comment on
Palestinian refugees in Lebanon dream of their homeland while living a nightmare
Read the full article***********************************************************************
12-29-2005 (Canton Observer)
America idolizes Israel
Thank you for publishing Mike Odetalla's painfully beautiful "For Palestinians in Bethlehem, season offers little to celebrate." If we do not know the truth, the real truth about the Holy Land, the cradle of Christianity, how can we possibly pray a real prayer, much less worship a real God. America has been idolizing Israel as "The Jewish State," empowering Zionism and the endless suffering of innocents. Israel has been intentionally endangering and ruining Palestinian children's lives -- destroying families and communities -- impoverishing humanity.notes:
For Palestinians in Bethlehem, season offers little to celebrate by Mike Odetalla
A Chicago Tribune Web log for letters to the editor |
Originally posted: December 29, 2005
`Apartheid Wall’
RE: `Apartheid Wall’ letter by Awad Paul Sifri
Dear Editor,
Thank you for publishing Awad Paul Sifri's very good letter "Apartheid Wall" concerning that monstrosity that Israel has built in that place so many call the Holy land.
That wall is an intentional insult and provocation- another Zionist weapon in a cruelly racist war on the native non-Jewish population of that place so many call the Holy Land.
That wall is what 100 years of systematic ethnic cleaning brings to Israel- beautiful Palestinian villages and gardens destroyed to make way for bleak ugliness and inevitable disasters to come.
Beautiful children traumatized and tormented, and torn away from all that is beautiful and good.
Posted by: Anne Selden Annab | Dec 30, 2005 8:21:01 AM***********************************************************************
Canada Free Press
letterblogDecember 28, 2005 twist on Palestine
Dear Editor:
Re: A last Christmas in Palestine?
I was horrified to read William John Hagan’s sick twist on the situation in Palestine. Like a knife in the back of Christianity, he blames Palestinians for a situation created by racist Israel the Jews-preferred state!
Enough with blithely allowing Zionist propagandists to freely vilify innocent people- this situation is utterly insane, evil, and wrong… and it is not the Palestinians’ fault. The blame belongs to Zionism- and all the many fools who happily propagate Israeli propaganda so that Israel can build Jews-only communities and concrete walls of hate in the Holy Land.
Bethlehem has been literally strangled by an Israeli built wall PLUS Millions of Palestinian refugees remain trapped and impoverished by Israeli racism in crowded concentration camps- where they are attacked by Israeli bullets and bombs- and idiots like Hagan want to help arm even more injustice with even more misinformation aimed at strengthening support for segregation and endless war.
Zionism is a toxic delusion, the antithesis of democracy and a stain on civilization. Enough with feeding Israel’s war machine- free Palestine, free us all from Israeli racism and the manacles of war.<>
Anne Selden Annab
Mechanicsburg PA
Chicago Tribune
Web log for letters to the editor
If you could give any gift, what would it be?
A gift of peace
I would give the people in the Holy Land the gift of real justice and a lasting peace. I’d insist that everyone acknowledge the very real plight of the Palestinian people by fully and completely respecting—and implementing—the Palestinian refugees’ inalienable right of return.
And I’d plant a garden of hope in the Holy Land, encouraging real reconciliation and respect for all God’s children.
Anne Selden Annab
Mechanicsburg, Pa.
Vermont Guardian
December 23, 2005
It’s called sarcasm
I do believe that when writing his letter, Riad Hamad was deploying a technique called sarcasm (Dec. 2). It can be very effective to use humor and/or bitterness to help get across a point. However, by labeling Hamad’s sarcastic and very effective diatribe “Job in Iraq isn’t done,” it sounds as if Hamad fervently believes that even more money and resources and peoples’ lives should be wasted waging war on Iraq.
Bad enough, as Hamad states in his letter, that we the American people have been “cheated and lied to.” Must you really make it worse by mislabeling letters objecting to this utterly insane situation?
Anne Selden Annab
Mechanicsburg, PA
Citizens for Fair Legislation
12- 21-2005letter I just wrote & sent my congressmen via CFL's easy to use web form
Dear ----------
Please tell Intel that American companies have no business helping Israel ethnically cleanse the Holy Land with microchip factories.
A foreign country is bribing Intel with big bucks - a $525 million grant incentive - to expand a factory and help hide a cruel crime against humanity.
The land Israel is offering up is not theirs to give away- it belongs to the Palestinians who have been intentionally pushed out of "Israel-proper" and denied their inalienable right of return so that racist Israel can build a nation of lies and delusions whereby Zionists are free to harshly persecute and impoverish the Palestinians at American tax payers expense.
Investing in injustice- and in Israeli racism and war- makes America look bad- really bad. If you can't find it in your heart to care about the Palestinians- could you at least start worrying American's reputation !
Anne Selden Annab
leave your message on the wall
all our words one at a time piling up fast- will bring down this damned wall !
Mechanicsburg, USA
Letters To Leaders | |
All messages are published with permission of the sender. The general topic of this message is Foreign Affairs: |
Subject: STOP ISRAEL'S UGLY WALL OF HATE To: President George Bush November 21, 2005 While deviously clever agents for a foreign country are working to pressure members of our Congress to stop American college campuses from seeing and exploring what is really going on in the Holy Land under the guise of stopping what Zionist PR spin meisters call "Anti-Semitism, anti-Israelism" as if it's all one big blur, racist Israel itself has been aggressively demolishing more and more Palestinian homes and lives- and any hope for a just and lasting peace anywhere. Israel clearly has the arsenal, the unchecked freedom and the obvious desire to continue aggressively destroying Palestinian homes and communities, uprooting Palestinian trees, usurping Palestinian land and rights quite simply because racist Israel does not worry about ever having to respect international and moral law by FULLY respecting the indigenous Palestinian refugees inalienable right of return. How different things would be if Israel knew for a fact, from the start, that full reparations were due, plus interest- plus full and equal rights and freedoms (including the right to vote) for the many punitively oppressed, persecuted and impoverished Palestinians. How different things would be if Israel weren't so free to build concrete walls of hate. How different things would be if Israel weren't being richly rewarded for being a blatantly racist nation waging a brutally cruel war on the native non-Jewish population of the Holy Land. Please, I beg you- open your eyes and your heart and your mind- and start fully and completely supporting the Palestinian refugees right of return- it is the only way to stop racist Israeli aggression and this awful ugly ongoing war in that place so many call the Holy Land. Christmas is coming- and while our Christmas cards and stories depict pastoral scenes of peace the reality is anything but as the real Bethlehem is literally being strangled by Israel's monstrous wall... Free us all from Israel's racist stranglehold, for as long as Israel feels free to demolish and destroy Palestinian homes and land, Israel will continue to find ways and means to do so at our expense. |
Shame!!! on us
Tuesday, November 29, 2005I was horrified to see your headline and editorial ("Presbyterians & Hezbollah: Apologists & terrorists," Nov. 27 and Shame on you!!!
That's one exclamation point of shame for each of the three Abrahamic faiths insulted and undermined by Zionism's quest to ethnically cleanse the Holy Land of its native non-Jewish population.
Perhaps you sincerely believe that Israeli propaganda machines are well regarded and worth quoting. But many loyal Americans, obviously better informed about the facts than you, are utterly horrified that a foreign country, pretending to be the fulfillment of biblical prophecy, spends so much time and money manipulating American opinion so that taxpayers and religious organizations will happily fund and support racist Israeli brutality -- and nonstop violations of international law and the Palestinians' basic human rights.
Anne Selden Annab
Nurturers inspire
Besides my own family, our comfortable home and beautiful garden, I am most thankful for our schools, libraries and all the many caring people — the teachers, aides, volunteers and parents — who daily go that extra mile to help nurture all our children.
Time and again, throughout many challenging years of raising three very different (and sometimes very difficult) children, I have been inspired by the good character and intelligence of strangers who devote endless energy to helping make this world a better place one child at a time:
• The librarian who takes the time to find the perfect book for a grumpy, reluctant reader.
• The football coach who helps teach a headstrong youth self-discipline and teamwork.
• The music and art teachers, the science teachers, the math teachers, the history, literature, and many, many more teachers.
• Even Harry, our good-natured elementary school bus driver.
• And all the many quiet helpers behind the scenes who take no credit but help make so much more possible by just doing what needs to be done.
All are an integral part of making every day a better day. They've added quality and compassion to our lives, shaping our children's characters in positive ways, as well as significantly improving my own ability to be a better parent.
I am thankful that despite all the bad news we hear, there really are so many decent people doing what they can, day in and day out, to humbly help shape a better world.
Anne Selden Annab, Mechanicsburg, Pa.
Springfield News
Israel should honor U.N. resolution
I was grateful to see the headline “Why are a billion people mad at America? In a word — Israel.”
I am deeply concerned that Israel has been setting up America, first to provide the money and weaponry for Israeli crimes against the Palestinian people and second to take all the blame in this Israeli-inspired clash of civilizations and escalating violence worldwide.
And what a relief to see that Dresser quickly got right to the heart of the matter by mentioning our media, and how important it is to cover the whole story, including the very real plight of the Palestinians.
However I have one rather major problem with his political solutions. Dresser failed to recognize and underscore the vital importance of first and foremost fully implementing U.N. Resolution 194 from 1948, the Palestinian refugees’ inalienable right of return. The real key to peace in the Middle East, the only key, is a real key long treasured and passed down from parent to child in the many impoverished refugee camps where millions of Palestinians have been trapped by Israeli racism and tormented by Israeli troops who are been trained to see them not as human beings but as enemy.
Anne Selden Annab
Mechanicsburg, Pa.
New York Times
At the Mideast Table, Making a Difference
To the Editor: Re "Ms. Rice and the Mideast Shuttle" (editorial, Nov. 16):
Condoleezza Rice may have stayed up all night one night, but the Palestinians have been dealing with problems imposed by Zionists in the region for more than 100 years. That's closer to 36,500 nights just trying to survive while well-financed foreigners come and methodically take away your land and your rights.
"Peace" processes intended to maintain Israel's status quo are doomed from the start. Want a just and lasting peace? Go back to 1948 and start noticing the vital importance of fully respecting the Palestinian refugees' inalienable right of return.
Anne Selden Annab
Mechanicsburg, Pa., Nov. 16, 2005
Detroit Free Press
A gift across boundariesI was glad to see the Nov. 8 letter "The gift of peace and life" concerning the Palestinian child, slain by an Israeli soldier, and his Palestinian family's gift of his vital organs to help others -- Israeli others, to be precise.
Arabs have always been known for their gracious hospitality. Too bad Arab Christians and Muslims throughout the Holy Land have been so abused and taken advantage of and then, adding insult to injury, demonized for objecting to such blatant injustice by the Jewish state.
Mechanicsburg, Pa.
***********************************************************************<> Open your eyes and your heart and your mind and STOP ISRAEL'S MONSTROUS WALL OF HATE
Dear President Bush,
While deviously clever agents for a foreign country are working to pressure members of our Congress to stop American college campuses from seeing and exploring what is really going on in the Holy Land under the guise of stopping what Zionist PR spin meisters call "Anti-Semitism, anti-Israelism" as if it's all one big blur, racist Israel itself has been aggressively demolishing more and more Palestinian homes and lives- and any hope for a just and lasting peace anywhere.
Israel clearly has the arsenal, the unchecked freedom and the obvious desire to continue aggressively destroying Palestinian homes and communities, uprooting Palestinian trees, usurping Palestinian land and rights quite simply because racist Israel does not worry about ever having to respect international and moral law by FULLY respecting the indigenous Palestinian refugees inalienable right of return.
How different things would be if Israel knew for a fact, from the start, that full reparations were due, plus interest- plus full and equal rights and freedoms (including the right to vote) for the many punitively oppressed, persecuted and impoverished Palestinians.
How different things would be if Israel weren't so free to build concrete walls of hate.
How different things would be if Israel weren't being richly rewarded for being a blatantly racist nation waging a brutally cruel war on the native non-Jewish population of the Holy Land.
Please, I beg you- open your eyes and your heart and your mind- and start fully and completely supporting the Palestinian refugees right of return- it is the only way to stop racist Israeli aggression and this awful ugly ongoing war in that place so many call the Holy Land.
Christmas is coming- and while our Christmas cards and stories depict pastoral scenes of peace the reality is anything but as the real Bethlehem is literally being strangled by Israel's monstrous wall... Free us all from Israel's racist stranglehold, for as long as Israel feels free to demolish and destroy Palestinian homes and land, Israel will continue to find ways and means to do so at our expense.
Anne Selden Annab
notes :
Study warns of campus anti-Semitism By Larry Lipman, Palm Beach Post Washington Bureau
Defy the Wall
"They were left to stand in the pouring rain, wondering how they would rebuild their lives, which like their homes, were now in shambles."
AL-AHRAM weekly 10 - 16 November 2005
Issue No. 768
Reader's corner
Not available
Sir-- Thank you for publishing Khaled Amayreh's 'The tragic continuum' ( Al-Ahram Weekly, 3-9 November). Amayreh's eye-opening reports on Palestine are not published in mainstream American media outlets. The fact that such facts about blatantly racist Israeli injustice and stories about the very real plight of the Palestinians are not easily available to Americans is part of the tragic continuum that helps make this terrible situation possible. Thankfully more and more people worldwide are turning to the Internet and international news to find out the truth about that place so many call the Holy Land. Someday soon, I hope with all my heart, the Palestinian refugees will be welcomed home with full and equal rights and freedoms in the land of their birth.
Anne Annab
Thank you for publishing on line this wonderful report written by, ironically enough, the primary writer for the political website PoeticInjustice, on "Ibdaa: Dancing the Spirit of Palestine"- the Palestinian refugees making something of nothing. And what a beautifully inspiring something out of nothing such a performance by these beautiful children obviously is !
As well as being entranced and intrigued by the exquisite photos, the informative & poem perfect text in between was spiced with links choreographed to lead me deeper and deeper into the dance all around the dance- the helpful links exploring how Ibdaa uses the arts not just as expression - but as outreach, exploring the history, struggle, and aspirations of the Palestinian people, specifically the right to return to their homeland.
My heart breaks that so much racist Israeli injustice has been allowed to ruin so many lives on both side of that awful Zionist wall of hate imposed upon that place so many call the Holy Land. I very much hope more and more people become aware of how crucial it is to first and foremost fully respect & protect the Palestinian refugees inalienable right of return.
New Statesman
10- 31- 2005
Letters - Reporting Israel
I was delighted to read Christopher Leadbeater's excellent letter (24 October), particularly his conclusion about how BBC news coddles and protects Israel.
I do not know the statistics in the UK, but I do know that in the US newspaper readership has plummeted, as have ratings for network news. While many media pundits like to blame this trend on the internet, I cannot help but conclude that our newspapers and broadcast news are both way off course, and so is our foreign policy thanks to our fourth estate's refusal to acknowledge Israel's many violations of international law and the Palestinians' basic human rights.
Anne Selden Annab
Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, USA
10-28-2005Letters to the Editor | ||
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Regarding "Sharon recommends a book," Haaretz Magazine, October 21 |
note posted on JOHNSUGG blog
October 26, 2005
Judith Miller and Me
Great article on the treacherously pro-Israel traitors who have been working within our corporate mega media to create a violent clash of civilizations all for Zionism's sake: How nice for Israel that American taxpayers get to foot the bill coming and going for this made in Israel mess.But for the spreading power of blogs such as yours, I suspect the New York Times would have welcomed Judith Miller back and hailed her as a hero, reinvigorated with new found credibility so she could do the same number on Syria that she did on Iraq.
Our government certainly does not have a shortage of "reporters" and columnists eager and willing to help plant more seeds of war in American hearts and minds.... I find it very odd, actually terrifying, that just over a year ago the US blocked a UN Rebuke of Israel for Assassination and yet this week aided and abetted by many a shortsighted newspaper the US is condemning Syria for the very same thing. Well not quite the same thing- in Israel's case there is absolutely no doubt who did what, whereas with Syria there is.
for the independent mind10-22-2005
Barely enough
I was thrilled to see the excellent letter, “Take another look,” by Riad Hamad. At last, at least a glimpse of the truth. Water is so very precious, and Israel’s generously subsidized settlers grew wealthy by using up such a vital resource for their private greenhouse industries while the persecuted and impoverished Palestinians had barely enough to drink.
Anne Selden Annab
Mechanicsburg, PA
October 16, 2005 -- Are the Palestinians really the ones who looted the greenhouses, or were they once again set up to look bad no matter what (Palestinians: No Way To Help," Abby Wisse Schachter, PostOpinion, Oct. 10)?
Israeli soldiers and settlers had full access to the greenhouses for weeks while the withdrawal was playing out.
Schachter forgets to mention that there is a water crisis in Gaza, thanks in large part to the generously subsidized Jewish settlers' reckless wasteful actions that brought many Zionists quick profits and much prestige.
The article also fails to recognize the destruction of Palestinian buildings and infrastructure wrought by Israeli bulldozers and bombs and with the help of idealistic donors who actually thought Israel was serious about pursuing a just and lasting peace.
Anne Selden Annab
Mechanicsburg, Pa.
Regarding Karen Hughes
To: President George Bush
October 13, 2005
Regarding Andy Martin's letter regarding Karen Hughes..and some thoughts on solving the Israel/Palestine conflict:
Dear Mr. Martin,
I quite agree that there is a logjam and it must be broken, but under the circumstances some "solutions" mainly perpetuate the conflict. Well meaning though it might be, I think your suggestion was one.
What if instead of repealing the Jim Crow laws, America had chosen to reinforce them, and instituted even more punitive policies and laws and even concrete walls to keep white America "safe" from blacks.
What if rather than seeking to understand the the content of character and individual dignity and worth, Whites-preferred America spent the past 50 years generously subsiding only whites-only communities and businesses and colleges and churches while methodically and maliciously demonizing, attacking, and undermining blacks and black communities and infrastructures in every way possible.
What if we had been sending in helicopter gunships and armored bulldozers to demolish and destroy anything Blacks might try to build, frequently making refugees out of refugees, and then interpreting all righteous outrage and rebellion from such harsh oppression and blatant injustice as proof that Blacks don't deserve rights anywhere.
I think the best solution- in fact the only solution, is to acknowledge the racist nature of Zionism, and acknowledge the gross injustices inflicted by racist Israel day and day out on the native non-Jewish population of the Holy Land.
For more than half of it's history racist Israel, as a well armed and sovereign nation, has had full control of all the land, while steadfastly refusing to give all the people of that land full and equal rights.
As such I think for the sake of democracy and real freedom, justice, and peace, our religious and political leaders should call a spade a spade and simply officially declare that there is only one state and that one state has been waging a cruelly racist war on its own native non-Jewish population. The only way at this point in time for a fully viable Palestinian State to emerge is to support a one state solution where every citizen can help shape a just and decent future, electing in due course to either shape two separate states or one. Let the people decide.
Meanwhile, America must start noticing and acknowledging the immense damage Zionist ideologues have done to American democracy by waging a war on our media and politicians and even on academic freedom.
And yes, I do know that trying to persuade someone who is not friendly to your views to change their mind is not the easiest thing... but that actually is besides the point. American laws and ideals are being misused to support a foreign country, and America is in very real danger.
Check out this very informative report on charity:
US Tax-Exempt Charitable Contributions to Israel:
Donations, Illegal Settlements and Terror Attacks against the US
PDF/Printable Sixty Billion Dollars for Illegal Settlements
Mechanicsburg , PA
note I just posted on Nancy's blog comment section on her piece about the Nobel Prize....
RE: Israeli-American Nobel Prize Winner Spews Usual Zionist Drivel
Nancy- I know I have said this before- but I have to say it again- your blog is GREAT !
I find the comment section most helpful and interesting too. Your "friend " Buster who leaps up to diss everything you say often helps me realize which way to shape a letter.
Hope you realize that most of your true fans like me simply don't have time to leave a comment- we have been far too inspired and encouraged by your passionate willingness to confront the truth, plus your adept and articulate ability to explain the basic facts and we are all off doing what we can to help spread the word.
Thanks !
October 12, 2005
Subject: Inspired by Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream that seemed to be daily coming closer and closer to really coming true, I have a fantasy.
To My Elected Leaders
Inspired by Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream that seemed to be daily coming closer and closer to really coming true, I have a fantasy.
I have a fantasy that all this nightmare of war will go away in a SNAP and my country will no longer be entranced by racist Israeli lies and propaganda, and so eager and willing to hate and harm Arabs and Muslims.
I have a fantasy that SNAP all of a sudden all Zionists will be far too ashamed to support Israel.
I have a fantasy that SNAP our Congress and our President and even all our religious leaders, regardless of religion, will actually elect to stand up for American ideals and start supporting real freedom, democracy, equality and justice for all everywhere- both here and in that place so many call the Holy Land.
I have a fantasy that SNAP all this mess of greed and corruption will be exposed and condemned and real leaders will rise from the flames like the phoenix reborn.
I have a fantasy that SNAP Martin Luther Kings Jr.'s beautiful vision and dream might actually someday come true.
Mechanicsburg , PA
Baltimore Sun
Mideast's realities defy our perceptions
I was delighted to read the letter "Israel's giving doesn't count" (Oct. 2).Knowing of the horrific pain and suffering and trauma racist Israel constantly inflicts on the indigenous and very vulnerable non-Jewish men, women and children in the Holy Land, it can be very hard to find humor in the situation.
But it is utterly absurd when you look at what is really going on in the Middle East - and much of it is possible because of American money and support.
There is a huge chasm between the ugly reality of Israeli racism playing out in a billion monstrously ugly ways and the news and opinion we usually hear about the situation.
So much so that mainstream America's perceptions appear to more closely resemble what one sees in a totally distorted fun-house mirror.
Anne Selden Annab
Mechanicsburg, Pa.
10-6-2005 feedback
The end of Zionism |
First Previous Next Last (10 of 11 posts) |
Posted 10/06/2005 |
I was thrilled to see William Martin's excellent article "the end of Zionism" in The Oracle. I am equally thrilled to see some of wonderful responses in the feedback section concerning the subject. Zionists of course will nitpick though looking for ways to make it seems as if Martin wrong- but let us not forget that slave owners were not exactly eager to publicize the suffering of blacks, nor were they eager to help end slavery. Anything but. Bravo for all those brave souls and truth seekers who are willing to fight for real justice- and the end of socially acceptable institutionalized bigotry, blatant cruelty and oppression. Anne Selden Annab homemaker Mechanicsburg PA |
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
The Flight 93 crescent transcends hate-mongering
Politicizing the bravery and decency of the passengers of United Flight 93 by saying they chose to die "as the first soldiers in the war on terror than as the last victims of 9/11" is taking some very big liberties with both their lives, and their deaths. And as such, I expected Dennis Roddy's Sept. 18 column, "Throwing 'Em a Curve," to go in quite a different direction. But instead, I was pleasantly surprised that he was reasonable, rational and even compassionate.
I really like the memorial planned for the site where the plane crashed -- a living memorial with beautiful living trees that will grow tall and dignified like the magnificent maple in my own yard. And I also like the word "crescent." To me it is more than the landscape, the moon, an architectural shape (which is quite pertinent to a state nicknamed the Keystone State) and more than Islam.
It is the cradle of my own arms as I rock a newborn, as my own mother cradled me and her mother cradled her, stretching back through time. And it will be the cradle of my own children's arms as they wonder at their own babies and the miracle of love and life.
It is the crescent of embrace formed by arms reaching out with compassion as we reach beyond our own problems and pain to understand the suffering of innocent people everywhere.
We really are all in this together, and insulting Islam only makes things worse. We need fewer American hate-mongers and more reasonable, loving moms like Mark Bingham's mother. Bless her and her son for doing the right thing.
Sharon Feted On Sabra/Shatila Anniversary
18 Sep 2005 by umkahlil - ReferencesAnne Annab, housewife, the Cindy Sheehan of Palestinian activists in the US, writes letters on behalf of justice for the Palestinians to the western media every day. Annie wrote the following to the Baltimore Sun regarding its Zionist ...
From Nancy's Blog
9-17-5Thanks to Annie Annab and Musa Al-Hindi, whom I've taken the liberty
to quote in this story I've submitted to Information Clearinghouse. If it's published, it will
appear sometime this evening (Berlin time).
For links, please go to
The twenty-third anniversary of the massacre in the refugee camps of
Sabra and Shatila has gone virtually unnoticed by a western press
too busy feting war criminal Ariel Sharon for his "courage" in
returning a fraction of stolen Palestinian lands, and too busy
admonishing Palestinians that peace between Israel and Palestine is
basically all up to them, not bothering to mention the ongoing
Israeli land thefts in the West Bank and its relentless Judaisation
of Jerusalem. The western press has also taken to demonising
Hamas "gunmen" at every opportunity, leaving readers clueless that
Hamas is a reaction to the violence of fifty-seven years of virulent
Israeli racism and ethnic cleansing.
And it looks as if Ariel Sharon will forever escape justice, of the
temporal kind, anyway. Having successfully escaped justice from the
Belgium Court for Sabra and Shatila, Tony Blair has promised him,
according to an Israeli Army report, to take care of the matter of
Israeli war criminals facing arrest and trial in the UK.
On September 16, 1982, the Lebanese Christian militia Falange, went
into the Palestinian refugee camps of Sabra and Shatila near Beirut.
They murdered between 800 (official Israeli figures) and
3,500, "according to the investigations of the Israeli journalist
Kapeliouk," people. The Israeli army entered this part of the city
the previous day. The Israeli Army, under the direction of then
Defense Minister Ariel Sharon, sealed the camps, prohibiting anyone
from leaving, and proceeded to observe the massacre from rooftops.
According to Musa Al-Hindi, an activist with Al-Awda (Right to
Return Coalition), who was seventeen and living in Beirut at the
time, "Prior to its withdrawal, Israel, who had always bragged about
the IDF's 'purity of arms,' precipitated the massacre of 3000
Palestinians, Lebanese, Syrians and Egyptians in the camps of Sabrah
and Shateelah. Israel has always denied responsibility for the
gruesome killings of the men, women, and children of the two camps.
Its soldiers might have not participated in the actual killings, but
any body who is familiar with the camps and their surroundings,
would have no doubt that they could see and hear the screams of the
men, women and children who were being executed. After all, the
blood orgy carried out by the scavengers of the right-wing
Phalangists lasted for two days, and the Israelis had established
posts on top of the buildings surrounding the camps."
The Israelis also supplied the bulldozers. According to Malaysia's
New Straits Times
"Instead of protecting the inmates of the refugee camps, Sharon had
meetings with Israeli ally Major Saad Haddad, leader of the South
Lebanon Army militia, and Phalangist militiamen and politicians Elie
Hobeika, Fadie Frem, Zahi Bustami, Amin and Pierre Gemayel. Israeli
soldiers surrounded and sealed the camps but allowed the Haddads and
the Phalangists to enter the refugee camps and go on a murder spree.
Israel supplied bulldozers to demolish buildings and bury the
victims in mass graves. Any refugees fleeing the massacre were
turned back. From observation posts on the periphery of the camps,
Israeli generals planned and observed the massacre of the inmates.
At night the Israeli Defence Force fired flares to light up the sky
for the murderous attacks to continue. The Lebanese militia were
given food, water and ammunition throughout the massacre."
To its credit, the BBC's website reprised the BBC story from 1982.
It also printed a gripping memoir from Deborah Thornton Jackson, a
British citizen married to a Lebanese businessman. Jackson
volunteered in the Gaza Hospital in Beirut in the wake of the
massacre. Her account, like all of the accounts of the survivors and
witnesses to the massacre, is harrowing and difficult to read.
"What will always stick in my memory is of a little boy that had
come from the camps, and his little body had no limbs. I can
remember just holding him, holding his little body close. He was
covered with blood and the life was running out of him. He was
crying for his mother. "
Al-Hindi recalls going in the southern entrance of the camp and
wishing that he had not.
"What I saw will continue to haunt me for the rest of my life. I saw
a middle-aged woman hysterically dancing over a pile of children's
bodies, pulling her own hair and scratching her face, and singing
unintelligibly. I tried to make some sense of her words. The only
phrase I could hear was 'ya mshaharah ya Subhiyeh [what a hellish,
unbelievable sight, oh Subhiyeh].' The rest were just unintelligible
sounds. A sobbing man, either her husband or brother, I assumed, was
trying to make her stop, but without any success. I can still
remember her dark, wrinkled and bleeding face, her gray hair and the
Hennah on her chin. Next to the pile kneeled a younger woman, with
her face buried in the sand. Suddenly she stood up and started to
tear the top of her dress, only to be stopped by other women in the
As long as the media continues in its one-sided coverage of Middle
East it is culpable in the ongoing horrors perpetuated by the US and
Israel in the region. BBC was the only mainstream western news
outlet to show up on a google and yahoo news search for
Sabra/Shatila. Few in the western world know that suicide bombings
are a reaction to the horrors of a racism that welcomes anyone with
a Jewish grandparent to Israel, but will prohibit any Palestinian in
exile from going home. Issa Hamoud, a refugee in Lebanon told CNN
five years ago, "Any Palestinian who tells you that he doesn't want
to return to the homeland is lying. Any one who resides outside
their home lives in humiliation. Just look at what happened to our
people right here."
Anne Annab, housewife, the Cindy Sheehan of Palestinian activists in
the US, writes letters on behalf of justice for the Palestinians to
the western media every day. Annie wrote the following to the
Baltimore Sun regarding its Zionist propaganda story, "Hamas Gunmen
March Through Gaza Settlements."
"Thanks to the racist nature of political Zionism, Palestinians are
veritable prisoners, persecuted and impoverished no matter what they
do or say, and demonized as if they hold all the power and a huge
arsenal. Israel stands in long term and flagrant violations of
international law and the Palestinians' basic human rights- and yet
Sharon is welcomed at the UN and given a podium to promote his bible
stories so that American Zionists will continue to eagerly arm and
empower Israeli racism.
"But rather than respecting the Palestinian refugees' inalienable
right of return, generously subsidized Israeli soldiers and settlers
continue to harass and harm vulnerable Palestinian men, women, and
children. Generously subsidized Zionists continue to steal
Palestinians' land and rights, continue to invest in injustice and
bigotry, continue to build concrete walls of hate. That is what
should be noticed and headlined."
Israel unfair to Palestinians
Look at the basic facts:
The Nazis demonized Jews. Zionists demonize Palestinians.
The Nazis were a well-armed powerful military. So is Zionist Israel.
Nazis wanted to get rid of Jews: Millions of Jews — and others — died in concentration camps.
Zionist Israel wants to get rid of non-Jews: Millions of Palestinian refugees are trapped by Israeli racism in crowded camps.
Bloch has it backward. The Palestinians are the ones who have been punitively discriminated against, insulted, harassed, cruelly persecuted and harshly impoverished by sovereign Israel’s institutionalized bigotry and extensive state sponsored terror.
And it is in everyone’s best interests to do all we can to keep Israel from becoming every bit as monstrous as Germany once was.
If indeed as Bloch himself said, “The old man symbolized something profound in the Jewish character, an abiding faith in the fundamental decency of human beings,” then Israel will realize the vital importance of respecting the basic human worth and dignity of the indigenous population of the Holy Land, and Israel will realize that the real key to a just and lasting peace is full implementation of U.N. Resolution 194 from 1948 — the Palestinian refugees inalienable right of return.
Badger Herald
Anne Selden Annab (September 10, 2005 @ 11:06 AM):
I was glad to see forthright " Israeli plan actually hurts Palestinians ."
Despite pervasive Zionist pressure to demonize the Palestinians at every opportunity and the many ongoing Zionist campaigns to pressure American colleges and media outlets into ignoring, dismissing or vilifying those who dare speak out for real justice and a lasting peace- people everywhere really are speaking out and explaining the truth about Israeli racism- and brutality.
Israel's plans hurt everyone. We need to know. It is not pleasant to face ugly reality when a plethora of polished Israeli propaganda has been painting such a different seemingly reasonable and rational picture... but we have been grossly misinformed by Zionists and we need to know the facts, not the fantasy, because American money and political support help make this terrible crime against humanity possible.***********************************************************************
Chicago Tribune
Anne Selden Annab
Published August 20, 2005
And I quite agree that "all cultures, ours included, need to move away from hatred and killing and terrorism and war."
This whole "do as I say but not as I do" philosophy really isn't working. We need to start with ourselves and do all we can to stop the hypocrisy and the hate-mongering right here at home, which keeps playing out into myopic foreign policies with disastrous consequences for all.
Letters to the Editor | ![]() | ||
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part and parcel of Israeli racism | |||
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Lynching is well known as a racist crime vigilante justice delivered by those already in power acting outside the law to brutally attack and harm and murder innocent people. |

End Israeli racism
If indeed Cal Thomas is worried about Jews being insulted- or slaughtered (column, Aug. 5), why in heaven's name is he so eager to support Israeli racism, segregation and political Zionism's ongoing war on the native non-Jewish population of the Holy Land?
One hundred years ago political Zionism invaded a land where Jews, Christians and Muslims were already living side by side. Political Zionism's roots are in a racist Europe, the same time and place that created the Nazi Holocaust with all its horrors. In turn, modern man-made Israel's immigration policies have been encouraging all Jews worldwide to "return," while intentionally refusing the same right to the indigenous Palestinian refugees who are trapped by Israeli racism in crowded and impoverished concentration camps.
Far too many of Israel's subsidized settlers and religious fanatics living in Jews-only communities throughout the illegally occupied territories are American Jews with full and equal rights in two countries, while most Palestinians have no real rights anywhere. But rather than acknowledging the very real plight of the Palestinians, Zionists demonize the Palestinians at every opportunity, in order to support Israeli racism and "The Jewish State."
The end of Jews-only privileges and perks would be a good thing -- civilized, fair and just, the real first step toward reconciliation and real peace with security for all.
-- ANNE SELDEN ANNAB, Mechanicsburg
Detroit Free Press
GAZA SETTLEMENTS: Can Israel's leaving lead to peace?
August 11, 2005
Racism and hope
I wonder where we would be now if Palestinians had a large network of consul generals, advisers and advocates in major American cities the way Israel does. What if for the past 100 years we had been hearing about the dark side of political Zionism? Would we even have had the heartbreak of 9/11 had we been listening closely to what was really going on as American money went to empower Israeli racism and war?
Having read Sherri Muzher's heartfelt column about human bonds and baby steps that build trust, I cannot help but be very grateful that hope still exists.
Anne Selden Annab
Mechanicsburg, Pa.
Thoughts on Boulos' "How can we keep what we cannot defend?"
4 Aug 2005 by umkahlilOne of the most tireless advocates for Palestinians is, as she describes herself, "just a housewife," Annie Annab, who writes around four-five letters-to-the-editor daily, ... Annie Annab "How can we keep what we cannot defend? ...
Providence Journal
Anti-Israel letter was a relief
01:00 AM EDT on Tuesday, August 9, 2005
I was delighted and relieved to read Betsy Lincoln's Aug. 3 letter "Israel wants to stir violence" concerning that awful segregation wall that Israel has been erecting on Palestinian land. That ugly zig-zagging wall is both a weapon and an act of war.
It never fails to stun me how many mindless American sheep sleepwalk through thoughts about Israel, allowing a foreign country to dictate how we think and how our Congress votes.
But every once in awhile I come across a great letter like Betsy Lincoln's and I remember there really is hope for us all: The truth, and only the truth, will set us free. So will full support for the Palestinian refugees' inalienable right of return.
Zionist propaganda won't. It will, however, continue to freely poison America, encouraging racist hate, and escalating war -- closing hearts and minds, and undermining real democracy, both here and in Israel -- as long as we allow it to.
Mechanicsburg, Pa.
***********************************************************************Boston Herald
Letters to the editor
May 9, 2005
Sharansky shows bias
I was surprised and pleased to read your editorial regarding President Bush's muse, Natan Sharansky, and his total failure to notice the plight of the Palestinian people while he enthusiastically advocates for what really should be called a racist Jews-only democracy ("Democracy for Gaza too," May 3).
Such blatant and blind racism is the epicenter of the violence and despair throughout the Holy Land. The ramifications at the cradle of civilization, including what happens in Iraq, are widespread.
No one is winning. You can't win a racist war.
- Anne Selden Annab, Mechanicsburg, Pa.
Go Annie, Go!
23 Jul 2005 by umkahlil... racist Israel really needs is much less US weaponry, money, sympathy and support. Sincerely,Anne Selden Annab letters 7-22-5 http://www.baltimoresun. com/news/opinion/oped/bal-ed.le.22jujul22,1,437102.story?coll=bal-oped-headlines.
Philadelphia Inquirer
No help to Palestinians
Re: "A unilateral Gaza pullout would only help Hamas," Commentary Page, July 20:
A more careful exploration of Israel's withdrawal forces one to realize that Israeli invasion, plus years of a long, ugly, brutal occupation, including the creation of multiple Jews-only communities and privileges, preceded the problems now confronting every side. Adding fuel to the fire, American money and weaponry have been empowering racist Israel maneuverings for years.
For more than 57 years, Palestinians have been mainly ignored and/or demonized and their complaints about racist Israeli injustice (and unilateral moves) dismissed. Withdraw? Israel continues to generously subsidize and encourage Israeli settlers. Palestinian homes continue to be demolished, trees uprooted and land usurped.
If we really want to help create a just and lasting peace - and maybe even a real democracy - we have a duty to honestly confront the facts and give voice to support for the rule of fair and just laws, including but not limited to the full implementation of the Palestinian refugees' inalienable right of return.
Otherwise we are only helping Israel shape Palestine into an elaborate prison camp for the native non-Jewish population of the Holy Land.
Anne Selden Annab
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Re: The politics of studying Israel Author: Anne Selden Annab, homemaker
Date: 06-20-05 12:17
I do not understand why Israeli studies and chairs are being established on our campuses when, unlike Jewish studies, the main point of Israeli studies is to intentionally ignore, dismiss or worse demonize the indigenous Palestinian perspective, in much the same way Palestinians are ignored, dismissed and/or demonized all through out world.
It used to just be the region, but America's global war on "terror" has enabled and encouraged our own government to formally charge Palestinian Americans with supporting terrorism.
For Israel's entire 57 year long existence Israel has refused to respect the Palestinian refugees inalienable right of return, it's a basic human right enshrined by international law... Israeli propagandists went from insisting that there was no such thing as a Palestinian to firmly insisting that the Palestinians objecting to such flagrant injustice are extremists and terrorists.
Right now Prof. Sami al-Arian is on trial in Florida, charged with supporting terrorism. Our government's evidence against al-Arian includes the testimony of politically motivated Israeli survivors of terror attacks. No mention is made of America's immense contributions to Israel's extensive state sponsored terrorism of the Palestinians which includes helicopter gunship attacks on impoverished refuge camps.
Establishing chairs to reinforce Israeli racism, seems rather misguided if not down right dangerous. It's not just the Palestinians that have to suffer the consequences of armed Israeli bigotry. Our own democracy is being undermined by such misguided pro-Israel politicking.
LA Times
Questions and Concerns About the 'L.A. 8'
I cry for the orphans of Palestine, suffering in crowded concentration camps, denied freedom and a future, refugees made refugees multiple times all because Israeli racism and war rules, rather than real justice and the possibility of peace.
Anne Selden Annab
Mechanicsburg, Pa.
The Times
Letters to the Editor
June 13, 2005,,59-1651840,00.html
Pessimism springs eternal in the Middle East
From Mrs Anne Selden Annab
Sir, That glimmer of hope you think you see in the Middle East is nothing but the glare of yet another Israeli gunship firing missiles at a Palestinian car. That’s not hope but heartlessness.
It is more of the same thing that has been going on for decades, as Israeli racism wreaks havoc in the region and beyond.
Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania
Build a Bridge to Peace
To:Sen. Arlen Specter
Sen. Rick Santorum
June 10, 2005
Please stop funding and encouraging Israeli transgressions of international - and moral - law.
Please get to the heart of the matter- the central injustice that has created so many horrible ramifications for millions of people- please start insisting the Israel fully respect the Palestinian refugees inalienable right of return to live in peace.
Palestinian rights are clearly enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and have been for Israel's entire existence.
Dismantle Israeli racism and help build a bridge to peace- one child at a time free to be equally cherished and kept safe from the ravages of state sponsored hate.
Mechanicsburg , PA

Washington Report, May/June 2005, pages 5-6 Letters to the Editor |
Caution on Search Engines
I noticed that you referred to a Google search that did not bring up all relevant information (March 2005 “Letters”). Please be very careful to not rely on Google—or any other search engine—to do a thorough job. Having found far too many important nuggets disappear, I am now in the habit of saving compelling information in a complex filing system in my e-mail on a secure computer, being careful to have both the link and ALL the original text. I send myself all pages I might want to refer to, and my mail tool has a search messages feature should I find my many subfolders a tad too confusing: Basically build your own reference encyclopedia. And be ever paranoid :-).
Anne Selden Annab, via e-mail***********************************************************************
Chicago Tribune,0,5449611.story?coll=chi-newsopinioncommentary-hed
Violating law
Anne Selden Annab
Published June 4, 2005
Copyright © 2005, Chicago Tribune
Detroit Metro Times weekly
A second opinion
Thank you for publishing Miriam Reik’s excellent letter "Listen to Tutu," concerning how extreme and cruel modern Israeli segregation policies are in comparison to the well-known racist atrocities of apartheid South Africa.
I am horrified that so many misguided fools, including our own Congress, are so eager and willing to propagate dangerous Israeli propaganda, empowering terrible crimes against humanity. We should know better, but most Americans don’t, despite the fact we all know that racism is wrong.
Thankfully, concerned citizens like Reik dare speak out. —Anne Selden Annab, Mechanicsburg, Pa.,
Letters To Leaders | |
All messages are published with permission of the sender. The general topic of this message is Foreign Affairs: |
Subject: Gaining more and more momentum Israeli racism rages on To: Sen. Arlen Specter Sen. Rick Santorum June 1, 2005 While AIPAC is happily pulling strings all over Washington, ensuring that our Congress will play like happy puppets applauding Israel's every move, Israel is now planning on demolishing a Palestinian neighborhood in Jerusalem. 1000 more human beings are about to have their lives and their homes viscously ripped into useless fragments and shards. But unlike Israel's settlers they have not broken any international laws. They just happen to be the "wrong" race/religion in a place that legally makes having the "right" religion a priority. 57 years ago racist Israeli conquest aggressively demolished hundreds of peaceful Palestinian villages, ushering in an era of escalating injustice and rage- and impoverished concentration camps crowded with defenseless men, women, and children who are frequently attacked by Israel's army & all sorts of heavy weaponry- much of it supplied by America. One by one it all adds up and right now millions of Palestinians have been mistreated and abused by Israeli racism. Gaining more and more momentum Israeli racism rages on, infiltrating America and undermining freedom and justice- and democracy- even here at home. State sponsored terrorism is more pervasive and more dangerous than any other threat we face. Mimicking Israel, trumped up charges imprison Dr. Al Arian in FLA, and with "terrorism experts" working overtime both in Israel and America, chances are good that this protracted legal lynching of a Palestinian professor in America will succeed. Meanwhile in Gaza, Thanks to generous amounts American foolishness, financial aid, and political support, Israel's subsidized armed religious extremists are holding firm. In fact at least one family ( if not many many more), maintain their home in one of Israel's many heavily subsidized Jews-only settlements in the West Bank while also setting up another home in Gaza, supposedly to help fight the withdraw. Gush Shalom took out an ad in Ha'aretz, complaining that the "The fiasco of the resettlement of the Gush Katif settlers is a planned failure. " Is it not obvious that Israel, over and over, can easily and swiftly expel non-Jewish Palestinians out of their homes and off their ancestral lands- proving with many such moves over the years that Israel really can move quickly when it wants. Our "friend" Israel is obviously only pretending to want peace- and that's a very dangerous game with world wide ramifications. Anne Selden Annab Mechanicsburg , PA |
Jerusalem Post
...of return
Sir, - Good idea. Finally admit a horrific wrong and make it right by respecting the Palestinian refugees' inalienable right of return - but don't say yes just to make it into another form of no.
Israel's demographic obsession with maintaining a false facade of "Jewish" character has created a situation where statistics are more important than human worth.
Israel should long ago have welcomed home the Palestinian refugees with full and equal rights and built a real democracy with real opportunities, including security for all.
Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania
Wall Street Journal online Opinion Journal
Listen to Those Who Burn the Constitution
Anne Selden Annab - Mechanicsburg, Pa.
Stuff and nonsense: "Amnesty's 'Gulag' " was nothing more than anti-peace and progress PR aimed at empowering an Israeli-inspired clash of civilizations.
Muslims marching in protest yesterday burned copies of our Constitution. Stop and think about that.
Democracy for all
Regarding, "Does Israel want peace?" May 6
I think that if Israel really wants peace, it needs to abandon the whole concept of a "Jewish democracy," in much the same way that America is no longer a "white male democracy."
It is simply uncivilized, wrong and unkind to harshly, or even gently, discriminate against a particular segment of the population.
Real democracy means full and equal rights for all, and a just nation ensures that its most vulnerable minorities - be they Arabs, Jews, orphans or whatever, enjoy equal rights, respect, opportunities and freedom.
Anne Selden Annab
Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania
Newsday Newspaper
city editon4-49-2005
America should not aid Israel
In the best of all possible worlds, Israel would have never started building and subsidizing its many armed Jews-only communities in the first place. Nor would Israel have systematically discriminated against the native non-Jewish population of that place so many call the Holy Land, cruelly impoverishing Palestinians in order to empower Jews. In the best of all possible worlds - or even in the worst - American money, weaponry, political and religious support should not be aiding and abetting a foreign country that stands in flagrant violation of multiple international laws.
Anne Selden Annab
Mechanicsburg, Pa.
Arab News§ion=21&d=29&m=4&y=2005&mode=dynamic§ionlist=no&pix=interact.jpg&category=Interact
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Right of Return Was Ray Hanania trying to funny when he wrote his April 25 article “Palestinians Must Accept Reality of the ‘Right of Return’”? I do not find the idea of encouraging ethnic cleansing and genocide very funny at all. Hanania is advocating what can only be called a prison camp — not a viable state — for the non-Jewish population of Israel, rolling out the red carpet for Israel to complete its ethnic cleansing. Is Hanania even aware that Israel’s Knesset has already openly discussed the transfer of Arab Israelis — removing the remaining Palestinians from their homes and land inside Israel proper — for the “good” of the state of course, and “transferring” them out? Transfer is not return. Transfer is ethnic cleansing. Will Israel stop with this? Will this insane “compromise” bring peace? I sincerely doubt it. Once rid of all remaining Arab voices and votes, Israel will have only its most racist self to listen to. It will be completely free to continue demonizing Arabs and Muslims and looking for excuses to make war on its neighbors, ways to grab more resources and water, ways to make life miserable for vulnerable men, women and children so that mighty Israel can call them terrorists and drop one-ton bombs on apartment buildings filled with sleeping children. |
Anne Selden Annab, United States published 29 April 2005 |
Letters To Congress
April 21, 2005
S.J. Res 14 & investing in Israeli racism
Dear Senators,
Sure Israel "supports religious freedom for all faiths" as stated in S.J. Res 14, but that pretty statement totally avoids the real truth which is that Jewish immigrants in Israel have many special rights and privileges routinely denied to the indigenous non-Jewish population... such as the right of return.
Yes worship however you want in Israel and its (illegally) occupied territories, but don't expect much support unless you are Jewish.
Yes worship however you want but if you are an Arab Christan or Muslim expect substandard schools, roads and services, in addition to checkpoints, curfews, and closures... and expect Israels' armored (American made) bulldozers to come your way.
Yes worship however you want but if you are a Palestinian refugee Israel will assume that you are a terrorist when ever you dare demand the right of return, even though that inalienable right has been clearly enshrined by and in international law for Israel's entire official existence.
Imagine being terrorized out of your home, off your land, and then told you are a terrorist for wanting to return.
Imagine watching your own home land and beloved city Jerusalem cut off from you by Zionist Israel's many Jews-only settlements and that awful apartheid wall.
And then imagine how the very much persecuted and impoverished Palestinians feel when they hear about America's Congress once again investing American tax payers precious time and money in Resolutions aimed at empowering Israeli racism.
Mechanicsburg , PA
Baltimore Sun
Zionist policies block path to peace
Before reading the latest heart-wrenching news in The Sun from that place so many call the "Holy Land" ("Palestinians threaten revenge after Israelis fatally shoot 3 teens," April 10), I came across this point by Leonard Pitts Jr., writing in "A lesson on racism they might understand" (Opinion
Commentary, April 10):"The problem was the ability of one group to codify that mistreatment in law and custom, wielding the levers of power to make life difficult for another group. Not simply to mistreat them, but to deny them work, lodging, education, housing, justice, life. And to do so with impunity. Systemic racism, you say. And they look at you and tell you they have no idea what you mean."
And I am forced to wonder about the very nature of Zionism, which enables the Jewish state to systematically persecute and impoverish the native, non-Jewish Palestinians.
And I look at my own growing sons and their friends, who are roughly the same ages as those Palestinian boys shot and killed by Israeli solders.
And for all our children's sakes, I wish that President Bush and our Congress and even the United Nations would take a firm stand and insist that Zionist Israel withdraw its racist laws and walls and really start working toward a just and lasting peace.
Anne Selden Annab
Mechanicsburg, Pa.
Right of Return Must Not Be Compromised
28 Apr 2005 by umkahlilAnnie Annab's response to Ray Hanania's editorial repudiating Al-Awda, an organization that insists that Palestinians must be afforded what is codified in international law, the Right of Return. RE: Palestinians must accept reality of ...
Jerusalem Post
Age of unreason
Sir, - Thank you for publishing Mike Odetalla's excellent letter, "End of the road" (Letters, March 30). How many more innocents must suffer, both Arab and Jew, while this cruel war continues?
Israeli children deserve better than this. Palestinian children deserve better than this. Another generation is coming of age knowing nothing but division and hate.
Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania
Providence Journal
Democratic farce
01:00 AM EST on Friday, April 1, 2005
Regarding Richard Asninof's March 30 letter, "Mideast democracy? You forgot Israel": He should note that Israel has intentionally "forgotten" to include the native non-Jewish men, women and children -- the Palestinian refugees -- as full and equal citizens, making Israeli democracy more of a farce than an actual fact.
Under the circumstances, hyping Israeli "democracy" mainly empowers American support for Israel's many brutally racist laws and policies that seek to silence the voice and vote of millions of indigenous people. I'd call that much more prejudiced and damaging than the name of Sunday and Monday's Providence Journal/Brown University conference, "Democracy in the Middle East: Is It Possible?
Mechanicsburg, Pa.
LA Times
Boot's Imagination Works Overtime
Spreading happy-happy joy-joy pro-war propaganda to American taxpayers is not the same thing as spreading democracy throughout the Middle East. Last I checked, Palestinian elections did not exactly free Palestine from Israel's stranglehold. And last I checked, Iraq was not exactly a haven of peace and security. War does not plant peace — war encourages chaos, cruelty and eventual retaliation.
Anne Selden Annab
Mechanicsburg, Pa.
VA Daily Press
February 25, 2005,0,7576779.story?coll=dp-opinion-editorials
Security undermined
Thank you for publishing the Rev. Dr. Robert Melone Jr.'s excellent op-ed, "Presbyterians advocate peace," concerning the importance of divesting from violence and state-sponsored terrorism in the place so many call the Holy Land.
America has been blindly spending billions annually to shore up Israel's cruelly racist war on the native non-Jewish population. This is simply and completely wrong. We should be investing in true peace and real justice with full and equal rights and privileges for all - real democracy. We should be working to uphold the rule of fair and just laws and decency and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We should be encouraging reconciliation and respect, not perpetual war. Otherwise we are only encouraging the worst in all people and undermining everyone's security - including our own.
Anne Selden Annab
Mechanicsburg, Pa.
The Chronicle
"Instant peace in the Middle East"
Posted 02/17/2005
It was absolutely invigorating to come across Mike Dickison's delightfully witty "Instant peace in the Middle East". I love the energy and the imagination of the young ! He takes a very very serious subject which is usually ignored or obscured by Zionist propaganda and rather than plodding methodically forward with the ugly facts about American hypocrisy (& racism) in the Middle East, he artfully conveys his message.
Well done Mr. Dickison- may you have many many many productive years of being a delightfully insightful human willing to use your valuable time and talent to stand up for the truth and for real justice- and a lasting peace.
Mechanicsburg PA
The Economist
SIR - Israeli soldiers and settlers have been methodically misdirecting our attention, and even our sympathy, for years (“Abbas sends in his men”,, January 21st). The dream and the possibility of a Palestinian state has been usurped by racist Israel so as to create a disjointed series of crowded concentration camps for the Palestinians. As long as Mahmoud Abbas is a satisfactory prison guard, Israel might refrain from destroying him.
Patriot News
Cal Thomas quotes a pleasant children's song to introduce and end his angry tirade against Palestinians (column, Jan 14). However, he quotes a lot of ugly Zionist propaganda, presenting out right lies fact.
Thomas enthusiastically propagates a foreign country's war mongering disinformation aimed at demonizing the native non-Jewish population of the "Holy Land" so as to excuse modern manmade Israel's many crimes against humanity.
Basic human rights, where Israel is concerned, translates into who gets them and who doesn't, a very unhealthy situation which has encouraged modern Israel to flagrantly violate multiple international laws.
Real hopes in the Middle East really do depend on real justice... and real peace depends on the full implementation of U.N Resolution 194 from 1948, the Palestinian refugees inalienable right of return.
Anne Selden Annab
The Day
Published on 1/14/2005

Human Rights Apply Even To Palestinians
Letters To The Editor:
You can tell that Charles Krauthammer is proud of himself for having been there for the signing of Oslo. Too bad he doesn't realize the importance of really being there in 1948, as a Palestinian when Zionist terrorism created the state of Israel. (“West too blind to see that Abbas is just another extremist,” Jan. 8.)
Zionist terrorism at that time included the destruction of hundreds of Palestinian villages. Israel might have wiped the names of these villages right off the face of modern Israeli maps, but the village names remain alive and cherished and the village names are spoken of frequently in the many refugee camps where the original inhabitants of the land and their descendants live.
This problem is not going away, no matter how much Israel and its supporters try to bully the world into believing that the inalienable right of return does not apply to Palestinians.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights applies to all people.
Israel's own track record consists of many nasty insults about the Palestinians, in addition to many ugly violations of international and moral law. Compared to Israel, Abbas is a complete and total pacifist.
Anne Selden Annab
Mechanicsburg, Pa.
New York Times
Mideast Prospects After Abbas's Victory (3 Letters)

Published: January 12, 2005
To the Editor:
Free, fair and democratic elections in the occupied territories might make many misguided Israelis and Americans feel good, but the fact remains that Oslo ushered in an era of aggressive Israeli land grabs.
Is a separate, viable and fully sovereign Palestinian state still possible? Many moderate and wise scholars who have devoted a great deal of research and honest thought to examining the situation think otherwise.
For instance, "Sharing the Land of Canaan," by Mazin B. Qumsiyeh, carefully studies human rights and the Israeli-Palestinian struggle. His conclusion is that a shared state is the best way to achieve justice and peace for Israelis and Palestinians.
As his book is not a mystery novel, I feel that it is fair to give away the ending: "We can either remain locked in our old mythological and tribal ways, or we can envision a better future and work for it. The choice is obvious."
Anne Selden Annab
Mechanicsburg, Pa.,
Jan. 11, 2005
The Jerusalem Post
Jan. 6, 2005 9:50Letters to the Editor
Sir, - Each and every Palestinian refugee should have full and equal rights in Israel proper.
The Right of Return is the ultimate weapon of peace. It is the only tool that can sculpt the creation of a just and lasting peace and a real democracy with full and equal rights for all.
No one should ever be discriminated against because of their race or religion. Upholding Palestinian rights is the only way to ensure that Jewish rights are also respected worldwide.
Have you not even noticed the Palestinians' sincere devotion to justice: Fifty-seven years and counting, and rather than forgetting, there are multiple books, articles, op-eds, letters, poems, stories, and even Web sites in every language - all in one way or another pointing out the vital importance of fully implementing UN Resolution 194 from 1948, the Palestinian refugees' inalienable right of return.
Imagine if, instead of carrying a gun and a grudge, Palestinian "militants" were free to build decent lives. Free to know their homes and their future were safe. Free to know that opportunities, including education and jobs, were everywhere. Free to know their children and families were valued parts of a society that respected and protected everyone's basic rights.
A society ruled not by racism, but by real justice.
Imagine demolishing all walls of hate and giving peace a chance.
Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania
Thu, Jan. 06, 2005
Palestinians' rights
The headline on the Jan. 2 news article says "Abbas promises refugees they'll be able to go home." It isn't merely Abbas' "promise"; the Palestinian refugees' inalienable right of return has been enshrined in international law for Israel's entire existence.
The refugees' right of return is the promise of civilization, the promise of fair and just laws and the promise of peace with security - even real democracy with full and equal rights for all, regardless of race or religion.
It is the promise that no one should be persecuted and impoverished because of race or religion. It is the promise that no one will be harassed and trapped in crowded concentration camps and denied both food and freedom. It is the promise that character counts.
One state or two, Israel's racist refusal to respect international law and the Palestinians' basic human rights is simply and completely a crime against humanity.
Anne Selden Annab
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