************************
A Chicago Tribune Web log for letters to the editor |
Thank you for publishing "Haunting occupation", the letter by Jules Law reminding us that the Palestinians have lived in the "social, moral, and political limbo of military occupation" for the past 40 years.
In fact it is more like 60 years as every inch of "Israel-proper" is in many ways an insult and an act of war on the native non-Jewish population of the Holy Land. Zionists used to say there was no such thing as a Palestinian. Now Zionists want us to believe that the Palestinians are a bunch of crazed terrorists. In both cases Israel's actions have remained the same- impoverish, oppress, displace and destroy the Palestinians in every way possible.
Israel never has had good intentions- although it certainly does have good PR campaigns, making it the charity of choice for many fools (including America's Congress) who have been charmed, bullied, bamboozled and bribed into investing in institutionalized bigotry and injustice abroad.
This Christmas Bethlehem itself is being strangled and destroyed by an Israeli built wall and a punitive network of Israeli-only roads and countless checkpoints. It's a world where Jewish immigrants worldwide have rights, freedoms and opportunities in multiple countries while the persecuted, oppressed and demonized Palestinians really have none anywhere.... That's not just limbo- it's hell.
Posted by: Anne Selden Annab | Dec 21, 2006 10:30:36 AM******************************************************************************************************
Detriot Free Press
Wall is a barrier to peace
December 10, 2006
Crumbling propaganda
Israel and its many propagandists and supporters have made sure that mainstream America simply cannot see and understand the horrible crimes perpetrated by bigoted proponents of political Zionism.It is a huge relief to see that the walls of misinformation promoted by Zionist propaganda are starting to crumble and be pushed aside. The very informative "Living with the wall in Jerusalem" is a crucial step toward helping shape a just and lasting peace. Thank you for daring to tell the truth. This Advent, my prayers are for the Christian and Muslim Palestinians so harshly oppressed, impoverished, tormented, displaced and imprisoned by the misnamed Jewish state.
Anne Selden Annab
Mechanicsburg, Pa.
Washington Post online comments
RE: Textbooks In Israel to Designate West Bank
So all these many years of Israelis accusing the dispossessed and displaced Palestinians of textbook crimes- sovereign Israel itself, the one with the money and the power, is the one that has been manipulating many minds with myopically misleading propaganda. It is a definite theme we should notice more.............. We should also seriously focus in on the fact that while popular Israeli leaders Zionist immigrants, both religious and political, insist that all the land belongs to Israel, Israelis refuse to respect the basic human rights and dignity of the indigenous non-Jewish Palestinians both in Israel-proper and through out the illegally occupied territories............. For all of its history, modern man made heavily armed Israel has controlled all the land and various shifting borders, while refusing to give ANY Palestinians full and equal rights in the land of their birth....... Thats closing in on 60 years of sovereign Israeli apartheid set up to invest in Jewish privileges, freedoms, a plethora of economic opportunities, security, plus a whole bunch of positive and persuasive PR, while methodically fragmenting and destroying Palestinian people and property and vilifying Palestinian resistance to such blatant and long running injustice.
By annie.annab | Dec 6, 2006 7:01:54 AM******************************************************************************************************
letter sent to Bush via (which has not been pdated with the newly elected Congress
and sent to RICE- US Department of State
Dear President Bush,
I am utterly delighted to hear that Bolton has resigned.
However I am quite concerned that he will be replaced by yet another Zionist sympathizer who will once again put racist Israeli interests above all else.
Please, for America's sake- and for all the Middle East.... veer away from any who believe the institutionalized bigotry and apartheid of political Zionism is worth protecting in any way.
Please find someone who knows and loves Palestine to step forward to help reshape the U.N. into all it can be, rather than an object of ridicule.
And help let real freedom and democracy ring from every hilltop worldwide.
Anne Selden Annab
Detriot Free Press online comments
RE: Living with the wall in Jerusalem, Barrier drives Arabs to leave neighborhoods for inner city
RE: "Don't shop, reflect on blessings" beautiful letter by Annette Thomas
anneselden Joined: 29 Nov 2006 Posts: 1 |
« Bombing coverage |View today's letters| Imagine peace » Originally posted: May 31, 2006
Careful phrasing
Regarding the news on Israel's latest raid on the prison camp called Gaza, Israel has not shifted tactics at all ("Israel shifts tactics, raids deep inside Gaza; 4 dead," News, May 31). This is merely more of the same that has been going on for a very long time.
And whatever happened to the word "alleged" as in alleged militant when referring to a person accused of a crime?
I can understand that you have been bullied away from using the term "Palestinian freedom fighter" helping Zionism vilify the persecuted Palestinian in every way possible, but must you also step into being judge and jury too? Innocent until proven guilty is one of the ways we avoid handing tyrants and war mongers unchecked power.
Let's stop and remember why exactly "secret evidence" and dropping the word alleged and other such missteps into misinformation are such a very, very bad idea. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. According to a story in the UK paper The Guardian "Mr. Ali, a 36-year-old accountant from Bradford, who was overseeing EU-funded educational projects in Gaza, was held in a tiny cell and interrogated by Israel's Shin Bet security service. He was brought before a military judge on Monday who said there was insufficient evidence to justify his continued detention on security grounds. Within hours, the prime minister's office issued a statement saying Mr. Ali "admitted" to being a "member" of Islamic Relief "which is suspected of supporting Hamas".
Information is power and in this day and age misinformation makes war. Please be more careful in the way you phrase things or else you only empower injustice, state sponsored terror and escalating rage everywhere.
Anne Selden Annab
Mechanicsburg, Penn.
Chicago Tribune
A Chicago Tribune Web log for letters to the editor |
I am thrilled to see Bea Dewing's excellent honest letter published in response to Ali Abunimah's equally excellent "South Africa seen as model for Palestine". I agree, totally agree with them both- one democratic state in Israel-Palestine is an idea whose time has come.
And I think true peace needs to start with full respect for reparations and the Palestinian refugees Right of Return... One of my favorite Palestinian writers is the brilliantly honest Khalid Amayreh. A shame that his bi-line is not not be found in American newspapers as he really is a great writer and thinker. Today his latest article
"Right of return is the heart and soul of the Palestinian problem" is making the rounds.
And the heart and soul of his argument is "Sixty years of homelessness, pain and dispersion should be enough for these miserable people who had inherited misery and suffering generation after generation after generation. Ending this most obscene and sinister scandal would not be an act of charity to the Palestinians. It would be a belated application of UN resolution 194 which calls for the repatriation and indemnification for these refugees."
Rather than vilifying the Palestinians, both Christian and Muslim, because they value home and family and the rule of fair and just laws we should honor them and respect them as the true heirs of the Holy Land.
Posted by: Anne Selden Annab | Nov 23, 2006 7:24:46 AM******************************************************************************************************
Washington Post online form for comments
Regarding "On the Eve of a Passage, a Host of Thanks", a fairwell address by Colbert I King, on the brink of concluding 16 years of writing Post editorials...
Bon Voyage !
I do very much like your thank you, throwing everything into perspective by mentioning all the many who humbly serve humankind- and civilization itself- with honor, dignity and hard work.
Bad news, evil deeds and celebrity shenanigans most frequently catch our attention, filling our newspapers and TV screens with titillating stories that both entertain and inform. Ultimately we hope, helping shape a better world as we the people respond to the way our world works.
Reading "news" it is far too easy to lose perspective, forgetting all those whose contributions are... well... basically boring albeit utterly crucial ! Many good and wonderful people make up our world. And I am grateful that on the Eve of a Passage you remembered those who really count.
Happy Thanksgiving, may your feast be both nourishing food and good company. A wish that can encompass a typical traditional table where family and friends gather... or simply a quiet room and a very good book :-)
Simply Sincerely,
Anne Selden Annab
Chicago Tribune
on line feedback on "King Memorial" letter
Delighted to see the letter headlined "King's memorial", detailing this wonderful monument and closely examine many aspects of this highly significant investment in honoring civil rights, social justice and an amazing inspiring man.
Every American will walk into the memorial to see and feel it in their own way, with our own personal stories and knowledge flavoring our response. But we will be united in knowing that it is possible to rise above dismal circumstances, to build a better world and a better future for humankind.
I like that rather than honoring war and conquest this modern American memorial honors a brilliant man who fought valiantly and tirelessly using words... and compassion. This memorial is not about being black- it is about honor and dignity and being a human being. We should not segregate suffering- or triumph. We are all in this together and together, regardless of our perceived race, religion and/or gender... etc, and when one heroically rises above the rest to embody the ideals we cherish and embrace, we the people are free to celebrate equally- albeit each in our own way.
""I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal."
May many ( regardless of their perceived race, religion and/or gender ... etc) pause to find inspiration in the words and example of a truly great man who fully understood the importance of hard work, character and hope... "Let freedom ring" !
Posted by: Anne Selden Annab | Nov 17, 2006 4:13:32 AM******************************************************************************************************
Somerville Journal Letter: Right of return not a ballot issue
Thursday, November 16, 2006To the editor:
Mother Jones recently had a fascinating graph clearly showing "Who profits when we sell arms to Israel?," mentioning that "It's well known that Israel is the world's top recipient of U.S. military assistance, but not so often noted that most of the annual $3 billion in aid can be spent only on U.S.-made weapons. Below, a guide to the top industry beneficiaries along with their ethics records .
US vetoes 'biased' UN resolution attacking Israel's Gaza bloodbath
US vetoes 'biased' UN resolution attacking Israel's Gaza bloodbath
I am not surprised- but I am utterly disgusted by the US Veto of the " 'biased' UN resolution attacking Israel's Gaza bloodbath".
Nor do I think advancing "Israeli- Palestinian" peace is a viable or even realistic or moral goal... not anymore: Apartheid Israel as the so-called Jewish State, a home wrecking war machine of armed bigotry and injustice should be dismantled and disarmed and Palestine should return in full with ALL the Palestinian refugees.
Anne Selden Annab
University of Wisconsin Badger Herald
online comment onAl-awda urges UW divestment from Israel 11, 2006 @ 8:35pm):
I am grateful that Al-Awda urges UW divestment from Israel.It makes good moral sense- and financial sense. Divestment is a gentle and compassionate way to confront a very real crime against humanity.
And I think it is very very creepy that Hillel centers- youth camps for Israeli propagandists in training- are on so many American college campuses. Imagine if Germany had had such a network for advocating toxic Nazi ideologies. The world would have been a very different place indeed with Hitler and his heirs still in power.
A foreign country should not be interfering with America's educational systems and fourth estate- and our Congress. And yet one foreign country has been given free reign to do exactly that !
Our "friend" Israel is not a democracy at all. It is a bastion of Jewish Supremacism and a blatantly racist war on the native non-Jewish population of the Holy Land. Political Zionism is an investment in institutionalized bigotry and apartheid with immigrant bigots given rights, freedoms, land and resources stolen from the persecuted, impoverished and imprisoned Palestinians.
America has already realized that segregation- and genocide- is utterly evil and wrong... so why are we so willing to help fund, empower and excuse racist Israel's insane quest to divide and destroy Palestine!
Anne Selden Annab
Washiongton Post
online comments on
French Forces Almost Fired On Israeli Jets
- By Molly Moore
Thank you Wash Post for headlining the fact that French Forces Almost Fired On Israeli Jets: F-15s Dived on Peacekeepers In Lebanon Israel constantly talks peace and security while harassing and harming millions maybe even billions of people in multiple ways, making sure countless people are impoverished and very insecure. Can any one actually still believe Israeli spin any more ! Can any one trust the many professional propagandists and promoters for political Zionism and the misnamed Jewish States constant war on the world. The real technical failure is that so many of the worlds leaders, both political and religious, have idolized, protected and even helped fund modern man made Apartheid Israel instead of condemning its nefarious existence and its ongoing crimes against humanity and the people of Palestine.
By annie.annab | Nov 10, 2006 10:47:42 AM |
November 7, 2006
online comment in responce to
Protecting Palestinian females: HRW misses the mark by Helena Cobban
Al- Ahram
1 - 7 November 2006
Rights of a people
Sir-- Why is it that here in the West most all academics, scholars, news pundits, political heads and even religious leaders of every type, all as one blithely speak about Palestinian refugees as if human beings should be categorised by religion, and based on that be individually and collectively oppressed, harassed, expelled from their homes and denied basic human rights, privileges and freedoms? It simply is not reasonable to speak about "Israeli fears" as if the blatant institutionalised bigotry and injustice of political Zionism should be rewarded. The Palestinian refugees right of return simply is and always will be. It has clearly been spelled out by international law. And every day that goes by merely means damage done and the reparations due to the Palestinian refugees all add up exponentially... that's the real problem that Israel simply does not want to face.
Anne Annab
I demand true justice- real justice- and full reparations- for the Palestinian refugees
Iraq is in turmoil, mostly because of our foolish dash to war. And Palestine is in dire pain, mostly because of our foolish support of political Zionism and one very racist home wrecking Israel. One very racist Israel which by the way helped advise and lead us right into this escalating mess and crisis in the Middle East.
In a briefing for donor governments in Geneva yesterday, UNHCR said it was increasingly alarmed over the incessant violence in Iraq and distressed over the lack of an international humanitarian response to deal with the massive numbers of people being displaced.
"Population movements show no sign of abating and that the needs of those who have fled are dramatic and to a large extent unmet. Some 50,000 non-Iraqi refugees – mostly Palestinians, Syrians and Iranians – under UNHCR's care inside Iraq are also in an increasingly dire situation. We fear hundreds of thousands more Iraqis who have waited to see an improvement in the situation are now teetering on the brink of displacement. Many urban professionals have already fled. Doctors, teachers, computer technicians and other skilled people crucial to the country's stability and well-being are leaving." ttp://
Meanwhile, UNRWA Commissioner-General Karen Koning AbuZayd reports " I now wish to turn to the situation in the occupied Palestinian territory, a part of the world which has become a byword for violations of international law, and the hardship and deprivation of the Palestine refugee experience. As a Gaza resident since August of 2000, I witness the conditions of physical danger, material hardship, psychological distress and isolation under which Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank – about half of whom are refugees – are compelled to live. "
Catch a common theme- refugees. Palestinian refugees. The largest longest running refugee crisis in the world today, as one very racist Israel continues to pulverize Palestinian land and life.
In 1948 international law and the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights made it quite clear that the Palestinian refugees have every right to return- as soon as possible !
But rather than respect this basic human right one very racist Israel has methodically and intentionally built apartheid in the Holy land, complete with monstrous concrete wall severing families from kin and community and jobs.
Political Zionism is nothing but an investment in institutionalized bigotry and Israel is a world wide war on the native non-Jewish population of the Holy Land. It is time to end this cruel farce and sick experiment. It is time for everyone to go home to their rightful homes and heritage.
It is never too late to do the right thing. Break away from AIPAC's bad advice and end the injustice of the so-called "Jewish State"... that place should be Palestine for all the people.
Anne Selden Annab
Patriot News
Stop the hate
I'm delighted (and relieved) that Mary Warner wrote such an informative article, "Midstate Muslims received threats" (Oct. 1).
I'm also proud of Abul Hasan for helping stop the hate by telling his story.
Since the terror attacks of 9/11, assume that many Arabs and Muslims in America receiving insults, hate mail and nasty phone calls from strangers simply suffer in silence for fear of receiving even more.
Just last year, I went to a local post office for pretty stamps at Christmas time and was horrified by the clerk's response to my request for the stamp celebrating Eid (the feast that comes after the holy month of Ramadan). He growled loudly enough for all the room to hear "You don't want that one." He added some other rather rude comments about Islam that made me feel afraid. I don't think hate-mongering is patriotic. But what was most horrifying was the crowd behind me clutching their holiday cards and packages and not one of them spoke out. Must every generation learn the hard way that all bigotry is wrong?
Our individual diversity should be valued and treasured.
-- ANNE SELDEN ANNAB, Mechanicsburg******************************************************************************************************
10-24-6 USA Today op-ed by By Melanie Phillips : Britain is turning on the U.S. — at its own peril
Anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism have poisoned British politics. In a world of terrorism, the timing couldn’t be worse.
comment i left online....
Objecting to Israel is not anti-Semitism.
Objecting to Israel in sum or part is quite simply being wise enough to know that all bigotry and injustice is wrong- even if it appears to be blessed by G-D himself.
Objecting to the blatant injustice of political Zionism and Israel's cruel apartheid is a reasonable, compassionate position to take.
But how is America to know that when we are so badly misinformed by Zionist propagandists and agents for a foreign country (and a totally toxic ideology) who mainly seek sympathy so as to raise more money and weaponry for the misnamed Jewish State. That place really should be a fully free Palestine for ALL the people- with full and equal rights for ALL the children of the land, regardless of religion.
Detriot News
online feedback
Wed. 10/11/06 07:34 AM
RE: Letters "Israel's neighbors imperiled"
Thrilled to see such wonderful letters today- in particular "Israel's neighbors imperiled". Political Zionism has been a huge mistake and nothing but investment in toxic propaganda, institutionalized bigotry, injustice and state sponsored terror.
I don't think Israel should have neighbors because quite simply I do not think Israel should be... that place should be Palestine for ALL its people, regardless of religion or ethnicity. The children of Palestine have suffered for generations. Let them go home to live in peace and true community with all their neighbors. Let the children of Palestine help build a better world by giving them back their true inheritance and ancestral lands. Make right a terrible wrong by opening up your mind and heart to free Palestine.
Anne Selden Annab, Mechanicsburg, PA
Washington Post
online comment form on Rice's Tour of Mideast Yields Little Progress on Key Issues
If only America would realize that political Zionism- and ALL of Israel- is first and foremost an economic crime and the intentional impoverishment and imprisonment of the native non-Jewish Palestinians... We should not be making peace with that! Israels constant investments in Jewish privileges and pride and aliyah is nothing but institutionalized bigotry and a terrible crime against all of humanity. Millions of Palestinian refugees have every right to return to their original homes and land- and every right to reparations. But rather than respecting the Palestinians basic human rights, one very racist Israel collectively punishes the Palestinians in every possible way and tries to bully and bribe everyone into accepting the unacceptable. West Bank weddings losing some of their bling is only the tip of the iceberg with a huge humanitarian crisis in that open aired prison camp called Gaza clealry showing what the future will soon bring to the rest of Palestine. The Palestinians have been collectively targeted, tortured and traumatized by racist Israeli laws and walls- oppressed and tormented and imprisoned in every possible way, and yet they remain steadfastly Palestinian. They will not go away- but racist Israel should. Six decades of investments in political Zionism and the misnamed Jewish state grows more and more monstrous every day. Israel is insane- and wrong. It should be dismantled and disarmed.
By annie.annab | Oct 8, 2006 8:55:30 PM |
Detriot News
online newstalk
Sat. 10/7/06 10:26 AM
Regarding your letters on "Middle East blame gets spread around" .... So many wonderful letter writers ! And so many sincerely compassionate people concerned about the Middle East. Does give one great hope to see these brave souls speaking out in hopes of helping shape a better world by shaping a better understanding of what is going on in the middle East.
And what a relief to see that some of your letter writers are obviously very much aware of Zionist crimes and bully tactics, and yet they are still willing to set the record straight concerning our war mongering, apartheid making, monstrous home wrecking "friend" Israel . The way I see it is those speaking out for Palestine (and Arabs and Muslims) perceive the importance of respecting basic human rights and dignity, while those speaking up for Israel really have a screw loose.
Anne Selden Annab, Mechanicsburg, PA
Washington Post online line comments
October 2, 2006
Tracing a Jewish Heritage
RE: Tracing a Jewish Heritage Dear Editor, Using the Zionist letter writers line of reasoning, all citizens of the world really should immediately get a DNA test to determine where they fit on the family tree. And following Israels lead about who gets to be a citizen, every country can then issue rights, privileges, freedoms, benefits, generous subsidies and passports depending on what the DNA test says about who you are. As Israel insists on being the Jewish State all citizens of the world who genetically can be most closed tied to ancient bones in that place so many call the Holy land, should then be given full and equal rights to help determine the future of the Middle East. Likewise every country on earth can dig up its ancient bones and claim its citizens wherever they might currently reside. Following modern Israels example let us also assume that this will lead to many home demolitions and land grabs, widespread economic injustice plus a whole bunch of armed bigotry... and countless refugees. Sincerely, Anne Selden Annab
By annie.annab | Oct 2, 2006 12:52:47 PM ******************************************************************************************************
September 30, 2006
To my elected leaders
Dear ......
"Gaza is a prison and Israel seems to have thrown away the key,"..... John Dugard, on trying to explain to the world how much Israel and the ideologues of political Zionism have been hurting the people of Palestine.
Please I beg you, do what you can to help the children of Palestine... so many stateless refugees and prisoners of racist Israel's punitive anti-Palestinian policies, with more and more Palestinians being seriously hurt and harmed every day.
One hundred years of political Zionism have created a hell on earth in the Holy Land.
Please look and seriously see the Palestinians' plight and their pain.... and do what you can to help them return to their real homes, to real security and a just and lasting peace. I am well aware that Israel prefers to vilify the Palestinian refugees so they can be more easily killed and ethnically cleansed from the region, but please do not let Zionists bully us all into betraying every ideal civilization has learned to protect.
Speak out firmly for the truth and for human dignity and decency... and the Palestinian refugees' sacred right of return which has been enshrined by international law for all of Israel's existence.
Racist Israeli injustice is simply completely wrong.
Please do all you can to help the Palestinian refugees return.
Anne Selden Annab
Mechanicsburg PA USA
notes - September 29, 2006 Critics are Too Generous to Israel Bad Faith and the Destruction of Palestine , By JONATHAN COOK . Nazareth.
USA Today Opinon Forum
Dear USA Today,
I was confused- but then delighted to see your new web friendly format for letters- opinions- and responses complete with a comment form for those crazy enough to air their views in public.
And heavens with so much hate mongering out there it really is hard to stand up and speak out. But speak out we must. Disturbing Delusions seemed a very appropriate forum to jump into ! Indeed there are many distracting conspiracy theories out there, but even more troubling is that there are many truths - solids facts- documented proofs- that most of America never gets to see about our "friend" and main adviser Israel.
Imagine if all the many people eagerly spreading rumors, facts and innuendos about conspiracy theories concerning past collective traumas and highly politicized events simply focused on really looking at political Zionism and what modern man made Israel really is and does today.
We have have been bamboozled by Zionists- agitators for a toxic ideology and the agents for a foreign country, and we have foolishly helped arm a horrible crime against humanity... "MK Effi Eitam of the rightist National Union - National Religious Party said in remarks broadcast on Monday that the great majority of Palestinians in the West Bank should be expelled, and that Arabs should be ousted from Israeli politics as a fifth column and "a league of traitors." " Eitam: Expel Arabs from West Bank, Israeli politics
This is the true face of our "friend" that pretends to be a democracy!
The children of Palestine, many of them hopelessly trapped by racist Israel in impoverished refugee camps, are being intentionally starved and tortured by Israel's economic siege. They are also being attacked by Israeli troops. No where is safe. And their parents are demonized because they dare object to such horrific injustices. But rather than seeing and fully understanding the very real plight of the Palestinians our country has been convinced that Israel has a "right to defend itself".
What is Israel defending but the "right" to keep wrecking Palestinian homes and stealing Palestinian land ! Israeli "security" is quite simply an investment in institutionalized bigotry and escalating brutality. Racist Israel is clearly wrong !
Israel itself is the most Disturbing Delusion ... that place should be Palestine with full and equal rights and freedoms for ALL !
Posted by: Anne Selden Annab | Sep 14, 2006 11:04:16 AM******************************************************************************************************
online posted COMMENT on
Hamas must recognise Israel and cease violence
Israel is the one that shaped Gaza into an impoverished prison camp and torture chamber for Palestinians and now turns the screws in hopes that the toxic status quo created by political Zionism will continue. Odds are, with so many vulnerable and traumatized Palestinian men, women and children starving and suffering due to Israeli cruelty, HAMAS will most likely cave to pressure under duress, but is that really in any one's best interests ?
Daily Israel freely elects to deport more Palestinians and demolish more Palestinian homes- and usurp more Palestinian land. This is clearly intentional genocide and yet it seems only Islam has the moral fortitude to speak out in righteous indignation. Daily Israel elects to invest in immigrant bigots and apartheid while the indigenous Palestinians are denied basic freedoms and rights. Daily Israel elects to be very violent- and cruel... and totally obtuse.
Israel's own state sponsored terror has never ceased, not since the misnamed Jewish state emerged by decimating hundreds of Palestinian villages, erasing Arabic from the map where ever it could. The Palestinian refugees inalienable individual and collective right of return, clearly spelled out by international law and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, will not ever go away no matter how much racist Israel tries to demonize and dismiss it.
For civilizations sake our highest priority, regardless of religion, should be demanding full respect for the Palestinians basic human rights including but not limited to the Palestinian refugees right of return.
Posted by Anne Selden Annab on September 12, 2006 11:49 AM
Free Palestine- and America- from the institutionalized bigotry and injustice of political Zionism!
September 8, 2006
Scanning the mainstream newspapers again today I am utterly astounded by the lack of news and opinion coverage concerning the Israel made catastrophe in Gaza and the West Bank. Lebanon is getting some attention at least- but the plight of the Palestinians, particularly those trapped in the open aired prison camp called Gaza is mainly being ignored.
Considering how much attention and money Israel gets from America this is criminal negligence....
Our leaders need to speak out for what is right, just and good- and racist Israel is not any of those things.
Our media, our Congress, our Justice System, and our President need to be working for AMERICA- not for a foreign country !!!
And if you are not helping educate yourself and the rest of America about what Israel really is and does- you too are part of the problem.
The lack of news should be news in and of itself- and we must do all we can to protest America's myopic willingness to publish and promote Zionist propaganda.
There are countless Zionist groups and organizations that are waging a war of words on everyone - all for Israel Uber Allis.
A democracy needs its fourth estate- needs an honest media in order to know what is going on so that the people can elect decent leadership. Instead what we have right now is AIPAC and a huge Israel Lobby playing us all into this Israeli inspired hate filled "clash of civilizations" and this escalating war on and of terror.
Is there anyone left anywhere willing to really believe in basic human rights- and real democracy ... real freedom, justice and equality for ALL ?
Or have all been so demoralized and abused by both nasty and nice Zionists no one bothers anymore. PLEASE Don't let Zionists silence you or distract you. Israel wants America's money and sympathy - and weaponry, so as to continue its genocidal war on Palestine.
This is a Zionist war on both America and on Palestine- with Palestine (and now Lebanon) bearing the brunt of the pain.
And what country will Israel pulverize and impoverish next ?!
Racist Israel is impoverishing us ALL.
The only way to stop this is by directly confronting Zionist lies and propaganda in America. And I believe the best way to do that is by fighting to protect America from a foreign country's undue influence. American ideals of liberty, justice and equality for ALL are right, although currently, thanks to our "friend" Zionist Israel, our foreign polices are all wrong.
Zionists have made their intentions quite clear by both word and deed : THE MOMENTUM BUILDS... "Spirit the penniless population across the frontier by denying it employment... Both the process of expropriation and the removal of the poor must be carried out discreetly and circumspectly." Theodore Herzl, founder of the World Zionist Organization, speaking of the Arabs of Palestine,Complete Diaries, June 12, 1895 entry.
Much of what racist Israel does in the Middle East is actually an economic war that seeks to impoverish "others", and then vilify them when they dare object.
Hollywood movie stars feel free to propagate toxic Israeli propaganda as evidenced by the fact that swayed by Zionists, eighty-four celebrities, mainly from Hollywood, published a full-page advertisement in the Los Angeles Times, Hollywood Reporter and Variety on August 16.
These celebrities could have been and should have been condemning that monstrous Israeli built apartheid wall. Instead they have been convinced to back Israeli Apartheid by using their celebrity status to help racist Israel demonize Palestinians.
Please use your voice to help free Palestine- and America- from the institutionalized bigotry and injustice of political Zionism!
Anne Selden Annab
Please at least read- and if you can, sign the petition objecting to the celebrity advertisement that whitewashes Israel's state sponsored terrorism and condemns its victims. The 84 Celebrity Signatories of the August 16 Advertisement in the Los Angeles Times
LA Times
Broaden the discussion of criticism of Israel
Yes, indeed, we must open up the dialogue about Israel. But focusing on critics insulted because they dare question Israeli policies still misses the point: It is the Palestinians who are being oppressed, vilified, imprisoned and killed. A real discussion about Mideast peace must welcome, embrace, understand and support true equality with respect for just laws — and specifically full focus on fully implementing the Palestinian refugees' right to return. Otherwise one very racist, apartheid Israel will continue pulverizing Palestinian homes, making more refugees.ANNE SELDEN ANNAB
Mechanicsburg, Pa.
August 30, 2006
Subject : Israel is a war on all of humankind and civilization itself
Dear ......
Jesse Jackson, civil rights leader, rushes to Lebanon and poses in front of the rubble and ruin wrought by the so-called Jewish state.
And while I do like Jackson's urge to help make peace I sincerely question the wisdom of making peace with a crime against humanity.
Jesse Jackson has never gone to pose in front of that monstrous Israeli built apartheid wall, never poses by an Israeli checkpoint- never condemns the blatant bigotry and injustice of political Zionism, a world wide investment in modern punitive apartheid.
Years and years pass as Israel ethnically cleanses that place so many call the Holy land, pulverizing Palestinian homes and communities, stealing land, rights and life, pushing the Palestinians into horrific painful poverty and despair - and America's leadership looks away again and again.
By far the most protracted and largest of all refugee problems in the world today is that of the Palestine refugees, whose plight dates back 57 years.
And each and every one of the Palestinians refugees and their descendants has every right, individually and collectively, legally and morally, to return to their original homes and land. UN Resolution 194 from 1948 clearly points that out, as does the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. But years and years pass and rather than respecting the Palestinians, racist Israel makes even more refuges,vilifies them- and then bombs refugee camps !
And years and years pass with racist Israel's propaganda campaign slowly but surely usurping America's democratic process, stealing time, attention, and money away from America's needs so that our own infrastructures crumble while racist Israel thrives.
Israel is a war on both America and Palestine, it is a war on all of humankind and civilization itself- and we need to say NO ! Israel is like Jim Crow laws gone crazy with immigrant bigots constantly electing to make like as miserable as possible for the native non-Jewish population.
But Israel, racist Israel is worse than any historic example because WE DO KNOW BETTER ! Israel rose to power in an age of international law and the sure knowledge that institutionalized bigotry is wrong.
Please, no more money, weapons or praise for the crime called Israel.
Free Palestine for all the people ! A real democracy... One land, one people, one peace with full freedoms and rights for ALL... and full compensation and reparations to the many Palestinian refugees who have suffered for years while Zionist immigrants thrived and grow wealthy on ill gotten gains. Free Palestine for a return to real justice and a lasting peace... and the hope that together, respecting the rule of fair and just laws, we can help build a better world for ALL our children.
Anne Selden Annab
Detriot News newstalk (online web letters)
Wed. 08/23/06 07:51 AM
RE: Different Marches
Dear Editor,
Sadly the "peace" camp has been very much been hijacked by some loud mouthed fools who want to send the message that those who abhor racist Israeli injustice also hate America. But how many Arabs and Muslims in America did not march that day for fear their protest would be maliciously misconstrued- and how many did march anyway with their hearts full of gratitude for American ideals ? I promise you many... and those are the numbers that really count and those are the numbers are being ignored.
In the end the protest signs and the spin that hate mongering Zionist propagandists put on everything simply does not matter as much as the ideals we Americans wish to promote and protect : Please do not demonize Arabs and Muslims- and peaceful protest.
Anne Selden Annab, Mechanicsburg, PA
Detriot News newstalk (online web letters)
Tue. 08/15/06 08:30 AM
Dear Editor,
So used to a plethora of pervasively poisonous Zionist propaganda in our newspapers, I was utterly dumbfounded to read M. Kay Siblani 's EXCELLENT and totally refreshingly honest and truthful- and invigorating "Israel must be part of Arab-Jewish dialogue".
She really hit the nail on the head with "But no one revealed that a pro-Israeli driver at the biggest such rally actually tried to run down a group of Arab demonstrators with his car. This is Israeli-type behavior: Talk peace but make war:"
For 58 years there has been a whole bunch of Israel talking peace while actually making war. It really is time for America to catch onto to this rather obvious pattern of deceit ! It is also time for America to catch on to the fact the the Palestinians always did and always will have an inalienable legal and moral right to return to their original homes and lands- with full and equal rights... to help rebuild a just and lasting peace for ALL god's children.
Sincerely, Anne Selden Annab PS Loved the photo Judaism rejects Zionism !!!!
Anne Selden Annab, Mechanicsburg, PA
Vermont Guardian
posted August 11, 2006
Israeli racism
I was delighted to see Riad Elsolh Hamad’s excellent letter “What they didn’t say” (July 28) concerning the crazy news coverage created by Israeli spin. I specifically appreciate that he mentioned the Palestinians’ legal and moral right to return — it really is the core of the conflict.
Israel is the displacer, free to keep making refugees, Palestinian and now Lebanese — millions of people displaced and pushed into poverty. It is not just a physical crime, it is an economic one, made even worse because political Zionism only invests in Jews. This is a very racist war.
Some one sent me photos of a protest march in New York objecting to Israeli crimes, and my favorite photo is of two gentle women in traditional Muslim dress (perhaps aware of the anti-war group Women in Pink, as they are both wearing delicate pink head scarves). The two women hold one sign that says “Free Palestinian children from Israeli Jails (Al Awda Right to Return Coalition).”
All of Palestine is a contorted series of Israeli-made prisons right now, some more punitively obvious than others. And all of Palestine’s children suffer, some more obviously, including those many children physically maimed for life by Israeli weaponry.
I used to think that making peace with Israel made sense, but now I am quite convinced that one simply should not negotiate with such cruelty, institutionalized bigotry, and blatant injustice. The Arabs of 1948 were right all along: Israel has no right to exist. I agree with Hamad: Racist Israel is doomed to fail.
Anne Selden Annab
Mechanicsburg, PA
Aspen Daily News
No Israel
No Israel
Letter to the Editor -
Apply, the same exact logic as to who one is that Kudish deploys to define Said's identity, then we must also assume that there is no such thing as an Israeli Jew as they are all immigrants from abroad who created an artificial sovereignty over the place that really should be called Palestine.
And FYI: Tikkun is not pro-Palestinian at all, it merely wants a kinder, gentler racism to rule over the Holy Land. Zionist war camp and peace camp are a complimentary package that plays every side at once into empowering the idea of Israel.
We who believe in true freedom and democracy with full and equal rights for ALL, really should just say NO Israel!
Anne Selden Annab
Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania
Washington Post online line comments
October 2, 2006
Tracing a Jewish Heritage
RE: Tracing a Jewish Heritage Dear Editor, Using the Zionist letter writers line of reasoning, all citizens of the world really should immediately get a DNA test to determine where they fit on the family tree. And following Israels lead about who gets to be a citizen, every country can then issue rights, privileges, freedoms, benefits, generous subsidies and passports depending on what the DNA test says about who you are. As Israel insists on being the Jewish State all citizens of the world who genetically can be most closed tied to ancient bones in that place so many call the Holy land, should then be given full and equal rights to help determine the future of the Middle East. Likewise every country on earth can dig up its ancient bones and claim its citizens wherever they might currently reside. Following modern Israels example let us also assume that this will lead to many home demolitions and land grabs, widespread economic injustice plus a whole bunch of armed bigotry... and countless refugees. Sincerely, Anne Selden Annab
By annie.annab | Oct 2, 2006 12:52:47 PM******************************************************************************************************
September 30, 2006
To my elected leaders
Dear ......
"Gaza is a prison and Israel seems to have thrown away the key,"..... John Dugard, on trying to explain to the world how much Israel and the ideologues of political Zionism have been hurting the people of Palestine.
Please I beg you, do what you can to help the children of Palestine... so many stateless refugees and prisoners of racist Israel's punitive anti-Palestinian policies, with more and more Palestinians being seriously hurt and harmed every day.
One hundred years of political Zionism have created a hell on earth in the Holy Land.
Please look and seriously see the Palestinians' plight and their pain.... and do what you can to help them return to their real homes, to real security and a just and lasting peace. I am well aware that Israel prefers to vilify the Palestinian refugees so they can be more easily killed and ethnically cleansed from the region, but please do not let Zionists bully us all into betraying every ideal civilization has learned to protect.
Speak out firmly for the truth and for human dignity and decency... and the Palestinian refugees' sacred right of return which has been enshrined by international law for all of Israel's existence.
Racist Israeli injustice is simply completely wrong.
Please do all you can to help the Palestinian refugees return.
Anne Selden Annab
Mechanicsburg PA USA
notes - September 29, 2006 Critics are Too Generous to Israel Bad Faith and the Destruction of Palestine , By JONATHAN COOK . Nazareth.
USA Today Opinon Forum
Dear USA Today,
I was confused- but then delighted to see your new web friendly format for letters- opinions- and responses complete with a comment form for those crazy enough to air their views in public.
And heavens with so much hate mongering out there it really is hard to stand up and speak out. But speak out we must. Disturbing Delusions seemed a very appropriate forum to jump into ! Indeed there are many distracting conspiracy theories out there, but even more troubling is that there are many truths - solids facts- documented proofs- that most of America never gets to see about our "friend" and main adviser Israel.
Imagine if all the many people eagerly spreading rumors, facts and innuendos about conspiracy theories concerning past collective traumas and highly politicized events simply focused on really looking at political Zionism and what modern man made Israel really is and does today.
We have have been bamboozled by Zionists- agitators for a toxic ideology and the agents for a foreign country, and we have foolishly helped arm a horrible crime against humanity... "MK Effi Eitam of the rightist National Union - National Religious Party said in remarks broadcast on Monday that the great majority of Palestinians in the West Bank should be expelled, and that Arabs should be ousted from Israeli politics as a fifth column and "a league of traitors." " Eitam: Expel Arabs from West Bank, Israeli politics
This is the true face of our "friend" that pretends to be a democracy!
The children of Palestine, many of them hopelessly trapped by racist Israel in impoverished refugee camps, are being intentionally starved and tortured by Israel's economic siege. They are also being attacked by Israeli troops. No where is safe. And their parents are demonized because they dare object to such horrific injustices. But rather than seeing and fully understanding the very real plight of the Palestinians our country has been convinced that Israel has a "right to defend itself".
What is Israel defending but the "right" to keep wrecking Palestinian homes and stealing Palestinian land ! Israeli "security" is quite simply an investment in institutionalized bigotry and escalating brutality. Racist Israel is clearly wrong !
Israel itself is the most Disturbing Delusion ... that place should be Palestine with full and equal rights and freedoms for ALL !
online posted COMMENT on
Hamas must recognise Israel and cease violence
Israel is the one that shaped Gaza into an impoverished prison camp and torture chamber for Palestinians and now turns the screws in hopes that the toxic status quo created by political Zionism will continue. Odds are, with so many vulnerable and traumatized Palestinian men, women and children starving and suffering due to Israeli cruelty, HAMAS will most likely cave to pressure under duress, but is that really in any one's best interests ?
Daily Israel freely elects to deport more Palestinians and demolish more Palestinian homes- and usurp more Palestinian land. This is clearly intentional genocide and yet it seems only Islam has the moral fortitude to speak out in righteous indignation. Daily Israel elects to invest in immigrant bigots and apartheid while the indigenous Palestinians are denied basic freedoms and rights. Daily Israel elects to be very violent- and cruel... and totally obtuse.
Israel's own state sponsored terror has never ceased, not since the misnamed Jewish state emerged by decimating hundreds of Palestinian villages, erasing Arabic from the map where ever it could. The Palestinian refugees inalienable individual and collective right of return, clearly spelled out by international law and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, will not ever go away no matter how much racist Israel tries to demonize and dismiss it.
For civilizations sake our highest priority, regardless of religion, should be demanding full respect for the Palestinians basic human rights including but not limited to the Palestinian refugees right of return.
Posted by Anne Selden Annab on September 12, 2006 11:49 AM
Free Palestine- and America- from the institutionalized bigotry and injustice of political Zionism!
September 8, 2006
Scanning the mainstream newspapers again today I am utterly astounded by the lack of news and opinion coverage concerning the Israel made catastrophe in Gaza and the West Bank. Lebanon is getting some attention at least- but the plight of the Palestinians, particularly those trapped in the open aired prison camp called Gaza is mainly being ignored.
Considering how much attention and money Israel gets from America this is criminal negligence....
Our leaders need to speak out for what is right, just and good- and racist Israel is not any of those things.
Our media, our Congress, our Justice System, and our President need to be working for AMERICA- not for a foreign country !!!
And if you are not helping educate yourself and the rest of America about what Israel really is and does- you too are part of the problem.
The lack of news should be news in and of itself- and we must do all we can to protest America's myopic willingness to publish and promote Zionist propaganda.
There are countless Zionist groups and organizations that are waging a war of words on everyone - all for Israel Uber Allis.
A democracy needs its fourth estate- needs an honest media in order to know what is going on so that the people can elect decent leadership. Instead what we have right now is AIPAC and a huge Israel Lobby playing us all into this Israeli inspired hate filled "clash of civilizations" and this escalating war on and of terror.
Is there anyone left anywhere willing to really believe in basic human rights- and real democracy ... real freedom, justice and equality for ALL ?
Or have all been so demoralized and abused by both nasty and nice Zionists no one bothers anymore. PLEASE Don't let Zionists silence you or distract you. Israel wants America's money and sympathy - and weaponry, so as to continue its genocidal war on Palestine.
This is a Zionist war on both America and on Palestine- with Palestine (and now Lebanon) bearing the brunt of the pain.
And what country will Israel pulverize and impoverish next ?!
Racist Israel is impoverishing us ALL.
The only way to stop this is by directly confronting Zionist lies and propaganda in America. And I believe the best way to do that is by fighting to protect America from a foreign country's undue influence. American ideals of liberty, justice and equality for ALL are right, although currently, thanks to our "friend" Zionist Israel, our foreign polices are all wrong.
Zionists have made their intentions quite clear by both word and deed : THE MOMENTUM BUILDS... "Spirit the penniless population across the frontier by denying it employment... Both the process of expropriation and the removal of the poor must be carried out discreetly and circumspectly." Theodore Herzl, founder of the World Zionist Organization, speaking of the Arabs of Palestine,Complete Diaries, June 12, 1895 entry.
Much of what racist Israel does in the Middle East is actually an economic war that seeks to impoverish "others", and then vilify them when they dare object.
Hollywood movie stars feel free to propagate toxic Israeli propaganda as evidenced by the fact that swayed by Zionists, eighty-four celebrities, mainly from Hollywood, published a full-page advertisement in the Los Angeles Times, Hollywood Reporter and Variety on August 16.
These celebrities could have been and should have been condemning that monstrous Israeli built apartheid wall. Instead they have been convinced to back Israeli Apartheid by using their celebrity status to help racist Israel demonize Palestinians.
Please use your voice to help free Palestine- and America- from the institutionalized bigotry and injustice of political Zionism!
Anne Selden Annab
Please at least read- and if you can, sign the petition objecting to the celebrity advertisement that whitewashes Israel's state sponsored terrorism and condemns its victims. The 84 Celebrity Signatories of the August 16 Advertisement in the Los Angeles Times
LA Times
Broaden the discussion of criticism of Israel
Yes, indeed, we must open up the dialogue about Israel. But focusing on critics insulted because they dare question Israeli policies still misses the point: It is the Palestinians who are being oppressed, vilified, imprisoned and killed. A real discussion about Mideast peace must welcome, embrace, understand and support true equality with respect for just laws — and specifically full focus on fully implementing the Palestinian refugees' right to return. Otherwise one very racist, apartheid Israel will continue pulverizing Palestinian homes, making more refugees.ANNE SELDEN ANNAB
Mechanicsburg, Pa.
August 30, 2006
Subject : Israel is a war on all of humankind and civilization itself
Dear ......
Jesse Jackson, civil rights leader, rushes to Lebanon and poses in front of the rubble and ruin wrought by the so-called Jewish state.
And while I do like Jackson's urge to help make peace I sincerely question the wisdom of making peace with a crime against humanity.
Jesse Jackson has never gone to pose in front of that monstrous Israeli built apartheid wall, never poses by an Israeli checkpoint- never condemns the blatant bigotry and injustice of political Zionism, a world wide investment in modern punitive apartheid.
Years and years pass as Israel ethnically cleanses that place so many call the Holy land, pulverizing Palestinian homes and communities, stealing land, rights and life, pushing the Palestinians into horrific painful poverty and despair - and America's leadership looks away again and again.
By far the most protracted and largest of all refugee problems in the world today is that of the Palestine refugees, whose plight dates back 57 years.
And each and every one of the Palestinians refugees and their descendants has every right, individually and collectively, legally and morally, to return to their original homes and land. UN Resolution 194 from 1948 clearly points that out, as does the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. But years and years pass and rather than respecting the Palestinians, racist Israel makes even more refuges,vilifies them- and then bombs refugee camps !
And years and years pass with racist Israel's propaganda campaign slowly but surely usurping America's democratic process, stealing time, attention, and money away from America's needs so that our own infrastructures crumble while racist Israel thrives.
Israel is a war on both America and Palestine, it is a war on all of humankind and civilization itself- and we need to say NO ! Israel is like Jim Crow laws gone crazy with immigrant bigots constantly electing to make like as miserable as possible for the native non-Jewish population.
But Israel, racist Israel is worse than any historic example because WE DO KNOW BETTER ! Israel rose to power in an age of international law and the sure knowledge that institutionalized bigotry is wrong.
Please, no more money, weapons or praise for the crime called Israel.
Free Palestine for all the people ! A real democracy... One land, one people, one peace with full freedoms and rights for ALL... and full compensation and reparations to the many Palestinian refugees who have suffered for years while Zionist immigrants thrived and grow wealthy on ill gotten gains. Free Palestine for a return to real justice and a lasting peace... and the hope that together, respecting the rule of fair and just laws, we can help build a better world for ALL our children.
Anne Selden Annab
Detriot News newstalk (online web letters)
Wed. 08/23/06 07:51 AM
RE: Different Marches
Dear Editor,
Sadly the "peace" camp has been very much been hijacked by some loud mouthed fools who want to send the message that those who abhor racist Israeli injustice also hate America. But how many Arabs and Muslims in America did not march that day for fear their protest would be maliciously misconstrued- and how many did march anyway with their hearts full of gratitude for American ideals ? I promise you many... and those are the numbers that really count and those are the numbers are being ignored.
In the end the protest signs and the spin that hate mongering Zionist propagandists put on everything simply does not matter as much as the ideals we Americans wish to promote and protect : Please do not demonize Arabs and Muslims- and peaceful protest.
Anne Selden Annab, Mechanicsburg, PA
8-18-2006Please END ALL AID to Israel
Dear President Bush,
Please END ALL AID to Israel.
And please stop insisting that the Palestinians must negotiate with what is clearly a crime against humanity !
Political Zionism is a totally toxic ideology that will only become more despicable in the years to come.
Please just say NO ISRAEL !
Stop the clash of civilization right where it start- in racist Israel.
Let peace & Palestine return to help rebuild a fair and just nation with liberty, justice and equality for ALL.
Anne Selden Annab
Detriot News
newstalk (online web letters)
Tue. 08/15/06 08:30 AM
Dear Editor,
So used to a plethora of pervasively poisonous Zionist propaganda in our newspapers, I was utterly dumbfounded to read M. Kay Siblani 's EXCELLENT and totally refreshingly honest and truthful- and invigorating "Israel must be part of Arab-Jewish dialogue".
She really hit the nail on the head with "But no one revealed that a pro-Israeli driver at the biggest such rally actually tried to run down a group of Arab demonstrators with his car. This is Israeli-type behavior: Talk peace but make war:"
For 58 years there has been a whole bunch of Israel talking peace while actually making war. It really is time for America to catch onto to this rather obvious pattern of deceit ! It is also time for America to catch on to the fact the the Palestinians always did and always will have an inalienable legal and moral right to return to their original homes and lands- with full and equal rights... to help rebuild a just and lasting peace for ALL god's children.
Sincerely, Anne Selden Annab PS Loved the photo Judaism rejects Zionism !!!!
Anne Selden Annab, Mechanicsburg, PA
Vermont Guardian
posted August 11, 2006
Israeli racism
I was delighted to see Riad Elsolh Hamad’s excellent letter “What they didn’t say” (July 28) concerning the crazy news coverage created by Israeli spin. I specifically appreciate that he mentioned the Palestinians’ legal and moral right to return — it really is the core of the conflict.
Israel is the displacer, free to keep making refugees, Palestinian and now Lebanese — millions of people displaced and pushed into poverty. It is not just a physical crime, it is an economic one, made even worse because political Zionism only invests in Jews. This is a very racist war.
Some one sent me photos of a protest march in New York objecting to Israeli crimes, and my favorite photo is of two gentle women in traditional Muslim dress (perhaps aware of the anti-war group Women in Pink, as they are both wearing delicate pink head scarves). The two women hold one sign that says “Free Palestinian children from Israeli Jails (Al Awda Right to Return Coalition).”
All of Palestine is a contorted series of Israeli-made prisons right now, some more punitively obvious than others. And all of Palestine’s children suffer, some more obviously, including those many children physically maimed for life by Israeli weaponry.
I used to think that making peace with Israel made sense, but now I am quite convinced that one simply should not negotiate with such cruelty, institutionalized bigotry, and blatant injustice. The Arabs of 1948 were right all along: Israel has no right to exist. I agree with Hamad: Racist Israel is doomed to fail.
Anne Selden Annab
Mechanicsburg, PA
Aspen Daily News
No Israel
No Israel
Letter to the Editor -
Apply, the same exact logic as to who one is that Kudish deploys to define Said's identity, then we must also assume that there is no such thing as an Israeli Jew as they are all immigrants from abroad who created an artificial sovereignty over the place that really should be called Palestine.
And FYI: Tikkun is not pro-Palestinian at all, it merely wants a kinder, gentler racism to rule over the Holy Land. Zionist war camp and peace camp are a complimentary package that plays every side at once into empowering the idea of Israel.
We who believe in true freedom and democracy with full and equal rights for ALL, really should just say NO Israel!
Anne Selden Annab
Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania
Detriot News
Web log for letters
Mon. 07/24/06 08:14 AM
Let's side with children in Mideast fight
RE: Paul W. Smith: "Let's side with children in Mideast fight"
Dear Editor,
Yes indeed let us side with the children in the Mideast fight... and in doing so let us start realizing that Israel- our well funded "friend" racist Israel as the so called Jewish state is the epicenter of bigotry in the Middle East and thatPalestinian refugees represent the longest suffering and largest refugee population in the world today.
Political Zionism is a totally toxic ideology that invests in Jewish privileges and pride while the native non-Jewish children of the land suffer and starve in prison camps shaped by racist Israeli laws and walls.
Read this news and ponder on it: "Despite meager resources, the Palestinian refugee camp of Ain el-Helweh, once wiped out during the 1982 Israeli invasion, opened its doors to local villagers escaping Israel's return to Lebanon
Israel is injustice and escalating brutality, plus plenty of polished propaganda to hid that fact: Shame on Israel the hate mongering terrorist nation born of bigotry and violence. For everyone's sake, let peace and Palestine return in full to welcome home all the children, the true heirs of that place so many call the Holy Land.
Anne Selden Annab, Mechanicsburg, PA
New York Daily News
7-24- 2006
Right on Israel
Mechanicsburg, Pa.: Bravo to Voicer Danny Archuleta for getting right to the point. Israel is all wrong, from start to finish. Give Palestine back. People who sincerely care about humankind should advocate real justice and a fully free Palestine.
Women question U.S. media coverage
Anne Selden Annab can understand why her husband swears at the television in Arabic.
"He's frustrated by the coverage ... It's awful," says the Hampden Township woman.
"It's not telling the whole story," she adds. "It humanizes the Israelis and dehumanizes the Palestinians."
A native of Jordan with family from Nablus, her husband can handle only so much before he turns off the set and switches to satellite and Internet news service.
Friend Amal Atieh Jubran says media outlets in the Middle East do not try to hide what is going on from the American public. "The facts on the ground are opposite what we hear on the media."
Jubran believes a double standard exists among U.S. journalists, who place a greater emphasis whenever Israel is attacked compared to when Israel attacks Palestinians.
News reports mention the abduction of two Israeli soldiers, Jubran says, but they fail to point out the Israeli government is holding 10,000 mostly Palestinian prisoners including teenagers and the elderly. "We are not getting a complete picture."
Annab says CNN and Fox News are the worst, followed by the national networks, which occasionally air a balanced report. She urged Americans to stand up and demand objectivity in reporting.
"Journalism is meant to keep people informed to make better decisions," Annab says. "Our tax dollars are being spent on weapons."
Thirty percent of U.S. aid to Israel is being used to buy weapons, Annab says.
"I don't know why the reports are slanted," Annab says. "I call it a conspiracy of fools."
Annab believes the national media are either buying into Israeli propaganda or being pressured by Zionist elements to slant the news.
She says U.S. support of Israel may be one reason why resistance among insurgents is so strong and brutal. Iraqis, who for years have seen American-made weapons used by Israel, now see the same weapons on their own streets.
"It is time to step back and study this," says Annab. "There should not be two separate cultures. People should live and work together to build a better future."
'We can live together...'
In the ancient city of Nablus, there is a beautiful old monastery with floor stones worn smooth by the passing of ages.
Visitors who come to the deep well in the sanctuary have to wait a long time to hear the bucket break the surface and draw water.
It is said Jesus Christ once rested there, promising the faithful living water to quench the thirst of any soul.
That day in ancient Palestine he was preaching to an enemy, a young woman from a rival tribe.
Normally Jews had no dealings with Samaritans, but Jesus spoke to her and shared his insight.
Nurse Amal Atieh Jubran felt uplifted just to taste water from Jacob's Well, wondering in the back of her mind how sanitary it was to drink from the cup of generations.
Nearby was a sight which torments her spirit -- a crowded refugee camp in modern-day Israel.
Just speaking of it brings out a passion for her homeland for the half-Palestinian, half-Lebanese woman now living in East Pennsboro Township.
So much poverty. So much despair. Can there ever be hope?
Yet her name in Arabic means "many hopes" and she has lived with its pain and promise every day since moving to the United States in 1982.
Jubran, 58, says she wanted to raise her children away from violence and to live in freedom from what she sees as oppression carried out by the Israeli government.
Since 2001, she has been on six medical missions arranged through the Palestinian Children Relief Fund to assist surgical teams providing care.
"Muslim, Christian and Jew, we work hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder to make it better," Jubran says. "I've devoted my life to healing and helping people."
The latest mission, in May and June, took her to Nablus, Haifa and East Jerusalem, where she worked as an operating room nurse helping specialists from the U.S. and Mexico treat facial injuries.
She says an Israeli army soldier shot one child through the jaw while a different soldier kicked and stepped on another child.
Jubran adopted a 14-year-old boy she says was crippled by an Israeli army sniper who fired into a classroom, killing another youth.
Her hope is to save the next generation and for them to be free of occupation by Israeli forces.
"They are the future. They are the victims," Jubran says.
"They have no place to play ... Nothing to fill their minds," she adds. "Violence is all they see. If you take a child and let them draw a picture, what do you think they are going to draw -- flowers?"
She claims the Israeli government makes it difficult for Palestinian students to attend safe schools and as a result some children cannot even write their names.
Jubran says her team had to do some surgery without electricity using a flashlight or a cell phone and had to wait for hours at a security checkpoint even though she was on an humanitarian mission.
The most recent violence has put family members at risk. Her 81-year-old mother lives in Haifa, a target lately of Hezbollah bomb and rocket attacks.
"She has seen war before and is not afraid of it," Jubran says. "Her dream is to some day have independence and dignity for all. She wants to see light at the end of the tunnel."
Her mother does not really talk about conditions in Haifa.
"She's afraid her telephone may be wired," Jubran says. "She's just worried about her grandchildren."
Jubran has been calling her brother daily since the crisis began. He lives in a town in Upper Galilee, a region near the border of Israel and Lebanon under fire by both sides.
His three boys -- ages 10, 8 and 5 -- are not used to the sound of explosions out in the distance that shake the windows of their home.
"The family cannot go to school or work," Jubran says. "The children are not sleeping."
As she sees it, the Israeli government used the abduction of two soldiers from territory historically Lebanese as an excuse to launch attacks on civilian targets.
She adds Hezbollah is not made up of fighters from one religion, but several faiths under one banner, to fight what Jubran calls the "monstrous" Israeli war machine.
A long bloody history has led to a culture of segregation in Israel which has isolated segments of the population from the outside world, Jubran says. "It's like a big jail surrounded by Israel. It's the longest running refugee crisis in the world. It has to stop."
Jubran blames what she calls the Zionist government, claiming it never released maps of minefields laid during the May 2000 pullout from southern Lebanon -- putting adults and children in jeopardy.
She also believes Israel has defied United Nations resolutions not to fly warplanes over neighboring countries.
A native herself, Jubran has nothing against the Israeli people, noting many of her friends are Jewish along with some of the most outspoken critics of government policy.
She hopes one day the government would release the 10,000 prisoners -- mostly Palestinians -- being held in Israeli jails.
Her desire is for Israeli leaders to honor the right of five million refugees to return to their homeland and allow everyone to live in dignity and freedom under one country.
"Call it what you will ... Peaceland ... Messiah Land ... we can live together in the same area," Jubran says. "We do not need to be segregated.
"If we do not stop this war now, it is going to escalate and spread across the whole region," she adds.
Jubran does her part at home as a member of the Harrisburg Middle East Justice and Peace Group of people from both sides of the debate who meet monthly.
The group hosted a Palestine Film Festival at the Mid-town Cinema in Harrisburg last September.
The Case for Destroying Israel
Anne Selden Annab - Mechanicsburg, Pa.
Israel is united right now behind pulverizing the people of Lebanon because all of Israel is (and has been) a bigoted war machine that finds great pleasure in making life miserable for its "enemies," primarily so that it can have enemies in order to be united as the so-called Jewish state.
Don't you get it--the only thing that holds the so called Jewish state together is hate. Us and them. To be an "us" you need a "them." And to have an Israel in that tourist trap so many call the Holy Land you need to perpetually usurp Palestinian land, rights and life. You also need a huge propaganda machine and a whole bunch of fools willing to invest in Jewish supremacism.
Israel is injustice and its genocidal wars are a crime against all of humanity. Racist Israel really should be dismantled and disarmed for everyone's sake!
Don't buy into propaganda of political Zionists News Tribune Online 07/13/06
Iapplaud you for publishing Nicholas Noor's excellent letter "U.N. intervention needed in Mideast." Political Zionism has gone a long way away from Balfour's Declaration of 1917.
To more fully understand what is going on with political Zionism let us take a serious glance at the establishment of Israel in 1948: "More than three-quarters of the Palestinian villages within the 1949 armistice lines were destroyed. In several of the districts wholly incorporated into Israel — Jaffa, Ramala, and Beersheba — no Palestinian village remained. From 1948 to the early 1950s, the amount of land owned and controlled by Arabs was reduced by more than 70 per cent. Even before the war's end, Israel was distributing refugee homes, possessions and properties to Jewish individuals and organizations for settling Jewish immigrants and to reward prominent Zionists and Jewish military officials."
More than 80 percent of Gaza's population are in fact already Palestinian refugees pushed out of their homes and off their land in what we call Israel proper.
Israel's punitive economic and military siege of Gaza is quite simply more of the same intentional Israeli-made segregation and genocide that has been going on all along. It is a cruel fiasco made possible by many fools worldwide who buy into Zionist lies and propaganda about security and peace. Israel, racist Israel as the misnamed "Jewish State," the home-wrecking war machine of institutionalized bigotry and injustice has been wrong from the start. Palestine is right, and Palestine is in pain. I think it is time to put a stop to Israel period.
Anne Selden Annab
July 12, 2006 02:50 AM
Why is it everyone blames everyone but the actual entity actually committing the crime against the Palestinian people- Israel as the "Jewish State"!
Israel - Israel - Israel !!!
U.N. agencies have been feeding Palestinians who are starving because Israel, racist Israel Israel Israel refuses to respect the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in general and specifically, racist Israel refuses to respect U.N Resolution 194 from 1948, the Palestinian refugees right of return.
I certainly am not a Bolton fan at all. But that fact should not deflect attention away from the core problems of political Zionism and the actual perpetrator of a horrific crime against humanity - the well armed "sovereign" entity choosing to break international law on multiple counts- Israel, racist Israel Israel !
Washington Post Web blog
Posted at July 6, 2006 07:18 AM
» Anne Selden Annab | Permalink
I am utterly delighted to see the Palestinian columnist Khalid Amayreh pop up to answer your question... I just wish his columns appeared in the Washington Post's pages as a regular columnist.
I find it astounding that so many fools in the West are so willing and eager to support segregation a la Israel's institutionalized injustice and this constant quest to ethnically cleanse the Holy Land of non-Jews so as to shape and maintain the misnamed Jewish State.
In 2005, there were approximately 7.2 million Palestinian refugees, equivalent to 74% of the entire Palestinian population which is estimated at 9.7 million worldwide. (Fact Sheet: The Right To Return, a Basic Right Still Denied
The place really should be Palestine for all the people- and political Zionism should be recognized as the trouble maker it has always been- a toxic ideology that invests in inequality, builds apartheid, and wages a very nasty war on those who dare object to such flagrant injustice and barbaric cruelty.
Negotiate with a crime against humanity ? Why is it that so many foolish American "peace" activists mainly ask that Israel's genocide be a little less obvious, a little less ugly, but really still going on ! Let's start from the very beginning please and rethink the whole idea of arming and empowering the bigoted ideologues of political Zionism in any way !
Chicago Tribune letters blog
The Palestinian Refugees Right of Return is code for keep all our children safe and all our homes secure- and all our rights respected !
Right of Return is code for real freedom for all God's children... and it is an inalienable natural, legal, moral right fully spelled out by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights form 1948.
The Right of Return is The Golden Rule with an emphasis on homes and families as the basis for protecting civilization itself and every community large or small- respecting the dignity of all people regardless of perceived race or religion: Right of Return is respecting real democracy with full and equal rights for ALL !
Posted by: Anne Selden Annab | Jun 9, 2006 5:43:57 PM*******************************************************************************************************
Chicago Tribune letters blog
The Holy Land is sacred for three, not two Abrahamic faiths... and yet Rev. David Heil & Rabbi David Oler intentionally exclude Islam in their evening of dialogue. They also excluded true Palestinian voices, both Christian and Muslim, from their "dialogue". So what we have here is yet another podium for political Zionism, and another way to advocate a blatantly racist war on the native non-Jewish population of Palestine.
More clever agents for Israel, the foreign country that wants America's sympathy, money and weaponry, frequently utilize duress and/or bribes to feature Palestinian traitors as the voice of Palestine. Meanwhile, the persecuted, impoverished Palestinians continue to be vilified, oppressed, imprisoned, tortured- brutally murdered in a slow motion ethnic cleansing while religious fools and fanatics idolize Israel's theft of Palestinian land, rights and dignity.
Yes the church should take a moral stand- boycott modern man made Israel. Object to racist Israeli injustice. Decry the cruelty of arming and empowering institutionalized bigotry and firmly condemn those that invest in hate, state sponsored terror and escalating war:
Stop the clash of civilizations right where it begins- Israel's monstrous apartheid wall.
Anne Selden Annab
Mechanicsburg PA
It is Mrs. Annab, not Ms. And what do I propose we do for everyone's sake- gently and firmly deconstruct political Zionism and the racist entity known as Israel. Stop the Aliyah and dismantle that awful wall.... Reverse course and make right a terrible wrong. Free Palestine. Start by fully respecting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights including but not limited to the Palestinian refugees inalienable right to return in addition to full reparations.
As the very wise Palestinian scholar and researcher on refugees Salman Abu Sitta wrote in his recent op-ed "The Palestinians, and most of the world with them, are determined to pursue justice, eradicate racism and Apartheid. Just as South Africa did. They have no intention of disappearing."
No one need be murdered- that should be the point. Enough with the hate mongering and the insults. What modern man made Israel has done to Palestine is a crime against humanity, just as the Nazi Holocaust was a crime against humanity.
The Telegraph
Telegraph on line comment
Recall please that Israel first insisted that monstrous wall was not a final border, just as once upon a time Balfour on explaining what he referred to as Jewish Zionist aspirations, insisted that " it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country." Hundreds of Palestinian villages ruined and millions of displaced and demonized non-Jews later can't we please see how toxic and wrong political Zionism has been all along ! Israel's borders wherever they go won't change the fact that Palestinian children trapped by racist Israeli laws and walls starve and get shot at by Zionist soldiers. That's the real charade. It's all yet another Zionist game that gives Israel more time and more ways to completely destroy Palestine.
Posted by Anne Selden Annab on May 25, 2006 2:52 AM
The Guardian
History that still divides Israelis and PalestiniansMonday May 15, 2006,,1775012,00.html
I was stunned by Karma Nabulsi's article on the Nakba, with its beautifully clear, bright language and honest thought. Times have changed and the Palestinians are finally being heard. Hallelujah! The torch for return has not only been passed from one generation to the next, it is obviously burning brighter and brighter than ever. It is burning in the words of talented young Palestinian poets, and in blogs and on websites and it is burning in the hearts of anyone, anywhere, who sincerely abhors injustice.
Anne Selden Annab
Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, USA
Raising Yousuf: a diary of a mother under occupation
Either return..or return comment on Laila's (beautiful beautiful )blog
Anne Selden Annab said...
Laila- thank you so much for speaking out and focusing on the importance of fully respecting human dignity and worth- basic human rights and the right of return.
Please do not let manipulative Zio-Nazis steer you away from speaking out clearly and distinctly, truthfully reporting what you know in your heart to be true.
Many people want to shut you up- they want to take that key and toss it away so that investments in political Zionism can continue ruining lives everywhere.... don't give Zio-Nazis that power- hold tight to the key- the real key to real justice- real peace- real hope- a future where all people have the freedom and a chance to live with dignity and security, regardless of religion or ID cards.
Letters To Leaders | |
All messages are published with permission of the sender. The general topic of this message is Foreign Affairs: |
Subject: Basic logical conclusion: To: Sen. Arlen Specter Sen. Rick Santorum Rep. Todd Platts President George Bush May 19, 2006 I figure it this way- foreign policy and that whole big mess in the Middle East: Basic logical conclusion: Advised by our "friend" Israel we took out Iraq. Destroyed its existing government. I don't like what we did at all, because I very much abhor all violence and terror and I am convinced that war is self defeating, but clearly you, our current administration do that kind of thing - so now- quick, before it does even more damage- Let's get rid of Israel...the very racist Israel. Deconstruct and dismantle the Zionist Entity, that home wrecking killing machine of injustice and bigotry that is exacting a punitive economic stranglehold and military siege on all things Palestinian. Stop racist Israel's war on Palestine: There is a HUGE humanitarian crisis in Gaza. And it has been a long time in the making. 100 years of political Zionism have created a system whereby bigots from abroad get to elect to become more and more bigoted and cruel while the native non-Jewish population of the Holy Land is harshly oppressed, persecuted, impoverished, demonized and attacked over and over and over. All along modern man made Israel has been acting unilaterally. And it has created a very monstrous situation including the barbed insult of that concrete apartheid wall dividing and destroying the Holy land. A one state solution with equal rights for Palestinians and Jews as well as the right of return for Palestinian refugees is the only just solution to end the bloody impasse between Israelis and Palestinians. Time to end Israel, the toxic delusion. But gently please- save the Jewish people... just tell them it really would be best for them to go home to Europe and America were they come from in order to let Palestine return fully free with full and equal rights for all. Add up the numbers- and toss in some compassion- Israel as "The Jewish State", which really should never have begun.... is already over. Political Zionism is demented... It's only down hill from here. Enough with injustice. Insist on real freedom and democracy. Mechancisburg , PA |
letter to
Letters To Leaders | |
All messages are published with permission of the sender. The general topic of this message is Foreign Affairs: |
Subject: Please- help Palestine Return in full- with real freedom, justice and peace for all God's children To: Sen. Arlen Specter Sen. Rick Santorum Rep. Todd Platts President George Bush May 15, 2006 Today May 15 is the day to formally remember and mark Al Nakba- the catastrophe of Israel's creation which continues to ruin the lives and the land of countless innocent families who happen to be Palestinian - the real people of the land that political Zionism has usurped. Enough with empowering racist Israel and the continued Israeli military attacks and economic sieges shaped by racist Israel's twisted quest to be "The Jewish State" No more money for concrete walls of hate and endless war.... Read this: Bells of Return Speak 'Strongly' and 'Honestly' and read on and on...about the truth about Palestine..... Please- help Palestine Return in full- with real freedom, justice and peace for all God's children Mechanicsburg , PA |
Palestine Chronicle
May 4, 2006
Letter to the Editor:
History Doubletalk
Read: New History of 1948
Avi Shlaim speaks of the New History of 1948 and the Palestinian Nakba as an Englishman- and an Israeli.
Dear Editor,
Avi Shlaim speaks of the New History of 1948 and the Palestinian Nakba as an Englishman- and an Israeli. Sounds like the same old story to me.
Best bet to get anything published in an English language periodical meant for Western eyes is to in some way or another re-affirm Israel's "right to exist" in some form or another ... guaranteeing a continued Aliyah whereby privileged Englishmen and Americans are free to speak as compassionate Israelis in multiple forums and political Zionism continues to be the charity of choice.
The Palestinian refugees ARE... and they have every right to return. And with racist Israel shaped and sustained by political Zionism still easily ignoring and/or demonizing Palestinians, easily wrecking Palestinian homes, easily creating and torturing political prisoners, easily pulling apart Palestinian families and communities, easily arresting and/or wounding and/or killing Palestinian children, easily usurping Palestinian land, easily making more refugees - and bombing Palestinian refugee camps - I think all the world has the right to stop, look, and listen and seriously question why we have to accept the idea of Israel.
Anne Selden Annab
Mechanicsburg PA USA
Al Ahram
4 - 10 May 2006
Attention to shift
Sir-- What a fascinating, thought provoking article 'A Greater Palestine' ( Al-Ahram Weekly 27 April-3 May). I do very much like the notion of a renamed and reinvigorated idea of a PRO, Palestine Reunification Organisation. And it is important to be looking for fresh ideas, hopeful ideas that can help lead to a just and lasting peace. However, I am concerned that by embracing and swallowing Jordan, the thrust of this plan will make it ever so easy for attention to be drawn away from the primary struggle with Israeli injustice, easily undermining and destroying the more vulnerable Jordan while Israel, fully funded, armed and protected by fools in America, continues to hold firm in every way it can. In other words, Israel as "the Jewish state" gets what it wanted all along -- no right of return for Palestinians with Jordan as Palestine.
Anne Annab
The Daily Star
Reader's Feedback Published on 27/04/2006
Rami G. Khouri
"A former U.S. diplomat has ideas for a 'right of return'"
(March 22)
I am glad that Khouri was able to interview Thomas R. Pickering last week in Qatar. Former U.S. Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs Pickering is right to acknowledge the Palestinian refugees' right of return, but he is very wrong to try to redefine it by restricting it so as to accommodate blatantly racist Israeli ideas about demographic "threats" and democracy.
Israel's ongoing Zionist Aliyah (the generously subsidized Jews-only right to immigrate to Israel) depends on full respect for multi-generational ties to Judaism. It is total hypocrisy to set one standard for Jews and another for non-Jews. Such double standards already helped build the stranglehold of Israeli-only roads connecting the many subsidized Jews-only armed fortresses and "communities" all throughout the illegally occupied territories in the West bank.
It is time for Israel to make amends - not more trouble for families already brutalized by Zionist policies.
Rewarding one very unrepentant Israel for holding off on respecting international law and the inalienable right of return by redefining Palestinian refugee rights to only mean the parent generation, guarantees that one very racist Israel will continue investing in segregation and injustice by chopping the Palestinians' basic human rights and Palestinian families up like a paper shredder.
Anne Selden Annab
Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
online Wall Street Journal Opinon Journal
Turning Readers Away
Anne Selden Annab - Mechanicsburg, Pa.
Juan Cole is one of the reasons newspaper readership is dwindling fast. Mr. Cole's probing insights into the many problems with Israel as "The Jewish State" are welcomed by many minds starved for real information and insights that might help shape more reasonable American foreign policies. Mr. Cole's articles zip every where on the Internet, invigorating minds, igniting conversations and compassionate dialogue everywhere. "Reputable" newspapers that prefer to reinforce dangerous Zionist fantasies with dirty tactics such as twinning a great American intellectual with the Taliban do know how to play nasty games and start smear campaigns--and ultimately undermine their reader's trust and willingness to subscribe.
(they edited out my last line- "Bottom line, in every way, racist Israel is a very bad investment."
Mother Jones
online letter
Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: How Long Will Failed Ways Persist?
What a pleasure to see an Arab name pop up in an American publication. It happens so rarely that it really is quite a treat. I very much agree with Rami G. Khouri's belief that if left to go on as it has, the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict will become "a civilizational one," the likes of which simply can not be fully comprehended. This is a very dangerous situation indeed.
However I disagree with Khouri 's assertion that a two-state solution will bring peace to anyone. Millions of displaced and impoverished Palestinian refugees, harassed and attacked daily by Israeli troops, are fully aware that international law has clearly spelled out and respected their inalienable right of return for Israel's entire existence. And yet, thanks to worldwide funding and support for politicized Zionism, Israel's homewrecking polices continue.
Now is not the time to be scattering dots in an effort to protect Israel. Sadly, most of our American media has been doing exactly that. Get to the heart and soul of the matter. Don't help empower stupidity and Israeli apartheid by bulldozing and burying the Palestinian refugees right of return, as well as all real hope for a just and lasting peace.
Mechanicsburg PA
The Rebel Yell
comment on excellent essay "Life in Palestine"
Dear Rebel Yell,
Thank you so much for publishing Tamara Essayyad's beautiful eyes wide open meander past CNN/Fox news to see the truth and the real news about what exactly is going on in that place so many call the Holy Land. She really did manage to go right to the real heart of the "conflict".
Land ? No this mess is not about land, it is about Palestine displaced. The land itself only makes it possible for political Zionism to build toxic fantasies with concrete walls of hate, shaping prison camps for harshly persecuted non-Jews. This "conflict" is about lies. This "conflict" is created by one hundred years of constant Zionist land grabs made possible by institutionalized bigotry favoring generously subsidized and protected Jewish immigrants over the indigenous population. And this conflict includes a huge PR machine that is part of the Israel lobby manipulating America into funding this fiasco called "The Jewish State". As such this "conflict" is not at all two equal sides battling for equal rights and freedoms- this "conflict" is and always has been a world wide war on the children of Palestine.
There is and there always will be such a thing as the Palestinian refugees right of return-it is only a matter of time. Sooner really is better than later.
Anne Selden Annab
online comment
Thank you Mr. Sugg , for once again writing a very revealing and insightful column concerning Dr. Sami Al-Arain. Such a shame that any of this character assassination and legal lynching happened at all. But at least you have spoken out in his defense- and for that I applaud you.
I wish Al-Arian were free- and I wish all of Palestine were free too, every inch of it. So many lives ruined all so that racist Israel pretending to be "The Jewish State" can own all the Holy Land by pushing the indigenous Palestinians into a different types of prisons... including the prison of perpetual poverty.
And what a mess Israel has made of everything. Diverting water so that now the historic river Jordan is just a trickle of polluted sludge. I think Zionists should be forced to pick up the tab for making things right again... clean up the mess political Zionism has made & reimburse Al-Arian and every other Palestinian put through hell for Israel.
Mr. Sugg,
To quibble- though you are more than welcome to ignore me as you did just make it clear that you don't want to quibble with the likes of me- an American housewife by the way :-) ... Once upon a time I too thought Israel had a right to exist. It had been drilled into me, like a mantra.
It took some really ugly nasty Zionists to convince me that maybe I was wrong. Examine the storm of hate one stirs when ones dares stand up for Palestinian rights. Notice the character assassinations- and the lies. I know who I am and I have watched absolutely ridiculous lies about me pop up by complete strangers who simply want to start a smear campaign... that's Zionism for you. Zionists demonize and destroy Arabs- and they demonize and try to destroy any who firmly object, as I do, to Israel's racist laws and walls. That's what you want to protect by protecting Israel.
Think about it. Really read and really watch. Spend some time actually in the Middle East, preferably skip the Zionist propaganda tours. Really examine political Zionism. And really look- see what Israel has done to its own privileged Jewish citizens. This situation is not healthy for any one. It's a toxic delusion- complete with an apartheid wall. This is dangerous momentum that must be stopped somehow- for everyone's sake.
End Israel gently- I abhor all violence and am convinced Jews AND EVERY ONE ELSE- including the Palestinians- should have full and equal rights and freedoms and respect where ever they live, where they come from and where ever they go.
The Spectator
online letters4-1-6
Comment on: In pursuit of peace by Con Coughlin
Published on: 2006-03-30
The Israeli people are desperate for good PR, not peace. If Israel truly wanted peace Zionists would reverse the Aliyah machine bringing in Jewish immigrants from everywhere.
If Israel truly wanted peace Zionists would dismantle the apartheid wall and that huge nasty arsenal of lethal weaponry... If Israel truly wanted peace Zionists would give back Palestine- every inch of it.
The ploys played by racist Israel are endless... and so is the suffering of millions of innocent albeit vilified Palestinian men, women, and children who continue to have their land and rights stolen.
Anne Selden Annab
There Was Something About Those Photographs...
in honor of the Palestinian Refugees Right of Return******************************************************************************************************
Dear President Bush,
Israel's home wrecking polices harm Palestinian children.
How many Palestinian children have psychological and/or physical wounds as a direct result of Israel's ongoing psychological and physical war on Palestine ! How many Palestinian children have lost their mothers and fathers and brothers and sisters because of Zionist violence...
April 5th marked Palestinian Child Day.
Our highest priority should be to fully remember and fully respect the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and U.N. Resolution 194 from 1948, the Palestinian refugees inalienable Right of Return.
Just as the Palestinians are harshly oppressed by racist Israel itself, the story of the suffering and the pain of Palestine's children is also oppressed or pushed aside, leaving them even more vulnerable and likely to be hurt by the Zionist war machine.
America should not be funding, supporting, idolizing or empowering our "friend" racist Israel as "The Jewish State" in any way shape or form. Not with words, not with money- not with lethal weaponry... and certainly not with a complicit silence while innocents are slaughtered on the altar of institutionalized bigotry.
Israel's racist refusal to respect Palestinian homes and property and rights must be confronted, challenged and stopped. Unless we do Israel will continue freely taking Palestinian land and life.
America's money must not be spent reinforcing racist Israel's apartheid laws, walls and home wrecking polices.
Since the start of this year alone, 12 Palestinian children have been killed, bringing to 740 the total number of children fatalities since the start of the intifada. In the same period, around 4,000 minors have been arrested, of whom some 400 are still in prison.
In additional many Palestinian children have lost their beloved fathers, mothers, sisters and brothers due to Israeli detentions, or death.
These fragile orphans of the Holy Land must be protected from further trauma. The Israeli government must abide by its obligations under international law through ceasing at once all violations against Palestinian children and families.
Despite Israel's heavily publicized "withdraw" from Gaza last August the area remains under Israeli control with Israeli forces controlling all exit and entry points, preventing food and medical supplies from entering the strip. It is unacceptable that Israel uses the lives and rights of Palestinian children as a political bargaining tool and we call on the UN and international community to exert pressure on the Israeli government to stop these illegal and unethical practices.
In the West Bank, Israeli actions consistently and systematically violate the special rights protections provided for children under both international human rights and humanitarian law. Specifically, the repeated military incursions into areas in the West Bank and the continued construction of the separation wall undermine the rights of children to education, adequate standard of living, health care and the right to life.
For everyone's sake, we must protect all children, preserve their homes, their families, their heritage and their childhoods as best as we can. And for everyone's sake we must make sure that all families always have the freedom to leave, and the right to return to their homes.
More information on this topic can be found at
Defence for Children International/Palestine Section
in addition to much helpful information on
FACT SHEET The Right to Return, a Basic Right Still Denied
Anne Selden Annab
Stop both the bombs and the bigotry !!!
Sen. Rick Santorum
March 31, 2006
Please stop Israel's bombing raid NOW !
According to a first hand report in Gaza , Israel is sending in the big stuff- even F-16s.
" Gaza city is under heavy aerial and sea bombardment, unlike anything the city has seen in recent years. As I write this, F-16 warplanes-not Apaches or tanks-are bombarding Gaza City, where I live, just a few roads away from my house. The entire house is shaking and the windows have cracked. The explosions are so powerful my ears are ringing...they are like sonic booms, but they are real, and they are terrorizing and causing panic."
An excellent op-ed in LA Times by Saree Makdisi this morning sums up Israel's election results best- RACISM...
"Lieberman was born in Moldova in 1958. In 1978, he moved to Israel. Because he is Jewish, he was eligible for instant citizenship under Israel's law of return. It was evidently not enough for Lieberman that, as a Russian-speaking immigrant fresh off the plane, he was instantaneously granted rights and privileges denied to Palestinians born in the very country to which he had just moved (not to mention those expelled during the creation of Israel in 1948). The very presence of an indigenous non-Jewish population in Israel was, in effect, unacceptable to him. In 1999, he formed a party called Yisrael Beiteinu ("Israel our Home"), made up largely of other Russian immigrants for whom the presence of Palestinians is also unacceptable."
And this heavy attack tonight is obvious proof that Israel the very racist nation electing to become more and more monstrous towards the native non-Jewish population of the Holy Land - and as such will always continue to elect to bomb Palestinians trapped in Gaza and elsewhere.
We need to stop the hate... and we need to end the apartheid... we need to end this cruel insanity by ending all support for Israel as "The Jewish State" .
Please, for every one's sake we need to stop Israel ! Stop both the bombs and the bigotry !!!
Mechanicsburg , PA
Thanks to the T-R for column
Editor, Times- Republican:
I had to search for it. Someone forwarded to me Charlie Reese's latest greatest op-ed and I really wanted to see it in a paper, preferably something like the New York Times or Washington Post or maybe even USA Today.Okay, yeah, I know I am dreaming ... idly searching for a reputable newspaper in America. One that isn't filled to the gills with Zionist garbage being peddled like political Zionism should be our saving grace in this terribly misguided war on terror. While searching it occurs to me of course that search engines with a Zionist slant probably disappear information ... but at least they left this link - at least one real paper carried Reese's great column: the Times-Republican.
I don't live in Iowa. But then again I don't live in New York. So while newspapers everywhere are losing readers I cannot help but wonder if a New World Order of Newspapers will emerge with those honest and brave enough to publish the likes of the very talented and intelligent Charlie Reese with clear condemnations of racist Israeli brutality taking the lead. Leading America away from this fiasco of Israeli-made injustice, pain and terror - and apartheid walls. Leading us away from the lies and deceit of a foreign country that wants us to be wage slaves and cannon fodder for its own bigoted benefit. Wants us to give everything we are and everything we have and everything we believe in so that a small handful of war mongers and security companies can grow wealthy while the rest of us end up with less than nothing.
So anyway, thank you dear Times-Republican.
Anne Selden Annab
Mechanicsburg, Pa.
March 29, 2006 ![]() | |
Letters to the Editor | |
'Speak out' I do enjoy reading the great op-eds found in your pages. I very much agree with the writer of the article “The incontestable impact of media” (The Jordan Times, March 28, 2006) who concludes that all is not lost. It is a delight and a relief to see the topic handled so adroitly. Time and again I am astounded by how many people — all people — just don't bother to really work towards positive change. American newspapers reflect a range of opinions, facts and interests, and what I see is that much of it starts in the letter column, that great equaliser where anyone can briefly babble about anything. How is a newspaper to know if we don't tell them? Sure, most letters never get published, but who cares, they help build momentum, help shift the news towards revealing a fuller truth about this huge, complex, intriguing, totally fascinating world of ours. And our letters can help simplify what is not so complex — such as the fact that political Zionism has spent the past 100 years intentionally stealing Palestine and undermining peace for many innocent people. Don't let it steal every story. Speak out! Anne Selden Annab, Wednesday, March 29, 2006 |
New York Post
Militants Amoung Us
The real fifth column in America is not composed of Palestinian professors who dare question the right of Israel to exist as an exclusively Jewish state.
The real fifth column is not even defined by religion, although it works to create a religious war between Islam and the West.
Israel wants to build walls of hate; it wants to divide and conquer.
The real fifth column is political Zionism.
It is a secular and religious ideology embraced by Christians, Jews and idiotic fools who believe that Israel is more important than America.
And that institutionalized bigotry may be our future.
Anne Selden Annab
Mechanicsburg, Pa.
As an occupying power, the United States has a responsibility under the Geneva Conventions to protect all citizens
Sen. Rick Santorum
March 28, 2006
As an occupying power, the United States has a responsibility under the Geneva Conventions to protect all citizens, including Palestinian refugees who are currently residing in Iraq because Israel refuse to respect U.N Resolution 194 from 1948, The Palestinian refugees inalienable right of return.
Please don't ignore the plight of the refugees in Iraq and occupied Palestine.
There are an estimated 34,000 Palestinians in Iraq, of whom 23,000 have been registered by UNHCR in Baghdad.
Emmanuel Gignac of UNHCR's Iraq Support Unit in Geneva says that,"They (Palestinians) are feeling increasingly trapped, and for security reasons many have stopped going to work and have taken their children out of school. We know very well that life for other Iraqis is very difficult as well at the moment. The Palestinians feel however, especially vulnerable and targeted as they were perceived to have been treated favorably by the previous regime."
Please speak out against the horrifying conditions of Palestinians in Iraq. Most recently Shiites have dropped leaflets in Palestinian neighborhoods with the following warning, "We warn you that we will eliminate you all if you don't leave the area for good within 10 days."
A Palestinian diplomat in Baghdad told the press that it is now routine to find several Palestinians a week in the morgue.
Palestinians - vulnerable men, women and children, trying to escape are trapped at the Iraqi/Jordanian border after the Jordanian government closed the border to prevent them entry. They are now stuck in an extremely dangerous part of Iraq referred to as "no man's land," without water, food, or shelter.
This is an urgent matter and requires your immediate attention. I believe that the best solution is that Israel absolutely must do the right thing by the Palestinian refugees starting now: No more prison camps for Palestinians. Let them be free and equal...and comfortable resettled as best as possible as soon as possible in accordance with international law and their individual desires... and if Israel stubbornly refuses to do the right thing as this is an emergency at least offer them citizenship here in the United States where they can live with dignity.
Mechanicsburg , PA
Vermont Guardian
March 252006
If Islam is what it takes
And here I thought you could not possibly top your excellent editorial the other week, “Rhetoric will get us nowhere” (Feb. 10), compassionately complaining that it is cruel for our Congress to cut aid to the persecuted, impoverished, and imprisoned Palestinians. But you did top it. I am utterly delighted to see that you published the fascinating and truly informative “Hamas’ Ismail Haniyeh — from refugee to prime minister” (March 17) by Mohammed Omer.
Politically, the main thing I really like and admire about Hamas is the fact that Hamas has not abandoned or compromised the Palestinian refugees’ inalienable right of return. To me, the core of the conflict rests on basic human rights in general, and specifically, refugee rights, as clearly spelled out by international law for Israel’s entire existence.
The United State’s myopic refusal to face that fact has enabled the very racist Israel to build that monstrous apartheid wall, destroying even more Palestinian homes in the process.
Israel has been intentionally undermining and destroying secular Palestinian calls for real justice and a lasting peace. Under the circumstances, in confronting the blatant bigotry and brutality of political Zionism and “the Jewish State,” if it takes Islam to bring Palestine home then so be it.
Anne Selden Annab
Mechanicsburg, PA
New York Post
March 24, 2006
According to Zionists, the idea of colonizing Palestine by displacing, demonizing and destroying the Palestinians in order to establish a "Jewish state" is logical.
But when Islam rises to object to such blatant injustice and cruelty, is Islam to be condemned?
Israel wants to have it both ways, but what is good for the goose is good for the gander.
It seems to me that Israel's own institutionalized bigotry is merely coming back to haunt the many fools who ever thought that political Zionism was a good idea.
Anne Selden Annab
Mechanicsburg, Pa.
S.2370 Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act of 2006 helps perpetuate a crime against humanity.
March 21, 2006
S.2370 Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act of 2006 helps perpetuate a crime against humanity.
First of all the main ongoing very violent violence in the Holy Land is Israel's occupation and all those Zio- Nazi fanatics who are convinced that God is a Great Real Estate Agent who granted them the divine right to steal Palestinian land, life and peace.
I do not think Hamas- or any one else should recognize " Israel's right to exist as a Jewish State".
Rumors I have heard is that Abbas should step down- and frankly that whole two state solution thing has been a crock for years. Israel as 'The Jewish State" has used it as a way to make the native non-Jewish population of the Holy Land miserable. A way to waste time- and take even more Palestinian land, life and peace.
Mechanicsburg , PA
March 17 2006
Split On The Two-State Solution
Re: Colonization of Palestine Precludes Peace
Jimmy Carter came so very very close—but totally fell short at the end. Noticing Israel's occupation is a good start, but really we must start noticing the mechanics that made the occupation, with all its innate brutality and institutionalized bigotry, possible: Political Zionism. It's a war machine of injustice and forced segregation.
Why should the Palestinians accept the idea that half of racist Israel's crimes against humanity are wrong but the other half are fine: 58 years and counting and Israel is still wrecking Palestinian homes and communities—and still creating Palestinian refugees. The Palestinians have every right to resist such state-sponsored terror in every way that they can.
Anne Selden Annab
Georgetown University's The Hoya
Letter to the Editor U.S. Wise to Divest from Israel To the Editor: Susan B. Tuchman, director of the Center for Law and Justice at the Zionist Organization of America, certainly does have a very impressive title, but I am not at all impressed by her logic and her lack of compassion (“PSM Conference Incites Hate,” THE HOYA, Feb. 28, 2006, A3). We live in the Information Age. One does not need to go to a conference to realize that there is something seriously wrong with Israel, and both America and Zionists would be wise to divest. Instead, we should invest in reversing a terrible wrong by making sure that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in general — and the Palestinian refugees’ inalienable right of return specifically — are fully respected. In the marketplace of ideas in America, Zionists have been dominating the conversation, and in the Middle East things are only getting worse. I welcome the fact that voices everywhere are rising up to object to obvious Israeli racism and injustice. Thank you for publishing Muriam Davis’ wonderful letter (“Hoya Coverage of PSM Lacks Depth,” THE HOYA, Feb. 28, 2006, A2); it was a breath of fresh air and honesty and proof that no matter how many nasty games pro-Israel bullies try to play, they simply won’t win in the end. Palestine wins for freedom and a just and lasting peace, and Zionist opposition and oppression get a big fat zero. Anne Selden Annab Mechanicsburg, Pa. March 1, 2006 |
****************************************************************************************************** o/A Response to Jimmy Carter's Colonization of Palestine Precludes Peace By Anne Selden Annab.htm
A Response to Jimmy Carter's "Colonization of Palestine Precludes Peace"
By Anne Selden Annab
Al-Jazeerah, March 14, 2006
Jimmy Carter makes a good start with his op-ed ""Colonization of Palestine Precludes Peace", but I fear his mind and his heart have been clouded by the way Christians say prayers. For years, long before the establishment of that place we call "Israel" on top of Palestine, Christian psalms, prayers and hymns have been gently beautifully lovingly praising the word Israel. It was once a spiritual concept. Israel was even a respected name passed down in Christian families including my own, until 1948 when that name disappeared off our family tree.
Generations of exquisite psalms, prayers and hymns praising "Israel" have been ingrained in hearts and minds, teaching children that "Israel" is something to be cherished and protected. Quite handy for the Zionist entity to embrace the nom de guerre, the name "Israel" for the racist entity and war machine now colonizing ALL of Palestine.
Knowing this, and knowing how hard it is to break away from comfortable familiar traditions, I very much disagree with Carter's conclusion that "Israel" must be "recognized and accepted by Palestinians and all other neighbors".... The emotionally charged name Israel was stolen, just as Palestinian land and rights continue to be stolen by the Zionist Entity. One should not even try to live in peace with blatant injustice, bigotry, and morally bankrupt con artists who know how to wage a psychological war.
I am not advocating violent resistance to racist "Israel". All I urge is a peaceful refusal to be bullied into empowering political Zionism by formally rewarding "Israel" for a being a gruesome and ongoing crime against humanity.
Anne Selden Annab, Mechanicsburg PA, USA.
Civilization is worth saving: Please stop the bombs.
Sen. Arlen Specter
Sen. Rick Santorum
Rep. Todd Platts
President George Bush
March 14, 2006
I am horrified- shocked and totally ashamed that America stepped back, stood aside, and let racist Israel the war machine attack vulnerable, defenseless men already caged and cornered twice over- once in Palestine the prison camp for non-Jews, and a second time as shackled political prisoners accused by the Zionist State of crimes, and thus as Palestinians they are personally targeted for perpetual punishment- torture both physical and psychological- until death.
Israel's attack on Jericho today is one of many abhorrent acts that shape racist Israel's occupation over ALL of Palestine.
Countless innocent Palestinian men women and children are suffering and being hurt - maimed wounded and killed in a slow motion genocide thanks in a large part to our ridiculous support of the racist Aliya Entity that has been destroying ALL of Palestine.
This world wide war on Palestine is simply not fair or right- nor is our own misguided pulverizing of the very cradle of civilization- Iraq.... nor is this posturing to annihilate Iran... nor is all this very nasty anti-Arab, Islamaphobic hate mongering happening in our own Congress- All for Israel ! A foreign Entity and usurper of all that is right and good and just. A spoiler of fruit and lives. A crime against humanity that pretends to be seeking peace while waging endlessly escalating war. Israel IS the clash of civilizations and an ongoing problem which is only getting worse.
Please do all you can to disarm and dismantle Israel and the evil Aliya Entity that is nothing but institutionalized bigotry and injustice- erase the apartheid walls.... and withdraw our troops from Iraq.... Peace is a gentle fragile thing that must be nurtured gently, politely, respectfully with love and decency- and empathy. Deep empathy for "other" .
End this racist war- free all the world from political Zionism and the many war mongering fools who think brutality is power.
Civilization is worth saving: Please stop the bombs.
Mechanicsburg , PA
Anne Selden Annab
Thursday, March 09, 2006
'Another Brick in the Monstrous Wall'

Our Dreams Are Broken by Inas Jamil Ahmad Soliman
Omar Barghouti in today's Independent
"Omar Barghouti, of the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel, said yesterday: 'We are appealing to Roger Waters because we feel that a principled and conscientious artist like him, who is on record opposing Israel's illegal wall, would be more accommodating to our perspective, to our moral argument.' Mr Barghouti, a choreographer, said that supporters of the call would not be satisfied if Waters agreed to perform in a Palestinian location. He said: "We do not wish to become a fig leaf for anyone who does not mind becoming complicit in Israel's crimes ... Performing in Israel as if it were normal, as if it were not building a monstrous colonial wall ... is simply unacceptable."
And a letter from a US activist to the paper:
Dear Sir,
Waters has been beguiled and charmed by Zionism if he honestly thinks Israel wants peace. Sadly that is not a good thing as the Israel peace camp does great harm to real justice and a lasting peace because so much of it is designed to help re-reinforce segregation and that monstrous wall.
While being an Israeli does not bar any one from being a human being, fact is many Israelis hold dual citizenships- full and equal rights and privileges in two countries while most Palestinians have no rights or freedoms ANYWHERE. The Palestinians are not even safe in their own homes. Millions are refugees with more and more being made every day. There is no sanctuary- even prayers in church are disturbed by firecrackers- Israeli terror, with the Zionist PR teams quickly going into overdrive to spin it away from what it is: Zionist bigotry, scorn and the intentional harassment and methodical dispossession and displacement of the native non-Jewish population of the Holy Land. The ongoing process of genocide.
Our politicians and even our newspapers might be slow to catch on - but the world has woken up to the very real plight of the Palestinians and the barbed insult of Zionist Israel's concrete wall of hate. If Waters does that concert in Tel Aviv he will be best remembered as yet another brick in that monstrous wall.... bringing a whole new poignancy- and a whole bunch of hypocrisy- to his lyrics.
Anne Selden Annab
In Honor of International Woman's Day
To: President George Bush
March 8, 2006
Dear -----
Today is International Women's Day. Please take at least a moment away from being wined and dined by AIPAC for racist Israel and read beyond the Zionist spin that has you thinking apartheid is peace.
In Honor of International Woman's Day and being fully cognizant of the fact that racist Israel receives the lion's share of America's time, attention- and foreign aid, please read Raising Yousuf: a diary of a mother under occupation by Laila El-Haddad
In her latest entry she writes about Lethal Ambiguity and "The policy of ambiguity applies equally to Gaza's border "killing zone"-where 9 unarmed Palestinians, including five children, and and one eight-month old child, have been killed since the Disengagement"
Don't forget to scroll down and look at the joy and the total huggability of her adorable two year old son. Look into his beautiful face and know that these are the children America wants to help starve. Read on about The final divide: the ghettoization of Bethlehem... and keep reading. Read about the earth pounding noise... and a child learning to explain that he is afraid.
And start doing some real research into what our "friend" Israel really is and does: According to PCHR "Throughout the OPT, Palestinian women suffer as a result of violations of human rights perpetrated by IOF, including killings, house demolitions and arbitrary arrests. They often have to endure extra hardship when their houses are demolished or their husbands are unable to provide adequate living conditions for their families, as a result of measures taken by IOF. Palestinian women are also often direct victims of the Israeli occupation: they are killed, injured, arrested and have their land and homes destroyed. IOF have not excluded Palestinian women from suppression and attacks directed against all Palestinian civilians." (Palestinian Centre for Human Rights press release March 7th , E-mail:, Webpage
"It seems that already 15,000 persons have been displaced as a result of the construction of the wall," Dugard said. "This new generation of displaced persons creates a new category of Palestinian refugees."
.... Spates of settler violence, pervasive unemployment, poor health and education services and restrictions on Palestinian movements were also cited as pressing human rights concerns. (wire story
America must start paying attention to the very real plight of the Palestinians. We must start seeing and understanding the vital importance of promoting and protecting peace and the Palestinian refugees inalienable, legal, historic, and moral right of return as specified by U.N Resolution 194 from 1948- in other words for Israel's entire existence.
Racist Israel would not be quite so eager to destroy Palestinian families and homes but for the fact they have been getting away with it for the past 58 years... in fact they are rewarded with OUR money and weaponry for such a horrific crime against humanity.
Mechanicsburg , PA
The Oracle
Al-Arian reflects on past three years |
First Previous Next Last (1 of 2 posts) |
Posted 02/20/2006 |
Thank you for interviewing Dr. Sami Al-Arian and publishing the interview for all to see. This whole fiasco has been wrong and cruel and Al-Arian really should be free, not facing more legal lynchings because he dared support Palestinian rights... Palestine should be free too... instead both Al-Arian and Palestine are trapped by a blatantly racist Zionist war that seeks to demonize and destroy Arabs and Muslims. It broke my heart to hear Al- Arian speak about how hard it has been on his entire family, when he said ..." Your children are growing up without you, they are deprived of your love and your kindness and your guidance and your advice, and your wife is suffering on a daily basis; that’s the toughest part. Knowing that — that this is an ordeal that has been going on know for three years and is continuing and you can’t do much about it." Al-Arian should be free- and Palestine should be too. Anne Selden Annab homemaker Mechanicsburg PA 17050 View other feedbacks from Anne Selden Annab (3) |
NJ Record
Columnist William Tucker's Islamaphobic diatribe
Columnist William Tucker's Islamaphobic diatribe works to terrorize America into trusting an Israeli-inspired racist world view, as if intentionally provocative blatant hatemongering is free speech ("Standing up to terror," Other Views, Feb. 14).
But I fail to find anything of value in his ugly rant. Was it supposed to be entertaining? Informative? Because it was neither. It was merely ugly. It resembled the rhetoric in Israel so that Zionist immigrants and their offspring can hate, harass and harm the native non-Jewish Palestinians. There are consequences to such free speech.Nayfa Abu Imsaa'id, 25, and her friend were tending to some goats in an area just east of the central Gaza town of Dair al-Balah on Monday when she was killed by an Israeli soldier.
Several days before, Aya al-Astal, a 9-year-old girl, drifted away from her home and wandered toward the fence along the Gaza and Israel border, where she was shot by an Israeli sniper.
There is nothing free and nothing funny about Zionist hatemongering. We are all paying a huge price for this terrible crime against humanity.
Anne Selden Annab
Mechanicsburg, Pa., Feb. 14
2-15- 2006
Destroying America
To: President George Bush
February 15, 2006
How can we rail against Hamas when we have a day honoring Martin Luther King Jr's ministry which was very much a Christian response to institutionalized bigotry, segregation and injustice- the same problems the Palestinians must deal with because of Israel's racist laws and walls. Except worse as modern weapons and technology have made Israeli oppression of the very much persecuted Palestinians much more manipulative and omnipresent.
Hamas is merely resistance- a religious response to Zionist Israel's blatantly racist war on the native non-Jewish population of the Holy Land.
The Palestinians have just cause for complaint but so far reasonable rational secular persuasions have not worked. Political Zionism has thrived and become more and more monstrous.
Contained within the charter of the Islamic Resistance Movement are these crucial words which we ignore at our own peril : "..... for under the wing of Islam followers of all religions can coexist in security and safety where their lives, possessions and rights are concerned."
Palestinians are indigenous Christians and Muslims who, for the past 100 years, have been abused, pushed aside, impoverished and vilified by Zionist immigrants. As such we waste time obsessing about Hamas. Political Zionism is the problem, not Hamas.
Zionist Israel's own extensive and ongoing state sponsored terror and torture of the Palestinians is well documented. Ignoring the evidence we only undermine real democracy and basic human rights world wide by investing in escalating injustice and a Zionist war machine that is destroying not just Palestine- but America too.
Mechancisburg , PA
Anne Selden Annab
Pittsburgh Post Gazette
That Zionist line
In response to your Feb. 7 editorial "Cultural Schism: A Furor Over Cartoons Thwarts Mutual Tolerance": Please, enough with spinning every story to make Islam and Muslims look bad. Muslims are angry about the fact the West is so very eager and willing to demonize Islam and Muslims more than anything else.
And keep it in context -- Muslims also aren't too thrilled with the fact that thanks to a plethora of Zionist propaganda and manipulations, Western money, power and weaponry has been making many Arabs and Muslims homeless in addition to harassing, harming, wounding and killing Arabs and Muslims all through out the Middle East.
Enough constantly putting the cart before the horse in order to help Zionist hatemongers blame and bash Arabs and Muslims at every opportunity. There is very little mutual tolerance in our own willingness to help empower a Zionist campaign of hate under the guise of free speech.
Yes, I keep using the word "Zionist" -- it should be a dirty word -- and all forms of institutionalized bigotry and injustice should be firmly condemned, and Palestine should be freed from the Zionist militancy that is at the bottom of this whole Israeli-made "clash of civilizations."
ANNE SELDEN ANNABMechanicsburg, Pa
Chicago Tribune web only
Thank you for publishing Christopher Leadbeater's excellent letter "Lack of balance" regarding our myopic media & even our Congress's ignorance concerning the very real real plight of the Palestinians. Wall of hate go up in many ways- and their foundations are laid in our own stone cold silence in the face of pain and suffering.
Stop and think- basically "lack of balance" means one is on the brink of a fall. Our country's future depends on our fourth estate- our media's ability to reach into every story and try to see all sides, exposing corruption when necessary- and revealing and encouraging goodness whenever possible.
Posted by: Anne Selden Annab | Feb 6, 2006 6:29:51 AM************************************************************************
New York Daily News
Blinded by sorrow
Mechanicsburg, Pa.: I am truly sorry that Opinions guest columnist Yossi Zur lost his son to violence ("Oscar nod for terror film a dreadful call," Feb. 2), but his personal sorrow prevents him from seeing that Zionist bigotry and racist Israeli injustice, oppression and state-sponsored terror have left the persecuted and impoverished Palestinians little choice but suicide.
LA Times
Figuring out the Hamas puzzle
Re "How not to help Hamas," editorial, Jan. 31I question your claim that Palestinians receive more international aid, per capita, than any people in the world. Millions of Palestinians live in crowded refugee camps, and generously subsidized Zionists have been intentionally destroying Palestinian properties. Israel's aggressive destruction of Palestinian property is made possible by many American donations, both private and public. U.S. military aid to Israel has been massive; why is that crucial point not factored in as aid?
True humanitarian aid to the Palestinians would include not just food but full emphasis on the importance of respecting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which calls for equality and freedom for all peoples.
Mechanicsburg, Pa.
International Herald Tribune
Palestinians' rights It is a huge shame that American Jewish leaders such as David A. Harris, executive director of the American Jewish Committee (Letters, Jan. 21), so staunchly and so frequently defend theocracy and forced segregation in the Middle East. Time and time again I see letters and columns by heads of various Jewish committees and organizations throughout America, primarily focused on promoting political Zionism, which depends on vilifying and destroying the native non-Jewish Palestinians. "What is Israel supposed to do?" Harris asks. Well, why not try respect for justice. Why not try honoring international law and the Palestinians' basic human rights - including, but not limited to, full respect for the Palestinian refugees' inalienable right of return. Why not try real democracy with full and equal rights for all. Anne Selden Annab Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania
United we stand- Let's stop investing in Israeli racism and start investing in real freedom and democracy for ALL !
Dear President Bush, Rice, etc- (all contact info found in the alert below)
I am a big believer in making the best of a bad situation whenever possible... but that does not mean in any way shape or form that I believe one should ever tolerate blatant injustice !
Our government generously funds and supports Israel- a very foreign country- and all the while our own most vulnerable citizens are going through a bureaucratic hell because our elected leaders have been much more interested in pandering to crooks like Abramoff and Israel than in actually investing in America's most dire needs.
Please no more funds for racist Israel. Our "friend" as the "The Jewish State" has wasted all its history and potential intentionally persecuting, harassing, dispossessing, robbing, vilifying and methodically pushing and imprisoning the native non-Jewish population of the Holy Land into a series of crowded concentration camps and locked down communities surrounded by generously subsidized Zionist crooks.
Our tax dollars must be used to rebuild the levees and the devastated neighborhoods of Louisiana and Mississippi. We need to keep jobs in the US and we need to refuse any additional funding to the racist Israeli government which uses these funds to oppress and dispossess our Palestinian brothers and sisters.
Please, do all that you can to make sure that the survivors of Katrina can rebuild their homes and communities as soon as possible... This is a legal and moral right every just government owes to the people. All people have the Right to Return to the homes they were forced to flee due to natural or man-made disaster. This right is enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which the US has ratified.
* It's the Law - Everyone Has the Right to Return Home! *
Including the Palestinian refugees... they too have a legal, historical and moral right to return to their homes and land... Let every one, both here and there, return with full and equal rights and dignity.
Think of the children- every day that goes by traumatizes them all the more. Please, don't waste any more time and potential- support everyone's right to return as quickly as possible. Return to a hope filled future and real community. A decent life with real opportunities for every one to live peacefully and prosper together. United we stand- Let's stop investing in Israeli racism and start investing in real freedom and democracy for ALL !
Anne Selden Annab
Jerusalem Post
Sir, - Israel's existence as the Jewish state has been like Oscar Wilde's gothic tale The Picture of Dorian Gray, in which the protagonist's true character is revealed only on the canvas of a hidden painting that shows what he really is.
The abject poverty and despair of Palestinian refugee camps depict the true character of modern, man-made Israel.
Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania
RE: About living in Israel and losing friends by letters editor Judy Montagu & all those letters in response
Dear Editor,
Quite convenient for your letters editor to be writing warm fuzzy pieces on aliya to Israel, and then following it up with a bunch of well chosen warm fuzzy letters plus PR supporting her viewpoint- even throwing in a promo of "honestreporting" (which isn't really so honest- just very pro-Zionism) .
Problem is Zionism's Jews-only privileges, perks, and promotions including Jews-only immigration to Israel combine and collide with the nasty reality that so very many Palestinian men, women and children were driven from their homes and land to be trapped in dire poverty and despair in a disjointed series of concentration camps. Modern Zionism is nothing but forced segregation and injustice- a perpetual motion machine of institutionalized bigotry and thoughtlessness that feeds a non-stop war... a cruelly racist war... currently a world wide Zionist war ON the Palestinians.
Slave owners never saw themselves as bad people either- and hey they too used and abused religion to excuse an ugly crime against humanity. Furthermore they too were very civilized and compassionate towards those that they considered fully human.
Israel's existence as "the Jewish state" has been like Oscar Wilde's Gothic tale "The Picture of Dorian Gray". People are easily charmed (and harmed) by a morally bankrupt scoundrel as his true character and depravity is only revealed on the canvas of a hidden painting that shows what he really is... The abject poverty and despair of Palestinian refugee camps depict the true character of modern man made Israel.
Anne Selden Annab
Baltimore Sun
Blaming the victims of Israel's aggression
The fact is that it is blatant Israeli-Zionist racism, injustice and armed aggression that shapes the chaos in Gaza - and that Zionist word-warriors here in America do what they can to help Zionism flourish by trying to convince America that this is all the Palestinians' fault.
Anne Selden Annab
Mechanicsburg, Pa.
umkahlil, January 03, 2006
Speak out for real justice and real peace!

By Annie Annab
Let free speech focused on protecting humanity- and the Palestinian refugee right of return, return us all to a saner safer world.
Speak out- speak out while you can, otherwise it will just get much worse and you might not be able to tomorrow: Speak out for real justice and real peace!
Tell your friends, tell your family, tell any one and every one you know that we must speak out now as clearly and as firmly as we can, firmly focused on promoting and protecting The Palestinian Refugees Inalienable Right of Return every where- and every way we can.
Let your own goodness and decency shine forth, reaching out to help explain the truth to those who do yet yet understand about the evils of Zionism- and the real beauty of Palestine.
Odds are our letters will not be published, but they can at least help build resistance to the very real evils of political Zionism by challenging toxic Zionist lies and propaganda
Our silence only empowers political Zionism- lets Zionists own the media & America. It doesn't have to be this way. We have the power to fight for positive change- the power to tell the truth about Israel- the power to at least do something to stop Israeli racism from ruining lives worldwide.
Even one quick line is so much better than nothing. So if you can scan local & national news and speak up- speak up for the Palestinians ( - and the vital importance of fully respecting the Palestinian refugees right of return !
Speak out in any way you can!
And if you can't- can you at least help Al Awda grow ... and PLEASE pass the word
# posted by umkahlil @ 10:33 PM
Globe & Mail
The fence makes for nervous neighbours
comment section
Thanks to a plethora of Zionist propaganda many things, including seemingly innocent statements - are very misleading. Take for instance the statement" In the words of Amos Oz, one of Israel's greatest living writers, the Israeli-Palestinian dispute is not so much about religion, ideology or ethnicity as it is "a dispute over real estate." "
Free your mind from toxic ideologues of Zionism dictating that Jews have special privileges and perks and what you really have here is...." In the words of Amos Oz, one of Zionism's most talented propagandists as he seems to speak for peace, the Israeli-Palestinian "dispute" (actually it is nothing but a blatantly racist Israeli war on native non-Jews)is not so much about religion, ideology, or ethnicity as it is a " a dispute over real estate".
And lets think about that comment .... a dispute over real estate ? Is that the politically correct cover up phrase for ethnic cleansing now-a-days ?!!!!
Millions of Palestinian refugees wasting 57 years and counting for Israel to respect international law and their inalienable right of return and all they get for their patience is a concrete wall of hate plus one ton bombs dropped on their camps- plus more and more refugees made every day.
You'd throw stones too if you knew what the Palestinians have know for years.They saw both the wall and the the writing on the wall long before racist Israeli racism created and built that huge ugly monstrosity!
- Posted Jan. 2, 2006 at 7:08 PM EST
- Link to Comment
Seeing our mainstream American newspapers totally saturated with this distracting report, while ignoring Israel's aggressive and brutal attacks on the imprisoned and tormented Palestinians, I am hugely relieved to see that someone tackled this topic - and so well too ! Thank you Ms Cobban for getting right to the point and pointing out how ridiculous this Human Rights study was under the circumstances !
Posted by: Anne Selden Annab at November 8, 2006 06:12 AM